Distillation Design and Control Using Aspen Simulation 2nd Edition by William Luyben – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1118411439, 9781118411438
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:1118411439
• ISBN 13:9781118411438
• Author:William Luyben
As the search for new energy sources grows ever more urgent, distillation remains at the forefront among separation methods in the chemical, petroleum, and energy industries. Most importantly, as renewable sources of energy and chemical feedstocks continue to be developed, distillation design and control will become ever more important in our ability to ensure global sustainability.
Using the commercial simulators Aspen Plus® and Aspen Dynamics®, this text enables readers to develop optimal steady-state designs for distillation systems. Moreover, readers will discover how to develop effective control structures. While traditional distillation texts focus on the steady-state economic aspects of distillation design, this text also addresses such issues as dynamic performance in the face of disturbances.
Distillation Design and Control Using Aspen Simulation 2nd Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Vapor–Liquid–Equilibrium (VLE)
1.1 Vapor Pressure
1.2 Binary VLE Phase Diagrams
1.3 Physical Property Methods
1.4 Relative Volatility
1.5 Bubble Point Calculations
1.6 Ternary Diagrams
1.7 VLE Nonideality
1.8 Residue Curves for Ternary Systems
1.9 Distillation Boundaries
1.10 Conclusions
Chapter 2: Analysis of Distillation Columns
2.1 Design Degrees of Freedom
2.2 Binary Mccabe–Thiele Method
2.3 Approximate Multicomponent Methods
2.4 Conclusions
Chapter 3: Setting Up a Steady-State Simulation
3.1 Configuring a New Simulation
3.2 Specifying Chemical Components and Physical Properties
3.3 Specifying Stream Properties
3.4 Specifying Parameters of Equipment
3.5 Running the Simulation
3.6 Using Design Spec/Vary Function
3.7 Finding the Optimum Feed Tray and Minimum Conditions
3.8 Column Sizing
3.9 Conceptual Design
3.10 Conclusions
Chapter 4: Distillation Economic Optimization
4.1 Heuristic Optimization
4.2 Economic Basis
4.3 Results
4.4 Operating Optimization
4.5 Optimum Pressure for Vacuum Columns
4.6 Conclusions
Chapter 5: More Complex Distillation Systems
5.1 Extractive Distillation
5.2 Ethanol Dehydration
5.3 Pressure-Swing Azeotropic Distillation
5.4 Heat-Integrated Columns
5.5 Conclusions
Chapter 6: Steady-State Calculations for Control Structure Selection
6.1 Control Structure Alternatives
6.2 Feed Composition Sensitivity Analysis (ZSA)
6.3 Temperature Control Tray Selection
6.4 Conclusions
Chapter 7: Converting From Steady-State to Dynamic Simulation
7.1 Equipment Sizing
7.2 Exporting to Aspen Dynamics
7.3 Opening the Dynamic Simulation in Aspen Dynamics
7.4 Installing Basic Controllers
7.5 Installing Temperature and Composition Controllers
7.6 Performance Evaluation
7.7 Conclusions
Chapter 8: Control of More Complex Columns
8.1 Extractive Distillation Process
8.2 Columns with Partial Condensers
8.3 Control of Heat-Integrated Distillation Columns
8.4 Control of Azeotropic Columns/Decanter System
8.5 Unusual Control Structure
8.6 Conclusions
Chapter 9: Reactive Distillation
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Types of Reactive Distillation Systems
9.3 Tame Process Basics
9.4 Tame Reaction Kinetics and Vle
9.5 Plantwide Control Structure
9.6 Conclusions
Chapter 10: Control of Sidestream Columns
10.1 Liquid Sidestream Column
10.2 Vapor Sidestream Column
10.3 Liquid Sidestream Column with Stripper
10.4 Vapor Sidestream Column with Rectifier
10.5 Sidestream Purge Column
10.6 Conclusions
Chapter 11: Control of Petroleum Fractionators
11.1 Petroleum Fractions
11.2 Characterization Crude Oil
11.3 Steady-State Design of Preflash Column
11.4 Control of Preflash Column
11.5 Steady-State Design of Pipestill
11.6 Control of Pipestill
11.7 Conclusions
Chapter 12: Divided-Wall (Petlyuk) Columns
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Steady-State Design
12.3 Control of the Divided-Wall Column
12.4 Control of the Conventional Column Process
12.5 Conclusions and Discussion
Chapter 13: Dynamic Safety Analysis
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Safety Scenarios
13.3 Process Studied
13.4 Basic Radfrac Models
13.5 Radfrac Model with Explicit Heat-Exchanger Dynamics
13.6 Dynamic Simulations
13.7 Comparison of Dynamic Responses
13.8 Other Issues
13.9 Conclusions
Chapter 14: Carbon Dioxide Capture
14.1 Carbon Dioxide Removal in Low-Pressure Air Combustion Power Plants
14.2 Carbon Dioxide Removal in High-Pressure IGCC Power Plants
14.3 Conclusions
Chapter 15: Distillation Turndown
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Control Problem
15.3 Process Studied
15.4 Dynamic Performance for Ramp Disturbances
15.5 Dynamic Performance for Step Disturbances
15.6 Other Control Structures
15.7 Conclusions
Chapter 16: Pressure-Compensated Temperature Control in Distillation Columns
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Numerical Example Studied
16.3 Conventional Control Structure Selection
16.4 Temperature/Pressure/Composition Relationships
16.5 Implementation in Aspen Dynamics
16.6 Comparison of Dynamic Results
16.7 Conclusions
Chapter 17: Ethanol Dehydration
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Optimization of the Beer Still (Preconcentrator)
17.3 Optimization of the Azeotropic and Recovery Columns
17.4 Optimization of the Entire Process
17.5 Cyclohexane Entrainer
17.6 Flowsheet Recycle Convergence
17.7 Conclusions
Chapter 18: External Reset Feedback to Prevent Reset Windup
18.1 Introduction
18.2 External Reset Feedback Circuit Implementation
18.3 Flash Tank Example
18.4 Distillation Column Example
18.5 Conclusions
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