AC Motor Control and Electrical Vehicle Applications 2nd edition by Kwang Hee Nam – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0367732866 978-0367732868
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ISBN 10: 0367732866
ISBN 13: 978-0367732868
Author: Kwang Hee Nam
AC Motor Control and Electrical Vehicle Applications provides a guide to the control of AC motors with a focus on its application to electric vehicles (EV). It describes the rotating magnetic flux, based on which dynamic equations are derived. The text not only deals with the induction motor, but covers the permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM). Additionally, the control issues are discussed by taking into account the limitations of voltage and current. The latest edition includes more experimental data and expands upon the topics of inverter, pulse width modulation methods, loss minimizing control, and vehicle dynamics. Various EV motor design issues are also reviewed, while comparing typical types of PMSMs.
- Considers complete dynamic modeling of induction and PMSM in the rotating frame.
- Provides various field-oriented controls, while covering advanced topics in PMSM high speed control, loss minimizing control, and sensorless control.
- Covers inverter, sensors, vehicle dynamics, driving cycles, etc., not just motor control itself.
- Offers a comparison between BLDC, surface PMSM, and interior PMSM.
- Discusses how the motor produces torque and is controlled based on consistent mathematical treatments.
AC Motor Control and Electrical Vehicle Applications 2nd Table of contents:
