Communication Principles for a Lifetime 6th Edition by Steven A. Beebe, Susan J. Beebe, Diana K. Ivy. – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0133882489, 9780133882483
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0133882489
ISBN 13: 9780133882483
Author: Steven A. Beebe, Susan J. Beebe, Diana K. Ivy.
A five-principles approach that helps students build practical communication skills
Communication: Principles for a Lifetime was designed to address the biggest challenge when teaching Introduction to Communication: how to present the variety of fundamental theory and skills without overwhelming learners. By organizing the text around five key principles of communication, authors Steven Beebe, Susan Beebe, and Diana Ivy help students to see the interplay among communication concepts, skills, and contexts. The sixth edition retains this successful five-principles framework, and adds updated content and a new learning architecture that better helps students build, and use, strong communication skills — in the course and beyond.
Also available with MyCommunicationLab®
MyCommunicationLab for the Introduction to Communication course extends learning online, engaging students and improving results. Media resources with assignments bring concepts to life, and offer students opportunities to practice applying what they’ve learned. And MediaShare offers an easy, mobile way for students and instructors to interact and engage with speeches, visual aids, group projects, and other files. Please note: this version of MyCommunicationLab does not include an eText.
Communication Principles for a Lifetime 6th Table of contents:
Part I: Foundations of Communication
Communication: A First Look
- The Communication Process
- Communication Models
- The Importance of Communication in Our Lives
- The Role of Communication in Society
Communication and Perception
- The Role of Perception in Communication
- Perception and the Self
- Social Cognition
- Stereotyping
Listening and Responding
- The Listening Process
- Barriers to Listening
- Listening Styles
- Improving Your Listening Skills
Part II: Verbal Communication 4. The Verbal Communication Process
- Language as a System of Symbols
- The Functions of Language
- The Relationship Between Language and Meaning
- Language and Culture
Verbal Communication in Context
- Language and Power
- Gender and Language
- Humor and Language
Nonverbal Communication
- Nonverbal Communication Defined
- Nonverbal Codes
- The Functions of Nonverbal Communication
- Nonverbal Communication and Culture
Part III: Interpersonal Communication 7. The Self and Communication
- The Self-Concept
- Self-Esteem and Self-Disclosure
- The Role of Identity in Communication
Interpersonal Communication
- Characteristics of Interpersonal Communication
- Relationships and Communication
- Communication in Different Types of Relationships
- Improving Interpersonal Communication
Listening and Responding in Interpersonal Communication
- The Importance of Active Listening
- Responding Appropriately in Conversations
- Empathy and Supportive Listening
Part IV: Communication in Groups and Teams 10. Group Communication
- The Importance of Group Communication
- Group Dynamics and Decision-Making
- Roles and Norms in Groups
- Group Communication in Practice
- Team Communication
- Characteristics of Effective Teams
- Teamwork and Collaboration
- Managing Conflict in Teams
- Leadership in Teams
Part V: Public Communication 12. The Speech Preparation Process
- Selecting and Narrowing Your Topic
- Audience Analysis
- Organizing Your Speech
- Outlining Your Speech
- Delivering Your Speech
- Verbal and Nonverbal Delivery
- Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety
- Using Visual Aids Effectively
- Speaking to Inform
- Types of Informative Speeches
- Organizing Informative Content
- Strategies for Engaging Your Audience
- Speaking to Persuade
- The Art of Persuasion
- Persuasive Strategies and Techniques
- Organizing Persuasive Arguments
- Ethical Considerations in Persuasion
Part VI: Communication in a Digital World 16. Communication and Technology
- The Role of Technology in Communication
- Digital Communication and Social Media
- The Impact of Technology on Relationships
- Communication in the Workplace
- Organizational Communication
- Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace
- Communication Skills for Professional Success
Part VII: Special Topics in Communication 18. Cultural Diversity and Communication
- The Role of Culture in Communication
- Understanding Cultural Differences
- Communicating Across Cultures
- Conflict and Communication
- The Nature of Conflict
- Conflict Resolution Strategies
- Communicating in Conflict Situations
- Ethics and Communication
- Ethical Communication in Practice
- Ethical Issues in Media and Technology
- The Role of Ethics in Public Communication
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