Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 1st editon by Russell Lang, Terry Hancock, Nirbhay Singh – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:3319309234, 9783319309231
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 3319309234
ISBN 13: 9783319309231
Author: Russell Lang, Terry B. Hancock, Nirbhay N. Singh
This book examines early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) programs for young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It analyzes current research on early intervention (EI) and explains the importance of accurate, timely detection of ASD in facilitating the use of EI. Chapters address five widely researched EIBI approaches: Discrete Trial Training, Pivotal Response Training, the Early Start Denver Model, Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching, and Enhanced Milieu Teaching. This in-depth study of current EIBI approaches offers a rigorous guide to earlier and more intensive interventions for children with ASD, leading to greater autonomy and improved later life outcomes for individuals. Featured topics include: Parent-implemented interventions and related issues. Evaluations of controversial interventions used with children with ASD. Factors contributing to rising ASD prevalence. Obstacles to obtaining accurate ASD diagnosis in young children. Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians, and graduate students in developmental, clinical child, and school psychology, behavioral therapy/rehabilitation, social work, public health, educational policy and politics, and related psychology and behavioral health fields.
Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Overview of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention for Children with Autism
Why Are Interventions for Autism Not Based on Etiology?
Biological and Nature-Based Etiological Theories
Environmental and Nurture-Based Etiological Theories
Early Intervention
Intensive Intervention
Behavioral Intervention
Chapter 2: Early Diagnostic Assessment
DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for ASD
Prevalence of ASD
Obstacles to Obtaining ASD Diagnostic Assessment and/or Accurate Diagnosis
Assessment Practices
Screening for ASD
Level One
Level Two
Diagnosing ASD
Autism Diagnostic Tools
Developmental Assessment
Considerations for High-Risk Siblings
Novel Approaches to Diagnostic Assessment
Future Research
Implications for Practitioners and/or Families
Chapter 3: Discrete Trial Training
DTT: Teaching Procedures and Variations
Prompt Fading and Error Correction
Task Interspersal
Intertrial Interval (ITI)
Individual Versus Group Format
Conditional Discriminations
The DTT Programming Model
Distraction Free Environment
Structured Curriculum
Trials and Intensity of Intervention
Guidelines for Implementing the DTT Programming Model
Starting the DTT Program and Services
Programs and Targets
Components of the Specific Instructional Program
Analysis of Progress and Program Modification
Facilitating and Evaluating Progress Towards Socially Meaningful Outcomes
Teaching Others to Implement DTT
Behavioral Skills Training
Alternative Modalities
DTT Intervention Research: Large-Scale Outcomes
Summary of the DTT Outcome Study Literature
Summary of Meta-analyses/Systematic Reviews
Suggestions for Future Research
Chapter 4: Pivotal Response Treatment
Theoretical Basis in Learned Helplessness
Deficits Resulting from Learned Helplessness
Learned Helplessness and Autism
Increasing Motivation to Overcome Learned Helplessness
Instructions for Implementing PRT Procedures
Child Choice
Reinforcing Attempts
Direct and Natural Reinforcers
Interspersing Maintenance and Acquisition Tasks
Task Variation
The Motivational Package of PRT
Pivotal Areas
Response to Multiple Cues
Review of Research on PRT Procedures
Suggestions for Future Research
Implications for Families and Practitioners
Chapter 5: Early Start Denver Model
The Early Start Denver Model: Origins and Implementation
Background and Theory
Practice and Implementation
Child Initial Skill Evaluation
Development of Children’s Individualized Learning Objectives
Specifying the Target Behavior
Specifying the Mastery Criterion
Specifying the Generalization Criterion
Taking Data and Monitoring Children’s Progress
Altering Teaching Strategies: Addressing Individual Children’s Response to Intervention
Training and Certification Procedures
Fidelity of Direct Implementation
Delivering ESDM in a Group Format
Parent Coaching and Procedures for Involving Parents
Review of Existing Literature
Evidence for ESDM Efficacy in Promoting Child Change
Child Characteristics Associated with Positive Outcomes
ESDM for High Risk Infants
ESDM Dissemination Science
Therapist Training
Parent Coaching
Recommendations for Future Research
Considerations for Practitioners and Families Interested in the ESDM
Chapter 6: Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching
Theoretical Background of PMT
Implementation of PMT
Review of Intervention Research
Suggestions for Future Research
Implications for Practitioners and Families
Chapter 7: Enhanced Milieu Teaching
Theoretical Support for EMT
Theoretical Basis for EMT Strategies That Connect
Theoretical Basis for Supporting EMT Strategies
Theoretical Basis for Teaching
Review of Empirical Support for EMT
Seminal Parent-Implemented EMT Study
Seminal Therapist-Implemented EMT Study
Therapist and Parent-Implemented EMT
Therapist-Implemented EMT
Parent-Implemented EMT
Parent Plus Therapist Compared to Therapist-Only EMT
EMT Variations
EMT with High-Risk Families
EMT Using a VOCA
Blended EMT Interventions
Blended EMT and Behavior Intervention
Blended EMT and JASPER with Toddlers with Down Syndrome
Blended EMT and JASPER with School-Aged Children with Autism
Implementing EMT
EMT Strategies That Connect
Environmental Arrangement to Connect
Following the Child’s Lead
Matched Turns
EMT Strategies That Support Language
Language Responsiveness
EMT Strategies That Teach Language
Language Modeling
Environmental Arrangement for Requests
Prompting Strategies
Considerations When Implementing EMT
Future Research Directions for EMT
Diverse Families
More Efficient Delivery Models
Chapter 8: Training Parents to Implement Early Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Di
Overview of Parent Involvement in Early Intervention
Targeted Parent Skills and Desired Outcomes
Parent Education and Training Delivery Methods to Increase Parent Skills
Group-Based Parent Education and Training
Individualized Parent Education and Coaching
Internet-Based Parent Training
Psychosocial Interventions to Decrease Parent Mental Health Symptoms
Training Parents Acros Autism Symptomology
Social Communication
Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors and Interests (RRBIs)
Challenging Behaviors
Pre-Academic Skills
Functional Life Skills
Discussion and Future Research
Suggestions for Practice
Chapter 9: Fad, Pseudoscientific, and Controversial Interventions
The Rise in Popularity of Fad, Pseudoscientific, and Controversial Treatment
Characteristics of Fad, Pseudoscientific, and Controversial Interventions
Science, Anti-Science, and Pseudoscience
Skepticism and Credulity
Errors in Reason and Psychological Explanations Related to Unsupported Interventions
Fallacious Logic and Argument
Confirmation Bias
Magical Thinking
Specific Fad, Controversial, and Pseudoscientific Interventions in ASD
Communication-Based Interventions
Facilitated Communication
Rapid Prompting Method™
Sensory-Based and Neurological Interventions
Sensory Integration
Auditory Integration Training
Irlen Lenses
Brain Gym
Psychomotor Patterning
Neurofeedback and Mirror Neurons
Developmental Treatment Models and ASD
Gentle Teaching
Holding Therapy
Son-Rise Program™
Biomedical Treatments of ASD
Vitamin Supplements
Probiotics and Other Gastrointestinal Treatments
Gluten-Casein-Free Diet
Chelation Therapy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
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