Conflict Management for Managers 2nd editon by Susan Raines by Author1, Author2 – Ebook PDF Instant : 1538119927, 9781538119921
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1538119927
ISBN 13: 9781538119921
Author: Susan S. Raines
Conflict Management for Managers: Resolving Workplace, Client, and Policy Disputes provides current and future organizational leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to prevent and manage every common source of conflict faced at work. Great managers and leaders understand they must communicate effectively, lead diverse teams, provide effective feedback, meet customer expectations, attend to organizational culture, and proactively manage relationships with vendors and regulators. This text provides skill-building exercises to help you lead effective meetings, build strong teams, conduct performance appraisals that motivate team members, coach employees and other managers through difficult times, and craft a positive brand image for both your organization and your own career. The text is divided into three sections: Conflict Management & Collaboration basics, including assessments designed to rate your current skills and set goals for growth; Strategies for preventing conflicts inside your work teams and organizations, including tips for giving feedback, motivating team members, and creating positive organizational cultures; and Processes and skills for enhancing relationships with external stakeholders such as customers, vendors, and regulators. Thoroughly updated, this new edition incorporates a greater number of skill-building exercises, discussion questions, and goal-setting suggestions to allow for the active transition of these skills from the printed page into your daily work life
Conflict Management for Managers 2nd Table of contents:
Section I. Basic Conflict Management Knowledge and Skills
1 Manager Know Thyself: The Skills and Behaviors of Great Conflict Managers
2 Theory to Practice: The Root Causes and Cures of Conflict
3 The Power of Negotiation: Essential Concepts and Skills
4 The Alternative Dispute Resolution Process Continuum
5 Embracing Diversity, Inclusion, and Intercultural Communication Skills for the Twenty-first-century Organization
Section II. The Prevention and Resolution of Internal Organizational Conflicts
6 Organizational Culture: The Cornerstone of Success
7 Reducing Employee Conflict: Performance Reviews, Turnover, Motivation, and Working with Unions
8 Leadership: Creating Collaborative Teams and Organizations
9 Organizational Dispute System Design
10 The Ombudsman at Work: Coaching, Facilitating, Training, and Shaping Organizations
Section III. The Prevention and Resolution of External Organizational Conflicts
11 Principles and Systems for Superior Customer Service and Customer Recapture
12 Public Policy Decision Making and Collaboration
13 Facilitating Meetings and Large Group Decision-making Processes
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