Effective Coding with VHDL Principles and Best Practice 1st edition by Ricardo Jasinski – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0262034220 978-0262034227
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0262034220
ISBN 13: 978-0262034227
Author: Ricardo Jasinski
A guide to applying software design principles and coding practices to VHDL to improve the readability, maintainability, and quality of VHDL code.
This book addresses an often-neglected aspect of the creation of VHDL designs. A VHDL description is also source code, and VHDL designers can use the best practices of software development to write high-quality code and to organize it in a design. This book presents this unique set of skills, teaching VHDL designers of all experience levels how to apply the best design principles and coding practices from the software world to the world of hardware. The concepts introduced here will help readers write code that is easier to understand and more likely to be correct, with improved readability, maintainability, and overall quality.
After a brief review of VHDL, the book presents fundamental design principles for writing code, discussing such topics as design, quality, architecture, modularity, abstraction, and hierarchy. Building on these concepts, the book then introduces and provides recommendations for each basic element of VHDL code, including statements, design units, types, data objects, and subprograms. The book covers naming data objects and functions, commenting the source code, and visually presenting the code on the screen. All recommendations are supported by detailed rationales. Finally, the book explores two uses of VHDL: synthesis and testbenches. It examines the key characteristics of code intended for synthesis (distinguishing it from code meant for simulation) and then demonstrates the design and implementation of testbenches with a series of examples that verify different kinds of models, including combinational, sequential, and FSM code. Examples from the book are also available on a companion website, enabling the reader to experiment with the complete source code.
Effective Coding with VHDL Principles and Best Practice 1st Table of contents:
VDHL Learning Resources
VDHL Tools
OpenCL Development
Virtualization Tools
Emulation Tools
Firmware Development
MATLAB Development
Verilog/SystemVerilog Development
Assembly Development
C/C++ Development
Electric charge, field, and potential
Charge and electric force (Coulomb’s law): Electric charge, field, and potential
Electric field: Electric charge, field, and potential
Electric potential energy, electric potential, and voltage: Electric charge, field, and potential
Ohm’s law and circuits with resistors: Circuits
Circuits with capacitors: Circuits
Magnetic forces, magnetic fields, and Faraday’s law
Magnets and Magnetic Force: Magnetic forces, magnetic fields, and Faraday’s law
Magnetic field created by a current: Magnetic forces, magnetic fields, and Faraday’s law
Electric motors: Magnetic forces, magnetic fields, and Faraday’s law
Magnetic flux and Faraday’s law
Electromagnetic waves and interference
Introduction to electromagnetic waves: Electromagnetic waves and interference
Interference of electromagnetic waves
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Ricardo Jasinski,Effective Coding,Best Practice
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