International Trade and Carriage of Goods 1st Edition by Baris Soyer , Andrew Tettenborn – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0367736977 978-0367736972
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ISBN 10: 0367736977
ISBN 13: 978-0367736972
Author: Baris Soyer , Andrew Tettenborn
This book consists of edited versions of the papers delivered at the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law’s 11th International Colloquium, held at Swansea Law School in September 2015. Featuring a team of contributors at the top of their profession, both in practice and academia, these papers have been carefully co-ordinated so as to ensure to give the reader a first class insight into the issues surrounding international sale and carriage contracts.
The book is set out in three parts:
- Part I offers a detailed and critical analysis on emerging issues and unresolved questions in international sales and the carriage contracts affected to facilitate such sales.
- Part II critically and thoroughly analyses the legal issues that often arise in the context of security over goods, letters of credit and similar documents.
- Part III is dedicated to a critical and up-to-date discussion on matters concerning cargo insurance in this context.
With its breadth of coverage and high-quality analysis, this book is vital reading for both professional and academic readers with an interest in international trade and carriage of goods.
International Trade and Carriage of Goods 1st Table of contents:
Part 1 Contemporary Issues in International Sale Contracts
Chapter 1 What is a reasonable contract of carriage for CIF/CIP purposes? – section 32(2) of the Sale of Goods Act 1979
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The statutory framework
1.3 The legislative history of the provision
1.4 The reasonableness test
1.4.1 Contract on usual terms
1.4.2 Contract must be appropriate to grant sufficient protection to the goods while in transit
1.4.3 Contract must give the buyer protective rights against the carrier
1.5 Examples of contracts found to be unreasonable
1.6 An alternative route to s. 32(2)?
1.7 Circumstances where s. 32(2) of the Act might successfully be used
1.8 What are the buyer’s remedies if the contract of carriage is unreasonable?
1.9 Authorising an unreasonable contract42
1.9.1 Express agreement
1.9.2 Course of dealing between the parties
1.9.3 Such usage as binds both parties to the contract
1.10 Incoterms
1.10.1 CIF
1.10.2 CIP
1.11 Conclusions
Chapter 2 Slow steaming clauses and international sales contracts A successful marriage?
2.1 Introduction – setting the scene
2.2 ‘Reasonable contract of carriage’ and slow steaming
2.3 Bills of lading allowing for slow steaming: a good tender?
2.4 Slow steaming and time of shipment/laycan
2.4.1 CIF contracts
2.4.2 FOB contracts
2.5 Contractual solutions allowing for flexibility
2.6 Conclusions
Chapter 3 Laytime and demurrage in CIF and FOB contracts
3.1 Loss of time: the default position in CIF and FOB contracts
3.2 Self-contained compensation regimes for delay in sale contracts
3.3 Compensation regimes incorporated from charterparties
3.3.1 Which charter is incorporated?
3.3.2 Which charter terms are incorporated?
3.3.3 Free-standing obligation or indemnity?
3.3.4 Interpreting incorporated laytime and demurrage provisions in a sale contract
3.3.5 Cancellation clauses and sale contracts
3.3.6 “Readiness” and presentation within the delivery period
3.4 Conclusion
Part 2 Carriage and Sales
Chapter 4 ‘Who’s doing what and for whom?’: recent developments on delegated contractual performance
