Color Atlas of Emergency Trauma 2nd Edition by Demetrios Demetriades , Edward Newton – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: B008CDSC6G 978-1107001527
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ISBN 13: 978-1107001527
Author: Demetrios Demetriades , Edward Newton
The new edition of this full-color atlas presents nearly 900 images from one of the largest and busiest trauma centers in North America. The images bring the reader to the bedside of patients with the full spectrum of common and uncommon traumatic injuries including motor vehicle accidents, falls, lacerations, burns, impalements, stabbings and gunshot wounds. The clinical, operative and autopsy photographs; x-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and angiography radiographs; and original illustrations depicting injury patterns will help guide clinicians in recognizing, prioritizing and managing trauma patients. Organized by major body regions into separate chapters on the head, face, neck, chest, abdomen, musculoskeletal system, spine and soft tissue, this thorough text discusses management guidelines, emergency workup protocols and common pitfalls. The Color Atlas of Emergency Trauma is an essential resource for those involved in trauma care.
Color Atlas of Emergency Trauma 2nd Table of contents:
1 Head Injury
1.1 Scalp Injuries
1.2 Skull Fractures
1.3 Intracranial Hematomas
1.4 Penetrating Head Injury
1.5 Transtentorial Herniation
1.6 Diffuse Cerebral Edema
1.7 Pediatric Head Injury
1.8 Diffuse Axonal Injury
2 Facial Injury
2.1 Eye Injuries
2.2 Periorbital Lacerations
2.3 Facial Fractures
2.4 Nasal Injuries
2.5 Penetrating Facial Trauma
2.6 Complex Oromaxillofacial Trauma
2.7 Facial Nerve Injury
2.8 Parotid Gland Injury
3 Neck Injury
Penetrating Neck Injuries
3.1 Anatomical Zones of the Neck
3.2 Epidemiology of Penetrating Neck Trauma
3.3 Physical Examination of Penetrating Injuries of the Neck
3.4 Protocol for Initial Evaluation and Management of Penetrating Injuries to the Neck
3.5 Radiological Investigations for Penetrating Neck Trauma
3.6 Evaluation of the Vascular Structures in the Neck
3.7 Evaluation of the Aerodigestive Tract in the Neck
3.8 Airway Establishment in the Presence of a Neck Hematoma
3.9 Bleeding Control in the Emergency Department
3.10 Penetrating Trauma to the Carotid Artery
3.11 Penetrating Trauma to the Vertebral Artery
3.12 Penetrating Trauma to the Subclavian Vessels
Blunt Neck Trauma
3.13 Vascular Injuries
3.14 Blunt Laryngotracheal Trauma
4 Thoracic Injury
4.1 Chest Wall, Soft Tissues
4.2 Rib Fractures
4.3 Hemo-Pneumothorax
4.4 Lung Contusion
4.5 Subcutaneous Emphysema
4.6 Penetrating Cardiac Injury
4.7 Blunt Cardiac Trauma
4.8 Blunt Thoracic Aortic Injury
4.9 Penetrating Thoracic Outlet Injuries
4.10 Transmediastinal Gunshot Wounds
4.11 Diaphragmatic Injuries
4.12 Esophageal Injuries
4.13 Thoracic Duct Injury
4.14 Traumatic Asphyxia
4.15 Impaled Thoracic Foreign Bodies
5 Abdominal Injury
Blunt Abdominal Trauma
5.1 Mechanism of Injury
5.2 Diagnosis of Hemoperitoneum
5.3 Splenic Injuries
5.4 Liver Injuries
5.5 Pancreatic Injuries
5.6 Renal Injuries
5.7 Bladder Injuries
5.8 Urethral Injuries
5.9 Duodenal Injuries
5.10 Small-Bowel Injuries
5.11 Colorectal Injuries
