The ACE Programmers Guide 1st edition by Stephen, James, Umar – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0201699710, 9780201699715
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0201699710
ISBN 13: 9780201699715
Author: Stephen D. Huston; James CE Johnson; Umar Syyid
The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE) is an open-source software toolkit created to solve network programming challenges. Written in C++, with the help of 30 core developers and 1,700 contributors, this portable middleware has evolved to encapsulate and augment a wide range of native OS capabilities essential to support performance-driven software systems. The ACE Programmer’s Guide is a practical, hands-on guide to ACE for C++ programmers building networked applications and next-generation middleware. The book first introduces ACE to beginners. It then explains how you can tap design patterns, frameworks, and ACE to produce effective, easily maintained software systems with less time and effort. The book features discussions of programming aids, interprocess communication (IPC) issues, process and thread management, shared memory, the ACE Service Configurator framework, timer management classes, the ACE Naming Service, and more.
The ACE Programmers Guide 1st Table of contents:
Part I: ACE Basics
1. Introduction to ACE
1.1 A History of ACE
1.2 ACE’s Benefits
1.3 ACE’s Organization
1.4 Patterns, Class Libraries, and Frameworks
1.5 Porting Your Code to Multiple Operating Systems
1.6 Smoothing the Differences among C++ Compilers
1.7 Using Both Narrow and Wide Characters
1.8 Where to Find More Information and Support
1.9 Summary
2. How to Build and Use ACE in Your Programs
2.1 A Note about ACE Versions
2.2 Guide to the ACE Distribution
2.3 How to Build ACE
2.4 How to Include ACE in Your Applications
2.5 How to Build Your Applications
2.6 Summary
3. Using the ACE Logging Facility
3.1 Basic Logging and Tracing
3.2 Enabling and Disabling Logging Severities
3.3 Customizing the ACE Logging Macros
3.4 Redirecting Logging Output
3.5 Using Callbacks
3.6 The Logging Client and Server Daemons
3.7 The LogManager Class
3.8 Runtime Configuration with the ACE Logging Strategy
3.9 Summary
4. Collecting Runtime Information
4.1 Command Line Arguments and ACE_Get_Opt
4.2 Accessing Configuration Information
4.3 Building Argument Vectors
4.4 Summary
5. ACE Containers
5.1 Container Concepts
5.2 Sequence Containers
5.3 Associative Containers
5.4 Allocators
5.5 Summary
Part II: Interprocess Communication
6. Basic TCP/IP Socket Use
6.1 A Simple Client
6.2 Adding Robustness to a Client
6.3 Building a Server
6.4 Summary
7. Handling Events and Multiple I/O Streams
7.1 Overview of the Reactor Framework
7.2 Handling Multiple I/O Sources
7.3 Signals
7.4 Notifications
7.5 Timers
7.6 Using the Acceptor-Connector Framework
7.7 Reactor Implementations
7.8 Summary
8. Asynchronous I/O and the ACE Proactor Framework
8.1 Why Use Asynchronous I/O?
8.2 How to Send and Receive Data
8.3 Establishing Connections
8.4 The ACE_Proactor Completion Demultiplexer
8.5 Using Timers
8.6 Other I/O Factory Classes
8.7 Combining the Reactor and Proactor Frameworks
8.8 Summary
9. Other IPC Types
9.1 Interhost IPC with UDP/IP
9.2 Intrahost Communication
9.3 Summary
Part III: Process and Thread Management
10. Process Management
10.1 Spawning a New Process
10.2 Using the ACE_Process_Manager
10.3 Synchronization Using ACE_Process_Mutex
10.4 Summary
11. Signals
11.1 Using Wrappers
11.2 Event Handlers
11.3 Guarding Critical Sections
11.4 Signal Management with the Reactor
11.5 Summary
12. Basic Multithreaded Programming
12.1 Getting Started
12.2 Basic Thread Safety
12.3 Intertask Communication
12.4 Summary
13. Thread Management
13.1 Types of Threads
13.2 Priorities and Scheduling Classes
13.3 Thread Pools
13.4 Thread Management Using ACE_Thread_Manager
13.5 Signals
13.6 Thread Start-Up Hooks
13.7 Cancellation
13.8 Summary
14. Thread Safety and Synchronization
14.1 Protection Primitives
14.2 Thread Synchronization
14.3 Thread-Specific Storage
14.4 Summary
15. Active Objects
15.1 The Pattern
15.2 Using the Pattern
15.3 Summary
16. Thread Pools
16.1 Understanding Thread Pools
16.2 Half-Sync/Half-Async Model
16.3 Leader/Followers Model
16.4 Thread Pools and the Reactor
16.5 Summary
Part IV: Advanced ACE
17. Shared Memory
17.1 ACE_Malloc and ACE_Allocator
17.2 Persistence with ACE_Malloc
17.3 Position-Independent Allocation
17.4 ACE_Malloc for Containers
17.5 Wrappers
17.6 Summary
18. ACE Streams Framework
18.1 Overview
18.2 Using a One-Way Stream
18.3 A Bidirectional Stream
18.4 Summary
19. ACE Service Configurator Framework
19.1 Overview
19.2 Configuring Static Services
19.3 Setting Up Dynamic Services
19.4 Setting Up Streams
19.5 Reconfiguring Services During Execution
19.6 Using XML to Configure Services and Streams
19.7 Configuring Services without svc.conf
19.8 Singletons and Services
19.9 Summary
20. Timers
20.1 Timer Concepts
20.2 Timer Queues
20.3 Prebuilt Dispatchers
20.4 Managing Event Handlers
20.5 Summary
21. ACE Naming Service
21.1 The ACE_Naming_Context
21.2 A Single-Process Naming Context: PROC_LOCAL
21.3 Sharing a Naming Context on One Node: NODE_LOCAL
21.4 Sharing a Naming Context across the Network: NET_LOCAL
21.5 Summary
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