Disordered Pharmaceutical Materials 1st edition by Marc Descamps – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 3527331255, 978-3527331253
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ISBN 10: 3527331255
ISBN 13: 978-3527331253
Author: Marc Descamps
A one-stop resource for researchers, developers, and post graduate students in pharmaceutical science. This handbook and ready reference provides detailed, but not overloaded information — presenting the topic without unnecessarily complex formalism.
As such, it gives a systematic and coherent overview of disordered materials for pharmaceutical applications, covering fundamental aspects, as well as preparation and characterization techniques for the target-oriented development of drug delivery systems based on disordered crystals and amorphous solids. Special attention is paid to examine the different facets and levels of disorder in their structural and dynamic aspects as well as the effect of disorder on dissolution and stability. Chapters on processing induced disorder and on patenting issues round off the book. As a result the book helps overcoming the challenges of using these materials in the pharmaceutical industry.
For pharmaceutical and medicinal chemists, materials scientists, clinical physicists, and pharmaceutical laboratories looking to make better and more potent pharmaceuticals.
Disordered Pharmaceutical Materials 1st Table of contents:
- Overview of Disordered Pharmaceutical Materials
- Importance of Disorder in Pharmaceutical Development
- Scope of the Book
Chapter 1: Introduction to Disordered Materials
1.1 Definition and Types of Disordered Materials
1.2 Structural Disorder and its Implications
1.3 Types of Disorder in Pharmaceuticals
- Amorphous vs. Crystalline Materials
- Molecular and Structural Disorder
1.4 Importance in Drug Design and Development
Chapter 2: Fundamental Concepts in Disorder
2.1 Disorder in Crystalline Solids
2.2 Molecular Disorder and Polymorphism
2.3 Disorder in Amorphous Solids
2.4 Thermodynamics of Disordered Materials
2.5 Methods of Characterizing Disorder
Chapter 3: Amorphous Pharmaceutical Materials
3.1 Properties of Amorphous Drugs
3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages in Drug Formulation
3.3 Stability and Shelf-life of Amorphous Pharmaceuticals
3.4 Techniques for Stabilizing Amorphous Drugs
3.5 Case Studies of Amorphous Drugs
Chapter 4: Crystallization and Disorder in Pharmaceuticals
4.1 The Role of Crystallization in Drug Development
4.2 The Impact of Disorder on Crystallization
4.3 Polymorphism and Solvates in Pharmaceuticals
4.4 Techniques for Controlling Crystallization
4.5 Case Studies of Crystalline Drugs with Disorder
Chapter 5: Solid-State Characterization Techniques
5.1 X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
5.2 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
5.3 Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
5.4 Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
5.5 Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
5.6 Raman Spectroscopy
Chapter 6: Formulation Challenges and Solutions
6.1 The Effect of Disorder on Drug Formulation
6.2 Drug Release Profiles in Disordered Materials
6.3 Techniques for Enhancing Solubility and Bioavailability
6.4 Nanocrystals and Amorphous Solid Dispersions
6.5 Strategies for Formulating Disordered Pharmaceutical Products
Chapter 7: The Role of Disordered Materials in Drug Delivery
7.1 Disordered Materials in Controlled Release Systems
7.2 The Impact on Drug Absorption and Pharmacokinetics
7.3 Challenges in Designing Drug Delivery Systems
7.4 Nanomedicine and Disordered Materials
7.5 Future Trends in Disordered Materials for Drug Delivery
Chapter 8: Stability and Regulatory Considerations
8.1 Stability Issues of Disordered Pharmaceuticals
8.2 Regulatory Frameworks for Disordered Drug Products
8.3 The Impact of Disorder on Drug Stability and Shelf Life
8.4 Case Studies in Regulatory Approval of Disordered Drugs
Chapter 9: Advanced Topics in Disordered Pharmaceutical Materials
9.1 Disorder-Induced Properties in Drug-Excipient Interactions
9.2 Solid-State Chemistry and Disorder
9.3 The Role of Disorder in Drug Resistance
9.4 Personalized Medicine and Disordered Materials
Chapter 10: Future Perspectives
10.1 Emerging Technologies for Characterizing Disorder
10.2 Innovations in Disordered Pharmaceutical Systems
10.3 The Future of Amorphous and Disordered Pharmaceuticals
10.4 Challenges and Opportunities in Drug Development
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