4.1 Introduction: delegated performance
4.2 The starting point: the ‘delegate’ principle
4.2.1 The Mediolanum and The Goodpal
4.2.2 The Adelfa and The Andra
4.2.3 Conclusions on the ‘delegate’ principle
4.3 Overriding contractual ‘definitions’ in pursuit of the ‘delegate’ principle
4.3.1 The facts of The Crudesky – padlocks and dastardly acts
4.3.2 The legal arguments
4.3.3 The pre-Crudesky authorities
4.3.4 The Court of Appeal’s decision in The Crudesky
4.3.5 Conclusions on The Crudesky
4.4 Does it actually matter what the ‘delegate’ is doing?
4.4.1 The facts of The Global Santosh – unloader problems and mistaken arrests
4.4.2 The LMAA tribunal’s award
4.4.3 Field J’s judgment
4.4.4 The Court of Appeal’s decision
4.4.5 The ‘whose side of the line is it?’ approach
4.4.6 The Supreme Court’s review
4.5 Conclusions
Chapter 5 Consignees’ rights under the Rotterdam Rules
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Background
5.3 The rights of consignees as “consignees”
5.3.1 The right to take delivery of the goods
5.3.2 The right to rely on the contract particulars
5.3.3 The right to rely on the Rotterdam Rules
5.4 The rights of consignees as “holders”
5.5 The rights of consignees as “controlling parties”
5.5.1 Becoming the controlling party
5.5.2 The consignee’s rights as controlling party
5.5.3 The importance of recognizing the consignee’s rights as controlling party
5.6 Conclusion
Chapter 6 Consignees’ rights in European legal systems
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The holder entitled to delivery
6.2.1 The formal test: the proper holder
6.2.2 The material test: the lawful holder
6.3 The right to claim damages
6.4 The real party in interest
Chapter 7 Discrepant declarations about containerised goods ‘… in the middle of a chain reaction’
7.1 Declarations and the burden of the customs debt
7.1.1 The duty to fill in customs documents
7.1.2 The moment when the customs debt is incurred
7.1.3 The identification of debtors
7.2 Declarations and the burden of liability
7.2.1 Declarations in respect of dangerous goods
7.2.2 Declarations on the condition and quantity of goods
7.3 Declarations and the burden of the financial risk
7.3.1 Declarations and the burden of risk on banks
7.3.2 Declarations and the burden of risk on insurers
7.4 Conclusion
Chapter 8 Letters of indemnity for delivery without a bill of lading
8.1 General principles
8.2 The law relating to the delivery of cargo without surrender of original bills of lading
8.3 The role of letters of indemnity in relation to the delivery of cargo without surrender of original bills of lading
8.4 Are carriers obliged to accept a letter of indemnity if one is offered to them?
8.5 The impact of charter party clauses
8.6 Practical issues that affect the effectiveness of letters of indemnity
8.6.1 The legal enforceability of the letter of indemnity
8.6.2 The creditworthiness of the entity issuing the letter of indemnity
8.6.3 The legal capacity of the entity issuing the letter of indemnity
8.6.4 The beneficiary of the letter of indemnity
8.6.5 The importance of the terms of the letter of indemnity
8.6.6 The law and jurisdiction provisions of the letter of indemnity
8.7 For how long should a letter of indemnity be kept in force?
8.7.1 Do the provisions of the Rules (whether Hague or Hague-Visby) apply to all cases of misdelivery?
8.7.2 Which version of the Rules applies in the particular case since the time limit provisions of the Hague and Hague-Visby Rules are not necessarily the same?
8.8 The need for cargo claimants to become holders of the original bills of lading even after delivery has been effected against provision of a letter of indemnity
8.9 Conclusion
Chapter 9 The rising tide of paperless trade Analysing the legal implications
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Significant recent developments
