Contracts in Context From Transaction to Litigation 2nd editon by Nadelle Grossman, Eric Zacks – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1543857701, 9781543857702
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1543857701
ISBN 13: 9781543857702
Author: Nadelle Grossman; Eric A. Zacks
Contracts in Context: From Transaction to Litigation explores why parties enter into contracts, how written contracts are customarily structured, and how and why parties use contract design and terms to achieve their goals. The book is unique because it introduces students to customary contract provisions, and walks students through the lifecycle of a contract, including (i) pre-formation activities such as due diligence, preliminary negotiations, and contract drafting, (ii) contract formation, performance, and amendment, and (iii) dispute activities, such as interpretation, enforcement, defenses, and remedies. The book explores how parties “contract around” default requirements of the law, in addition to satisfying mandatory aspects of the law, through contracts. The book describes the role of both the transactional lawyer and litigator in working with contracts. It presents much of the material in expository fashion rather than only or primarily through cases. This allows students to learn the doctrine more easily. It also allows for more time on applying the law to new situations. The book challenges students to apply contract law through transactional and litigation practice and simulation problems, which are adaptable to the classroom and asynchronous setting.
Contracts in Context From Transaction to Litigation 2nd Table of contents:
Chapter 1: What Is a Contract? Why Is It Used?
A. Definition of Contract
B. Why People Contract
C. Contract Policy
Chapter 2: Structure and Role of Contract Law
A. Construct of Contract Law
B. Contract Law Is State Law
C. Choice of Law
D. Governing Law
E. Relationship of Contract Law to Other Areas of Law
Chapter 3: Parts of a Contract and Contract Terms
A. Factors in Determining Structure and Content of Contract
B. Specific Parts of the Contract and Typical Content
C. Preparing the Written Contract
Chapter 4: Mutual Assent
A. Contract Inquiry in Transactions and Litigation
B. Objective Nature of Mutual Assent
C. Offer
D. Acceptance
Chapter 5: Mutual Assent Under UCC Article 2
A. When Does Article 2 of the UCC Apply?
B. The UCC’s General Approach
C. Introductory Comments About Article 2
D. UCC Rules Governing Mutual Assent
Chapter 6: “Forms,” Electronic Contracting, Smart Contracts, and Mutual Assent
A. Shrinkwrap Terms
B. Clickwrap Terms
C. Browsewrap Terms
D. Disappearance of Mutual Assent in Electronic Contracting
E. Electronic Signatures
F. Smart Contracts
Chapter 7: Consideration
A. Justification for Consideration Doctrine
B. Determining the Existence of Consideration
Chapter 8: Special Bargain Rules for Option Contracts
A. Typical Option Contract Situation and For
Chapter 9: Lawyer’s Representation of Clients in Contracting
A. Introduction to Transactional Lawyers
Chapter 10: Prebargain Diligence and Documentation
A. Sample Prebargain Process
Chapter 11: Contract Negotiation and Drafting
A. Performing Express Provisions
Chapter 12: Performing and Modifying the Contract
A. Performing Express Provisions
Chapter 13: Judicial Interpretation of Contract Terms
A. Emergence of Mutual Misunderstanding and Ambiguity
Chapter 14: Implied Terms Under the UCC
A. Implied Duty of Good Faith
B. Implied Warranties
Chapter 15: Proving a Contract’s Terms: The Parol Evidence Rule
A. Parol Evidence Rule Requirements and Operation
Chapter 16: Excuses to Performance
A. How Defenses Work in Practice
B. Material Breach/Failure
Chapter 17: Introduction to Defenses to Enforcement and the Statute of Frauds
A. Defense as to Form: Statute of Frauds
Chapter 18: Incapacity
A. Infancy
Chapter 19: Duress and Undue Influence
A. Duress
B. Undue Influence
Chapter 20: Misrepresentation
A. Misrepresentation
B. Promissory Fraud
C. Fraud in the Execution
Chapter 21: Unconscionability and Public Policy
A. Unconscionability
B. Defense Due to Defects in Terms
Chapter 22: Promissory Estoppel
A. Theory of Promissory Estoppel
B. Elements of Promissory Estoppel
C. Pleading Alternative Theories
D. Applicability of the Statute of Frauds in Promissory Estoppel Cases
Chapter 23: Alternative Theories of Recovery Absent a Bargain or Reliance
A. Recovery in the Absence of a Promise
B. Promises in Recognition of a Past Material Benefit
C. Policy Concerns
Chapter 24: Remedies Generally; Damages
A. Purpose of Remedies
B. Monetary Damages
C. Expectation Damages
D. Reliance Damages
E. Restitutionary Damages
F. Remedies Opinions
Chapter 25: Limits on Damages
A. Agreed Limits on Damages
B. Foreseeability
C. Reasonable Certainty
D. Causation
E. Other Limits
G. Mitigation
Chapter 26: Specific Performance and Agreed Remedies
A. Specific Performance
B. Agreed Remedies: Liquidated Damages
Chapter 27: Disallowed Damages
A. Punitive Damages
B. Attorneys’ Fees
C. Damages for Emotional Distress
Chapter 28: UCC Remedies
A. Seller Remedies
B. Buyer Remedies
Chapter 29: Rights, Duties, and Liabilities of Third Parties
A. Third-Party Beneficiary
B. Assignment of Rights and Delegation of Duties
C. Tortious Interference with Contract
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