Ambient Backscatter Communication Networks 1st Edition by Dinh Thai Hoang,Dusit Niyato,Dong In Kim,Nguyen Van Huynh,Shimin Gong PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1108480861 978-1108691383
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1108480861
ISBN 13: 978-1108691383
Author: Dinh Thai Hoang,Dusit Niyato,Dong In Kim,Nguyen Van Huynh,Shimin Gong
Understand the fundamental principles and applications of ambient backscatter technology with this authoritative review. Covering both theory and practical engineering, leading researchers describe and explain hardware design, network design, and signal processing, and discuss architectures, protocols, communication methods, open research issues, emerging applications, and advanced system models with innovative solutions. This is an essential tool for graduate students, researchers, engineers, developers, and entrepreneurs.
Table of contents:
Preface page xiii
Part I Fundamentals of Ambient Backscatter Communication 1
1 Self-Sustaining Wireless Communication Networks 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Traditional Energy Harvesting Networks 5
1.2.1 Wireless Power Transfer 5
1.2.2 Wireless-Powered Communication Networks 9
1.2.3 Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer
(SWIPT) 12
1.3 Ambient Backscatter Communication Networks 18
1.3.1 Backscatter Communication Systems 18
1.3.2 Overview of Ambient Backscatter Communication Systems 20
1.3.3 Potential Applications and Implementation of Ambient
Backscatter Communication Networks 23
1.4 Summary 24
2 Fundamentals of Ambient Backscatter Communication 33
2.1 Introduction 33
2.2 Fundamentals of Modulated Backscatter 34
2.3 Channel Coding and Decoding 36
2.4 Modulation and Demodulation 41
2.5 Backscatter Communication Channels 46
2.5.1 General Models of Backscatter Communication Channels 46
2.5.2 Link Budgets for Backscatter Channels 48
2.5.3 Theoretical Analyses and Experimental Measurements 51
2.6 Research Challenges 53
2.7 Summary 54
3 Circuit and Antenna Designs for Ambient Backscatter 62
3.1 Introduction 62
3.2 Circuit Design 64
3.3 Antenna Design 68
viii Contents
3.3.1 Operating Frequency 68
3.3.2 Impedance Matching 71
3.3.3 Antenna Gain 72
3.3.4 Polarization Mismatch 72
3.4 Ambient Backscatter Transmitter Design 73
3.4.1 Modulator 74
3.4.2 Energy Harvester 76
3.4.3 Micro-Controller 78
3.4.4 Circuit and Antenna Designs for Ambient Backscatter
Transmitters 82
3.5 Ambient Backscatter Receiver Design 86
3.5.1 Interference Canceler 87
3.5.2 Diversity Combiner 90
3.5.3 Maximum Likelihood Detector 91
3.6 Summary 93
Part II Architectures, Protocols, and Performance Analysis 97
4 Wireless-Powered Communication Networks with Ambient Backscatter 99
4.1 Wireless-Powered Communication Networks 99
4.1.1 Wireless Energy Harvesting Technology 99
4.1.2 Architecture of an RF Energy Harvesting Device 100
4.1.3 Basic Models of WPCNs 101
4.2 The Integration of Ambient Backscatter Technology to WPCNs 103
4.2.1 Wireless Hybrid Transmitter Devices 103
4.2.2 Wireless Hybrid Receiver Devices 104
4.2.3 Advantages of the Integration of Ambient Backscatter
Communication to WPCNs 104
4.3 WPCNs with Ambient Backscatter: Performance Analysis 105
4.3.1 Network Model 105
4.3.2 Geometric Modeling 109
4.3.3 Performance Evaluation 111
4.3.4 Analytical Results 112
4.3.5 Performance Evaluation and Analysis 115
4.4 Summary and Future Work 122
5 Cognitive Radio Networks with Ambient Backscatter Communication 125
5.1 Fundamental Background 125
5.1.1 Cognitive Radio 125
5.1.2 RF-Powered Cognitive Radio Networks 128
5.2 RF-Powered Cognitive Radio Networks with Ambient Backscatter
Communication 130
5.2.1 Circuit Diagram to Integrate Ambient Backscatter
Communication 131
Contents ix