Chapter 1 Preliminaries for Motor Control
1.1 Basics of Electromagnetics
1.1.1 Tensors
1.1.2 Riemann Integral and Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
1.1.3 Ampere’s Law
1.1.4 Faraday’s Law
1.1.5 Inductance
1.1.6 Analogy of Ohm’s Law
1.1.7 Transformer
1.1.8 Three Phase System
1.2 Basics of DC Machines
1.2.1 DC Machine Dynamics
1.2.2 Field Weakening Control
1.2.3 Four Quadrant Operation
1.2.4 DC Motor Dynamics and Control
1.3 Dynamical System Control
1.3.1 Gain and Phase Margins
1.3.2 PD Controller
1.3.3 PI Controller
1.3.4 IP Controller
1.3.5 PI Controller with Reference Model
1.3.6 2-DOF Controller
1.3.7 Variations of 2-DOF Structures
1.3.8 Load Torque Observer
1.3.9 Feedback Linearization
Chapter 2 Rotating Magnetic Field
2.1 Magneto Motive Force and Inductance
2.1.1 Single Phase Inductance
2.1.2 Inductance of Three Phase Uniform Gap Machine
2.2 Rotating Field
2.2.1 Rotating Field Generation by Inverter
2.2.2 High Order Space Harmonics
2.3 Change of Coordinates
2.3.1 Mapping into Stationary DQ Coordinate
2.3.2 Mapping into Synchronous Frame
2.3.3 Formulation via Matrices
2.3.4 Power Relations
2.3.5 Transformation of Impedance Matrices
2.4 PI Controller in Synchronous Frame
Chapter 3 Induction Motor Basics
3.1 IM Construction
3.2 IM Operation Principle
3.2.1 IM Equivalent Circuit
3.2.2 Torque-Speed Curve
3.2.3 Breakdown Torque
3.2.4 Stable and Unstable Regions
3.2.5 Parasitic Torques
3.3 Leakage Inductances
3.3.1 Inverse Gamma Equivalent Circuit
3.4 Circle Diagram
3.4.1 Torque and Losses
3.5 Current Displacement
3.5.1 Double Cage Rotor
3.5.2 Line Starting
3.6 IM Speed Control
3.6.1 Variable Voltage Control
3.6.2 VVVF Control
Chapter 4 Dynamic Modeling of Induction Motors
4.1 Voltage Equation
4.1.1 Flux Linkage
4.1.2 Voltage Equations
4.1.3 Transformation via Matrix Multiplications
4.2 IM Dynamic Models
4.2.1 ODE Model with Current Variables
4.2.2 IM ODE Model with Current-Flux Variables
4.2.3 Alternative Derivations
4.2.4 Steady State Models
4.3 Power and Torque Equations
Chapter 5 Induction Motor Control
5.1 Rotor Field Oriented Scheme
5.2 Stator Field Oriented Scheme
5.3 Field Weakening Control
5.3.1 Current and Voltage Limits
5.3.2 Torque–Speed Curve
5.3.3 Torque and Power Maximizing Solutions
5.4 IM Sensorless Control
5.4.1 Voltage Model Estimator
5.4.2 Current Model Estimator
5.4.3 Closed-Loop MRAS Observer
5.4.4 Dual Reference Frame Observer
5.4.5 Full Order Observer
5.4.6 Reduced Order Observer
5.4.7 Sliding Mode Observer
5.4.8 Reduced Order Observer by Harnefors
5.4.9 Robust Sensorless Algorithm
5.4.10 Relation between Flux and Current Errors
Chapter 6 Permanent Magnet AC Motors
6.1 PMSM and BLDCM
6.1.1 PMSM Torque Generation
6.1.2 BLDCM Torque Generation
6.1.3 Comparison between PMSM and BLDCM
6.2 PMSM Dynamic Modeling
6.2.1 Types of PMSMs
6.2.2 SPMSM Voltage Equations
6.2.3 IPMSM Dynamic Model
6.2.4 Multiple Saliency Effect
6.2.5 Multi-pole PMSM Dynamics and Vector Diagram
6.3 PMSM Torque Equations
6.4 PMSM Block Diagram and Control
6.4.1 MATLAB Simulation
Chapter 7 PMSM Control Methods
7.1 Machine Sizing
7.1.1 Machine Sizes under Same Power Rating
7.2 Current Voltage and Speed Limits
7.2.1 Torque versus Current Angle
7.3 Extending Constant Power Speed Range
7.3.1 Torque Speed Profile
7.4 Current Control Methods
7.4.1 Maximum Torque per Ampere Control
7.4.2 Transversal Intersection with Current Limit
7.4.3 Maximum Power Control
7.4.4 Maximum Torque per Voltage Control
7.4.5 Combination of Maximum Power Control Methods
7.4.6 Unity Power Factor Control
7.4.7 Current Control Contour for SPMSM
7.4.8 Properties when ψm = LdIs
7.4.9 Per Unit Model of PMSM
7.4.10 Power-Speed Curve
7.4.11 Wide CPSR
Chapter 8 Magnetism and Motor Losses
8.1 Soft and Hard Ferromagnetism
8.1.1 Permanent Magnet
8.1.2 Air Gap Field Determination
8.1.3 Temperature Dependence and PM Demagnetization
8.1.4 Hysteresis Loss
8.1.5 Skin Depth and Eddy Current Loss
8.1.6 Electrical Steel
8.2 Motor Losses
8.3 Loss Minimizing Control for IPMSMs
8.3.1 PMSM Loss Equation and Flux Saturation
