Instructor’s Manual for Cengage Advantage Books: Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume I 7th Edition by Thomas Noble, Barry Strauss, Duane Osheim – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:
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Author: Thomas Noble, Barry Strauss, Duane Osheim
Developed to meet the demand for a low-cost, high-quality history book, this text is an economically priced version of WESTERN CIVILIZATION: BEYOND BOUNDARIES, 7e. The Advantage Edition offers the high level of scholarship and engaging narrative of the full text, while limiting the number of features, images, and maps. Each volume is packaged in a paperback, two-color format that appeals to those seeking a comprehensive, trade-sized history text. Like its full-length counterpart, the Advantage Edition of WESTERN CIVILIZATION encompasses the full social and political story of Western Civilization within a wider definition of Europe that includes Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and European frontiers. The text emphasizes Europe’s interaction with the world and encourages readers to question why and how history unfolded as it did.
Instructor’s Manual for Cengage Advantage Books: Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume I 7th Table of contents:
Ch 1: The Ancestors of the West
Origins, to CA. 3000 B.C.
Mesopotamia, to CA. 1600 B.C.
Egypt, to CA. 1100 B.C.
The Global Record: Crossing Borders, for Better and Worse
Ch 2: The Ship, the Sword, and the Book: Western Asia, CA. 1500–400 B.C.
Traders Invent the Alphabet: Canaanites and Phoenicians, CA. 1400–450 B.C.
Assyrians, Neo-Babylonians, and Persians, CA. 1200–330 B.C.
Israel, CA. 1500–400 B.C.
The Visual Record: The Siege of Lachish
Ch 3: The Greeks in the Polis to CA. 350 B.C.
Before the Polis: Early Greece, to CA. 725 B.C.
Society and Politics in Archaic Greece, CA. 750–500 B.C.
The Written Record: A Woman Wins at the Olympics
The Culture of Archaic Greece
Classical Greece
The Public Culture of Classical Greece
Ch 4: Alexander the Great and the Spread of Greek Civilization, CA. 350–30 B.C.
Philip and Alexander
The Hellenistic Kingdoms, 323–30 B.C.
The Global Record: Egyptians Versus Greeks in a Temple
Hellenistic Culture
The Turn Inward: New Philosophies, New Faiths
Ch 5: Rome, From Republic to Empire
Before the Republic, 753–509 B.C.
The Early and Middle Republic at Home, CA. 509–133 B.C.
The Early and Middle Republic Abroad, CA. 509–133 B.C.
The Visual Record: Luxury Goods and Gender Wars
The Late Republic and Its Collapse, 133–31 B.C.
Ch 6: Imperial Rome, 31 B.C.–A.D. 284
Augustus and the Principate, 31 B.C.–A.D. 68
The Written Record: Two Views of Augustus
The Roman Peace and Its Collapse, A.D. 69–284
Early Christianity
Ch 7: The World of Late Antiquity, 284–CA. 600
Rebuilding the Roman Empire, 284–395
The Catholic Church and the Roman Empire, 313–604
The Global Record: Cosmas Indicopleustes Finds Christians in Asia
The Rise of Germanic Kingdoms in the West, CA. 370–530
The Roman Empire in the East, 395–565
Society and Culture in Late Antiquity
Ch 8: Early Medieval Civilizations, 600–900
The Islamic East
The Byzantine Empire
The Visual Record: Icons
The Rise of the Carolingian Empire
Early Medieval Economies and Societies
Ch 9: The Expansion of Europe in the High Middle Ages, 900–1300
Economic Expansion
The Heirs of the Carolingian Empire: Germany, Italy, and France
The Written Record: The Issues in the Investiture Controversy
The British Isles
The Growth of New States
The Crusades
Ch 10: Medieval Civilization at Its Height, 900–1300
The Traditional Orders of Society
Social and Religious Movements, CA. 1100–1300
Latin Culture: From Schools to Universities
The Global Record: The Making of an Arab Scholar
The Vernacular Achievement
Ch 11: Crisis and Recovery in Late Medieval Europe, 1300–1500
The Crisis of the Western Christian Church
War and the Struggle over Political Power, 1300–1450
Crisis in Economy and Society
The Visual Record: A Painting of the Plague
The Consolidation of Political Power, 1450–1500
Ch 12: The Renaissance
Humanism and Culture in Italy, 1300–1500
The Written Record: The Education of Women
Painting and the Arts, 1250–1550
The Spread of the Renaissance, 1350–1536
Politics and Renaissance Culture
Ch 13: European Overseas Expansion to 1600
The European Background, 1250–1492
Portuguese Voyages of Exploration, 1350–1515
Spanish Voyages of Exploration, 1492–1522
Spain’s Colonial Empire, 1492–1600
The Global Record: An Inca Nobleman Defends His Civilization
The Columbian Exchange
Ch 14: The Age of the Reformation
The Reformation Movements, CA. 1517–1545
The Visual Record: A Reformation Woodcut
The Empire of Charles V (R. 1519–1556)
The English Reformation, 1520–1603
France, Scandinavia, and Eastern Europe, 1523–1560
The Late Reformation, CA. 1545–1600
Ch 15: Europe in the Age of Religious Wars, 1560–1648
Imperial Spain and the Limits of Royal Power
Religious and Political Conflict in France and England
The Holy Roman Empire and the Thirty Years’ War
Economic Change and Social Tensions
The Written Record: A City Official Worries About Witch-Hunting
Writing, Drama, and Art in an Age of Upheaval
Ch 16: Europe in the Age of Louis XIV, CA. 1640–1715
France in the Age of Absolutism
The English Civil War and Its Aftermath
New Powers in Central and Eastern Europe
The Expansion of Overseas Trade and Settlement
The Global Record: Dutch Colonies in the Americas: The Challenges of a Trading Empire
Ch 17: A Revolution in Worldview
The Revolution in Astronomy, 1543–1632
The Scientific Revolution Expands, CA. 1600–1700
The Visual Record: Modern Maps
The New Science in Context: Society, Politics, and Religion
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