Archival Arrangement and Description Analog to Digital 1st editon by Lois Hamill – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1442279168, 9781442279162
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1442279168
ISBN 13: 9781442279162
Author: Lois Hamill
Archival Arrangement and Description: Analog to Digital teaches the core functions of arrangement and description. A historical summary grounds new archivists to assess proposed changes for digital files. After presenting the basics of arrangement and description (processing) for analog materials, the text segues to digital materials incorporating the OAIS preservation model into a detailed, sample workflow. Although accessioning and technical appraisal precede processing, they are discussed because they are performed differently for digital materials and create a different starting point for processing digital files. Description is external to the OAIS model but linked to it. Recent advances in description and its delivery are presented along with concerns for the ability of smaller archives to participate in envisioned future developments that are technology reliant. New specialties like digital curation and data curation show the continued relevance of archival expertise for the digital future. Rich with extras, the text includes and points to many readily web accessible additional resources.
Archival Arrangement and Description Analog to Digital 1st Table of contents:
1 A Brief History of Arrangement and Description
2 Performing Arrangement and Description
3 Introduction to Digital Records
4 Appraising Digital Records
5 Accessioning Archival Records
6 Archival Arrangement of Digital Records
7 Digital Description
8 Digital Access to Description and Records
9 Parting Thoughts
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