International Investment Law and Arbitration Commentary Awards and other Materials 1st editon by Lim, Jean Ho, Martins Paparinskis – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1316632202, 978-1316632208
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1316632202
ISBN 13: 978-1316632208
Author: C. L. Lim; Jean Ho; Martins Paparinskis
International Investment Law and Arbitration Commentary Awards and other Materials 1st Table of contents:
ch. 1. Sources of substantive investment law. Treaty designation ; Customary law and the general principles of international law ; Treaty law ; Domestic law and state contracts ; Soft law instruments
ch. 2. Definition of investments. FCN Treaty ; BITs clauses ; NAFTA (1994) ; DR-CAFTA (2004) ; ECT (1994) ; ICSID System
ch. 3. Nationality of the foreign investor. Treaty dsignation ; ICSID Convention (1965) ; Natural person ; Juridical persons and corporate nationality
ch. 4. Standards of treatment of foreign investments. Fair and equitable treatment ; Legitimate expectations ; Full protection and security ; International minimum standard and national treatment ; Expropriation ; MFN treatment
ch. 5. International investment dispute settlement. State-to-state disputes ; Investor-state disputes ; State-investor disputes
ch. 6. State defences. State of necessity and emergency clauses ; State immunity from jurisdiction
ch. 7. Reparation and compensation. Reparation ; Necessity defence
ch. 8. Annulment of arbitral awards under the ICSID system. The annulment procedure ; Grounds for annulment
ch. 9. Recognition and enforcement by domestic courts ; Recognition and enforcement of ICSID awards ; Recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards (other than ICSID) ; State immunity from execution
ch. 10. Public interest concerns ; Environmental concerns ; Human rights concerns
ch. 11. State insolvency. Express inclusion of ‘sovereign debt matters’ within the scope of investment agreements ; Express exclusion of ‘sovereign debt matters’ from the scope of investment agreements ; State insolvecy before international arbitral tribunals
ch. 12. Critical trends. Recent trends in Latin American countries ; Recent trends of regionalization
ch. 13. Insurance for non-commercial risks. National and regional mechanisms ; International mechanism.
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