College Reading and Study Skills 13th Edition by Kathleen McWhorter, Brette M Sember – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0134111702, 978-0134111704
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0134111702
ISBN 13: 978-0134111704
Author: Kathleen McWhorter, Brette M Sember
College Reading and Study Skills approaches reading and studying as inseparable skills, crucial to success in college and beyond. It teaches reading, critical thinking, and study skills while demonstrating their interdependency. Students are encouraged to approach reading and study skills as methods of selecting, processing, and organizing the information to be learned. The text also covers time management, analysis of learning style, note-taking strategies, improving vocabulary, and strengthening critical comprehension—all elements crucial to student success.
Also available with MyReadingLab™
MyReadingLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to complement this text by engaging students and improving results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them develop their reading skills — ultimately promoting transference of those skills to college-level work. Full-length readings and assignments from the text are available in the etext version of MyReadingLab, strengthening the connection between the classroom and work done outside of class.
College Reading and Study Skills 13th Table of contents:
- Introduction to College Reading and Study Skills
- How to Use This Book
- Key Features of the 13th Edition
Chapter 1: The Reading Process
- The Importance of Reading in College
- Active Reading vs. Passive Reading
- Previewing, Questioning, and Predicting
- Reading for Purpose and Understanding
- Overview of Reading Strategies
Chapter 2: Improving Vocabulary Skills
- The Role of Vocabulary in Reading Comprehension
- Context Clues and Word Parts (Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes)
- Using a Dictionary and Thesaurus Effectively
- Strategies for Expanding Vocabulary
- Building Academic Vocabulary
Chapter 3: Reading and Understanding College Textbooks
- Approaching Different Types of Textbooks (Narrative, Expository, Technical)
- Identifying Main Ideas and Supporting Details
- Annotating and Highlighting Text
- Creating Effective Notes from Textbook Reading
- Organizing Information from Complex Texts
Chapter 4: Improving Reading Comprehension
- Techniques for Understanding Complex Texts
- Identifying Topic Sentences and Key Concepts
- Summarizing and Paraphrasing Information
- Identifying Inferences and Implications
- Practice Exercises for Comprehension
Chapter 5: Critical Reading and Thinking
- The Role of Critical Thinking in College Reading
- Analyzing Arguments and Evidence
- Identifying Bias, Assumptions, and Logical Fallacies
- Evaluating Sources of Information
- Applying Critical Thinking to Reading
Chapter 6: Speed Reading Techniques
- Techniques for Increasing Reading Speed
- Reducing Subvocalization and Regression
- Using Skimming and Scanning Strategies
- Balancing Speed and Comprehension
- Practice Exercises for Speed Reading
Chapter 7: Reading and Note-Taking in Lectures
- Active Listening and Note-Taking Strategies
- Organizing Notes Using Outline and Cornell Methods
- Reviewing and Revising Notes After Class
- Tips for Effective Note-Taking in Different Disciplines
- Connecting Notes to Reading Materials
Chapter 8: Reading and Writing Across Disciplines
- Understanding Disciplinary Approaches to Reading and Writing
- Reading for Analysis in the Humanities
- Reading for Research and Problem Solving in the Sciences
- Writing Skills for Summarizing and Analyzing Readings
- Writing Essays Based on Readings
Chapter 9: Reading and Studying for Exams
- Strategies for Reading Assigned Materials for Exams
- Active Reading Techniques for Review
- Organizing and Memorizing Information for Tests
- Practice with Multiple-Choice, Short Answer, and Essay Questions
- Test-Taking Strategies
Chapter 10: Time Management and Study Habits
- The Importance of Time Management in College Success
- Setting Goals and Priorities
- Creating a Study Schedule and Sticking to It
- Overcoming Procrastination
- Building Productive Study Habits
Chapter 11: Improving Memory and Retention
- Techniques for Improving Memory (Mnemonics, Visualization, etc.)
- The Role of Repetition in Retention
- Active Recall and Spaced Repetition
- Reviewing Notes and Texts Effectively
- Using Study Groups for Retention
Chapter 12: Reading for Research and Writing Papers
- Finding and Evaluating Scholarly Sources
- Reading for Research Purposes
- Synthesizing Information from Multiple Sources
- Organizing Research and Writing Papers
- Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism
- Additional Practice Exercises
- Glossary of Key Terms
- Resource List for Further Study
- Answers to Selected Exercises
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Kathleen McWhorter,Brette M Sember,College Reading,Study Skills
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