Communication Principles for a Lifetime 6th edition by Steven Beebe, Susan Beebe, Diana Ivy – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0133882489, 9780133882483
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0133882489
ISBN 13: 9780133882483
Author: Steven A. Beebe, Susan J. Beebe, Diana K. Ivy
Communication Principles for a Lifetime 6th Table of contents:
Foundations of Communication
- The Communication Process
- Models and Principles of Communication
- Communication in a Diverse World
Self and Perception in Communication
- Self-Concept and Self-Esteem
- Perception Process and Influences
- Improving Perceptual Accuracy
Language and Meaning
- Verbal Communication and Language Rules
- Language Barriers and Effective Language Use
- Cultural Influence on Language
Nonverbal Communication
- Types of Nonverbal Communication (Kinesics, Proxemics, etc.)
- Functions of Nonverbal Communication
- Enhancing Nonverbal Skills
Listening and Responding
- The Listening Process and Barriers to Listening
- Types of Listening (Critical, Empathic, Active)
- Improving Listening Competence
Interpersonal Communication
- Building Interpersonal Relationships
- Conflict and Conflict Resolution
- Communication Climates and Relational Dynamics
Communication in Groups and Teams
- Group Development and Dynamics
- Roles, Norms, and Group Cohesion
- Effective Group and Team Communication
Leadership and Decision Making in Groups
- Leadership Styles and Theories
- Problem-Solving and Decision-Making in Groups
- Strategies for Effective Group Outcomes
Public Speaking Basics
- Overcoming Speech Anxiety
- Audience Analysis and Adaptation
- Selecting and Narrowing a Speech Topic
Developing Your Speech
- Organizing Speech Structure
- Developing a Thesis and Main Points
- Creating an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion
Delivering Your Speech
- Methods of Delivery (Impromptu, Manuscript, Extemporaneous)
- Voice, Tone, and Body Language
- Using Visual Aids and Technology
Informative Speaking
- Types of Informative Speeches
- Researching and Supporting Informative Content
- Strategies for Effective Informative Presentations
Persuasive Speaking
- Principles of Persuasion and Argumentation
- Organizing Persuasive Messages
- Strategies for Ethical Persuasion
Special Types of Speeches
- Ceremonial and Inspirational Speaking
- Speech for Special Occasions
- Adapting Communication to Unique Contexts
Adapting to Communication Challenges
- Communicating in a Global and Diverse Society
- Addressing Ethical Challenges in Communication
- Adapting Communication in a Digital World
- Speech Outlines and Sample Speeches
- Glossary of Key Terms
- Index
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