8.3.2 Solution Search by Lagrange Equation
8.3.3 LMC Based Controller and Experimental Setup
8.3.4 Experimental Results
Chapter 9 PMSM Sensorless Control
9.1 IPMSM Dynamics in a Misaligned Frame
9.1.1 Different Derivation Using Matrices
9.1.2 Dynamic Model for Sensorless Algorithm
9.2 Back-EMF Based Angle Estimation
9.2.1 Morimoto’s Extended EMF Observer
9.2.2 Ortega’s Nonlinear Observer for Sensorless Control
9.2.3 Bobtsov’s Initial Parameter Estimator
9.2.4 Comparison between Back EMF and Rotor Flux Estimate . .
9.2.5 Starting Algorithm by Signal Injection
9.3 Sensorless Control by Signal Injection
9.3.1 Rotating Signal Injection in Stationary Frame
9.3.2 Signal Injection in a Synchronous Frame
9.3.3 PWM Level Square-Voltage Injection in Estimated Frame . .
Chapter 10 Pulse Width Modulation and Inverter
10.1 Switching Function and Six Step Operation
10.2 PWM Methods
10.2.1 Sinusoidal PWM
10.2.2 Injection of Third Order Harmonics
10.2.3 Space Vector Modulation
10.2.4 Sector Finding Algorithm
10.2.5 Space Vector Waveform
10.2.6 Discrete PWM
10.2.7 Overmodulation Methods
10.3 Common Mode Current and Countermeasures
10.4 Dead Time and Compensation
10.5 Position and Current Sensors
10.5.1 Encoder
10.5.2 Resolver and R/D Converter
10.5.3 Hall Current Sensor and Current Sampling
Chapter 11 Basics of Motor Design
11.1 Winding Methods
11.1.1 Full and Short Pitch Windings
11.2 MMF with Slot Openings
11.2.1 MMF with Current Harmonics
11.3 Fractional Slot Machines
11.3.1 Concentrated Winding on Segmented Core
11.3.2 Feasible Slot-Pole Number Combination
11.3.3 Torque-Producing Harmonic and Subharmonics
11.4 Demagnetization Analysis
11.4.1 PM Loss Influential Factors
11.4.2 PM Loss and Demagnetization Analysis
11.4.3 Armature Reaction
11.5 Torque Analysis
11.5.1 Torque Ripple
11.5.2 Cogging Torque
11.5.3 Radial Force Analysis
11.5.4 Back Iron Height and Pole Numbers
11.6 Reluctance Motors
11.6.1 Switched Reluctance Motors
11.6.2 Synchronous Reluctance Motors
11.6.3 PM Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine
11.7 Motor Types Depending on PM Arrangements
11.7.1 SPMSM and Inset SPMSM
11.7.2 IPMSM
11.7.3 Flux Concentrating PMSM
11.7.4 Temperature Rise by Copper Loss
Chapter 12 EV Motor Design and Control
12.1 Requirements of EV Motor
12.2 PMSM Design for EVs
12.2.1 Pole and Slot Numbers
12.2.2 PM and Flux Barrier Arrangements
12.3 PMSM Design for EV Based on FEA
12.3.1 Flux Density and Back EMF Simulation
12.3.2 Voltage Vector Calculation
12.3.3 Flux Linkage Simulation and Inductance Calculation
12.3.4 Method of Drawing Torque-Speed Curve
12.4 Finite Element Analysis
12.4.1 Torque Simulation
12.4.2 Loss Analysis
12.4.3 PM Demagnetization Analysis
12.4.4 Mechanical Stress Analysis
12.5 PMSM Fabrication
12.5.1 Stator Assembly
12.5.2 Rotor Assembly
12.6 PMSM Control in Practice
12.6.1 Coil Resistance Measurement
12.6.2 Back EMF Constant Measurement
12.6.3 Inductance Measurement
12.6.4 Look-up Table for Optimal Current Commands
12.6.5 Torque Control with Voltage Anti-Windup
Chapter 13 Vehicle Dynamics
13.1 Longitudinal Vehicle Dynamics
13.1.1 Aerodynamic Drag Force
13.1.2 Rolling Resistance
13.1.3 Longitudinal Traction Force
13.1.4 Grade
13.2 Acceleration Performance and Vehicle Power
13.2.1 Final Drive
13.2.2 Speed Calculation with Torque Profile
13.3 Driving Cycle
13.3.1 Mechanical Power Calculation
13.3.2 Electrical Power Calculation
13.3.3 Motor and Inverter Loss Calculation
13.3.4 Efficiency over Driving Cycle
Chapter 14 Hybrid Electric Vehicles
14.1 HEV Basics
14.1.1 Types of Hybrids
14.1.2 HEV Power Train Components
14.2 HEV Power Train Configurations
14.3 Series Drive Train
14.3.1 Simulation Results of Series Hybrids
14.4 Parallel Drive Train
14.4.1 Electrical Continuous Variable Transmission
14.4.2 Planetary Gear
14.4.3 Power Split with Speeder and Torquer
14.4.4 Motor/Generator Operation Principle
14.5 Series/Parallel Drive Train
14.5.1 Prius Driving Cycle Simulation
14.5.2 2017 Prius Plug-in Two-Mode Transmission
14.5.3 Gen 2 Volt Powertrain
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