Penetrating Abdominal Trauma
5.12 Mechanism of Injury
5.13 Investigations in Penetrating Abdominal Injury
5.14 Transpelvic Gunshot Injuries
5.15 Penetrating Injuries to the Liver
5.16 Penetrating Splenic Injuries
5.17 Penetrating Pancreatic Injuries
5.18 Penetrating Renal Injuries
5.19 Penetrating Colorectal Injuries
5.20 Abdominal Vascular Injuries
5.21 Abdominal Trauma in Pregnancy
6 Musculoskeletal Injury
6.1 Classification of Fractures
6.2 Open Fractures
6.3 Mangled Extremity
6.4 Open Joint Injury
6.5 Epiphyseal Injuries
6.6 Torus and Greenstick Fractures
6.7 Supracondylar Fracture
6.8 Amputations
6.9 Tendon Injury
6.10 Peripheral Vascular Injury
6.11 Peripheral Nerve Injury
6.12 Metacarpal Fractures
6.13 Scaphoid Fractures
6.14 Scapholunate Dislocation
6.15 Lunate and Perilunate Dislocation
6.16 Wrist Fractures
6.17 Forearm Fractures
6.18 Elbow Dislocation
6.19 Radial Head Fracture
6.20 Humeral Fracture
6.21 Shoulder Dislocation
6.22 Clavicle Fracture
6.23 Sternoclavicular Dislocation
6.24 Scapula Fracture
6.25 Pelvic Fractures
6.26 Hip Dislocation
6.27 Hip Fractures
6.28 Femoral Shaft Fracture
6.29 Patellar Fracture
6.30 Tibial Plateau Fracture
6.31 Knee Dislocation
6.32 Maisonneuve Fracture Complex
6.33 Ankle Dislocation
6.34 Subtalar Dislocation
6.35 Lisfranc Fracture
6.36 Metatarsal Base Fractures
6.37 Calcaneal Fractures
7 Spinal Injuries
Spinal Cord Injuries
7.1 Complete Spinal Cord Transection
7.2 Central Cord Syndrome
7.3 Brown-Séquard Syndrome
7.4 Anterior Cord Syndrome
Upper Cervical Spine Dislocations
7.5 Atlanto-Occipital Dislocation
7.6 Atlantoaxial Dislocation
7.7 Rotatory Subluxation of C-1 on C-2
7.8 Ligamentous Injuries
Cervical Spine Fractures
7.9 C-1 Burst Fracture (Jefferson Fracture)
7.10 Odontoid (Dens) Fractures (C-2)
7.11 Hangman’s Fracture (C-2)
7.12 Fractures of the Lower Cervical Spine (C-3–C-7)
7.13 Flexion and Extension Teardrop Fracture
7.14 Compression or Burst Fracture of the Vertebral Body
7.15 Clay Shoveler’s Fracture
7.16 Fractures of the Pedicles, Laminae, and Lateral Masses
7.17 Facet Dislocation
7.18 Cervicothoracic Spinal Injury
Thoracic Spine Injuries
Lumbar Spine Injuries
7.19 Lumbar Compression Burst Fractures
7.20 Chance Fractures
7.21 Fracture-Dislocation of the Lumbar Spine
Pediatric Spinal Injury
Penetrating Injuries to the Spinal Cord
8 Burn Injuries
Extent of Burn Injury
8.1 First-Degree Burn
8.2 Second-Degree Burn
8.3 Third-Degree Burn
8.4 Fourth-Degree Burn
Special Considerations of Burn Injury
8.5 Inhalation Injury
8.6 Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
8.7 Circumferential Burn
8.8 Scald Burns
8.9 Chemical Burns
8.10 Electrical Burns
8.11 Outcome of Burn Injury
9 Soft Tissue Injuries
9.1 Dog Bite Injury
9.2 Cat Bite Injury
9.3 Human Bite Injury
9.4 High-Pressure Injection Injury
9.5 Retained Foreign Body
9.6 Extremity Compartment Syndrome
10 Ballistics
10.1 Definitions
10.2 Low-Velocity Projectiles
10.3 High-Velocity Projectiles
10.4 Shotgun Injuries
10.5 Blast Injuries
10.6 Nonlethal Weapons
10.7 Myths and Facts about Bullets
11 Disaster Medicine
11.1 Epidemiology of Injuries in Mass Disasters
11.2 Triage
11.3 Specific Injuries
11.4 Guidelines for Rescue Efforts
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