Excursions in World Music Seventh editon by Bruno Nettl, Timothy Rommen – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 113810146X, 978-1138101463
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 113810146X
ISBN 13: 978-1138101463
Author: Bruno Nettl, Timothy Rommen
Excursions in World Music is a comprehensive introductory textbook to world music, creating a panoramic experience for students by engaging the many cultures around the globe and highlighting the sheer diversity to be experienced in the world of music. At the same time, the text illustrates the often profound ways through which a deeper exploration of these many different communities can reveal overlaps, shared horizons, and common concerns in spite of and, because of, this very diversity.
The new seventh edition introduces five brand new chapters, including chapters by three new contributors on the Middle East, South Asia, and Korea, as well as a new chapter on Latin America along with a new introduction written by Timothy Rommen. General updates have been made to other chapters, replacing visuals and updating charts/statistics. Excursions in World Music remains a favorite among ethnomusicologists who want students to explore the in-depth knowledge and scholarship that animates regional studies of world music.
A companion website is available at no additional charge. For instructors, there is a new test bank and instructor’s manual. Numerous student resources are posted, including streamed audio tracks for most of the listening guides, interactive quizzes, flashcards, and an interactive map with pinpoints of interest and activities. An ancillary package of a 3-CD set of audio tracks is available for separate purchase.
Excursions in World Music Seventh Table of contents:
1. Introduction: Studying Musics of the World’s Cultures (Timothy Rommen)
2. Music of South Asia (Jim Sykes)
3. Music of the Middle East and North Africa (Richard Jankowsky)
4. Musics of East Asia I: China (Isabel K.F. Wong)
5. Musics of East Asia II: Korea (Joshua Pilzer)
6. Musics of East Asia III: Japan (Isabel K.F. Wong)
7. Music of Indonesia (Charles Capwell)
8. Music of Sub-Saharan Africa (Thomas Turnino)
9. The Musical Culture of Europe (Philip V. Bohlman)
10. Music in Latin America (Timothy Rommen)
11. Music in the Caribbean (Timothy Rommen)
12. Native American Music (Bruno Nettl)
13. Music of Ethnic North America (Byron Dueck)
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