5.2.2 RF-Powered Overlay CRNs with Ambient Backscatter 132
5.2.3 RF-Powered Underlay CRNs with Ambient Backscatter 140
5.3 Extended Models and Open Issues 151
5.3.1 Extended Models of RF-Powered CRNs with Ambient
Backscatter 151
5.3.2 Open Issues 154
6 Ambient Backscatter Relay Communication 157
6.1 Introduction 157
6.2 Relay Communication with RF Energy Harvesting 158
6.2.1 Time-Switching and Power-Splitting Protocols for Energy
Harvesting Relay 158
6.2.2 Single Relay-Assisted Communication 159
6.2.3 Relay Selection from Multiple Energy Harvesting Relays 161
6.2.4 Cooperative Beamforming of Multiple Energy Harvesting
Relays 162
6.3 Backscatter-Aided Communication with Energy Harvesting 164
6.3.1 Wireless-Powered Hybrid Radio Networks 164
6.3.2 A Literature Review 169
6.3.3 Passive Relaying Game 171
6.3.4 Performance Comparison 176
6.4 Two-Hop Backscatter Relay Communication 176
6.4.1 Dual-Mode Transmission Capability 178
6.4.2 Problem Formulation and Solutions 180
6.4.3 Numerical Evaluation 185
6.5 Summary and Future Work 187
7 Performance Analysis of Ambient Backscatter 193
7.1 Introduction 193
7.2 Signal Detection of Ambient Backscatter 194
7.2.1 Maximum Likelihood Detection 196
7.2.2 Covariance-Based Detection 200
7.2.3 Multi-Level Signal Detection 201
7.2.4 Performance with Random RF Emitters 203
7.2.5 Capacity and Outage Performance 204
7.3 Multi-Antenna Detection for Ambient Backscatter 205
7.3.1 Multiple Antennas at the Receiver 206
7.3.2 Ratio Detector and Antenna Selection 208
7.3.3 Multiple Antennas at the Transmitter 209
7.4 Performance Analysis with Multiple Backscatter Transmitters 211
7.4.1 Backscatter Transmission Scheduling 211
7.4.2 Two-Way Backscatter Relay Communication 213
7.4.3 Multiple-Access Backscatter Communication 213
7.5 Summary and Future Work 214
x Contents
Part III Challenges, Approaches, and Emerging Topics 219
8 Performance Improvement for Ambient Backscatter Communication
Systems 221
8.1 Introduction 221
8.2 Multiple-Access Schemes 222
8.3 Communication Range and Data Rate 224
8.3.1 Backscatter Design 226
8.3.2 Coding and Modulation Techniques 229
8.3.3 Energy Harvesting and Backscatter Scheduling 232
8.3.4 Full-Duplex Technique 233
8.3.5 Signal Detection and Interference Cancellation 234
8.4 Reliability and Robustness 236
8.5 Challenges and Future Research Directions 238
8.6 Summary 239
9 Power Management 245
9.1 Power Management in Backscatter Communication 245
9.1.1 Power Management in Bistatic Backscatter Devices 245
9.1.2 Power Management in Ambient Backscatter Devices 246
9.2 Circuit Designs 247
9.3 Hybrid Backscatter Communication in Wireless-Powered Hybrid
Networks 249
9.3.1 System Model 249
9.3.2 Transmission Rate of Backscatter Communication 253
9.3.3 Macro-Zone Analysis 255
9.3.4 Outdoor Wi-Fi-Zone Analysis 261
9.3.5 Performance Analysis 263
9.4 Backscatter-Based Cooperative Communication 267
9.4.1 Protocol Description 268
9.5 Challenges and Future Research Directions 270
10 Open Issues and Emerging Research Topics 275
10.1 Open Issues 275
10.1.1 Interference Management 275
10.1.2 Security Issues 276
10.1.3 Standardization and Regulation 278
10.1.4 Integration of ABCSs into Existing Wireless and Mobile
Networks 279
10.2 Emerging Research Topics 280
10.2.1 Full-Duplex-Based Ambient Backscatter 280
10.2.2 Ultra-Wideband Backscatter Communication 283
Contents xi
10.2.3 Millimeter-Wave-Based Ambient Backscatter 286
10.2.4 Visible-Light Backscatter Communication 287
10.2.5 AI for Future Ambient Backscatter Communication 290
10.3 Conclusion 292
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Dinh Thai Hoang,Dusit Niyato,Dong In Kim,Nguyen Van Huynh,Shimin Gong,Backscatter,Communication Networks
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