Film/Genre 1st Edition by Rick Altman – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1838715797, 978-1838715793
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ISBN 10: 1838715797
ISBN 13: 978-1838715793
Author: Rick Altman
Film/Genre 1st Edition: This text seeks to revise notions of film genre. It connects the roles played by industry critics and audiences in making and re-making genre. In a critique of major voices in the history of genre theory from Aristotle to Wittgenstein, Altman reveals the conflicting stakes for which the genre game has been played. Recognizing that the very term “genre” has different meaning for different groups, he bases his genre theory on the uneasy competitive yet complimentary relationship among genre users and discusses a range of films from “The Great Train Robbery” to “Star Wars”, and from “The Jazz Singer” to “The Player”.
Film/Genre 1st Table of contents:
1. What’s at stake in the history of literary genre theory?
Classical and Neoclassical Genre Theory
Nineteenth-Century Genre Theory
Twentieth-Century Genre Theory
2. What is generally understood by the notion of film genre?
Genres defined by the industry and audience
Stable identities and borders of genres
Genres’ transhistorical nature and predictable development
3. Where do genres come from?
Origins in musical and Western genres
Role of producers as critics
4. Are genres stable?
Genres as processes and evolving concepts
5. Are genres subject to redefinition?
Rebirth and critique of genres
6. Where are genres located?
Genres in various cultural contexts
7. How are genres used?
Marketing strategies and genre’s societal roles
8. Why are genres sometimes mixed?
Studio strategies and genre-mixing practices
9. What role do genres play in the viewing process?
Spectator engagement with genres
10. What communication model is appropriate for genres?
Developing a model for understanding genre communication
11. Have genres and genre functions changed over time?
Impact of technology and audience dynamics
12. What can genres teach us about nations?
Genres as reflections of national identity
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