9.2.1 Incoterms 2010
9.2.2 The BIMCO Electronic Bills of Lading clause for charterparties
9.2.3 The ICC Uniform Rules on Bank Payment Obligations (URBPO)
9.3 The gap-filling process: contractual parties
9.4 The gap-filling process: adjudicators
9.4.1 The options
9.4.2 Filling in gaps: before or after?
9.5 Conclusion
Part 3 Payment and Security
Chapter 10 Economic sanctions and letters of credit in international transactions
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Letters of credit – an overview
10.3 Autonomy of the credit
10.4 Exceptions to the autonomy of the credit
10.4.1 The common law doctrine of illegality
10.4.2 Illegality under the place of performance of the contract
10.5 Sanctions clauses in letters of credit
Chapter 11 Islamic letters of credit – square peg in a round hole
11.1 Introduction
11.1.1 Nature of Islamic letters of credit
11.2 Shari’a-compliant transactions using a letter of credit
11.2.1 Letter of credit al-murabahah
11.2.2 The letter of credit al-wakalah
11.2.3 The letter of credit al-musharakah
11.3 UCP 600 compliance
11.3.1 The scope of application of the UCP 600 and Islamic letters of credit
11.3.2 Principle of autonomy
11.3.3 Recognising unlawfulness in Shari’a
11.3.4 Autonomy and the bank as legal buyer
11.3.5 Principle of strict compliance
11.3.6 The interest ban
11.4 Conclusion
Chapter 12 Do I want my documents back? A documentary credit dilemma
12.1 Introduction
12.2 The facts of The Erin Schulte
12.3 A word on the use of letters of indemnity in respect of discharge of cargoes without presentation of bills of lading
12.4 The issues arising out of The Erin Schulte judgment
12.4.1 Completion of indorsement by delivery
12.4.2 Payment under the ‘settlement’
12.4.3 Whether to claim in debt or not, that is the question
12.4.4 Do I want my documents back? – a documentary credit dilemma
Chapter 13 Lending on waybills and other documents – banker’s dream or financier’s nightmare?
13.1 The traditional position
13.2 The traditional view: a closer look
13.2.1 Claims against the carrier
13.2.2 The consignor’s right to divert
13.2.3 The lack of any requirement for surrender
13.2.4 The fact that sea waybills do not represent the goods and are not documents of title
13.3 Other carriage documents: air waybills, CMR consignment notes and the like
13.4 An addendum: the possibility of non-possessory security
Part 4 Contemporary Issues in Cargo Insurance
Chapter 14 Cargo insurance and open covers
14.1 Introduction
14.2 The nature and types of open cover
14.2.1 Terminology: ‘open covers’ and ‘floating policies’
14.2.2 Floating policies under the Marine Insurance Act 1906
14.3 Nature of open covers generally
14.4 The function and nature of declarations
14.4.1 The function of a declaration under a floating policy
14.4.2 The function of the declaration under a non-fully obligatory open cover
14.4.3 Timing of the declaration
14.4.4 Forms of declaration
14.5 Utmost good faith and fair presentation of the risk
14.6 Insurable interest and open covers
14.7 Conclusion
Chapter 15 The ICC transit clause – developments and fault lines
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Commencement of risk
15.3 The ‘ordinary course of transit’
15.4 Completion of transit
15.5 Conclusions
Chapter 16 Insuring cargoes in the new era – impact of the Insurance Act 2015 on standard cargo clauses/wordings
16.1 Introduction
16.2 The potential impact of sections 10 and 11 of the Insurance Act 2015 on common warranties in cargo policies
16.2.1 Cargo warranties – instances where no significant change is expected
16.2.2 Cargo warranties where a different outcome could be expected
16.2.3 Cargo warranties – position unclear
16.3 The potential impact of sections 10 and 11 of the Insurance Act 2015 on implied voyage conditions
16.4 Contracting out
16.5 Conclusions
Appendix 1 – UCP 600 – Uniform customs and practice for documentary credits (2007 revision)
Uniform customs and practice for documentary credits (2007 revision)
Article 1 Application of UCP
Article 2 Definitions
Article 3 Interpretations
Article 4 Credits v. Contracts
Article 5 Documents v. goods, services or performance
Article 6 Availability, expiry date and place for presentation
Article 7 Issuing bank undertaking
Article 8 Confirming bank undertaking
Article 9 Advising of credits and amendments
Article 10 Amendments
Article 11 Teletransmitted and pre-advised credits and amendments
Article 12 Nomination
Article 13 Bank-to-bank reimbursement arrangements
Article 14 Standard for examination of documents
Article 15 Complying presentation
Article 16 Discrepant documents, waiver and notice
Article 17 Original documents and copies
Article 18 Commercial invoice
Article 19 Transport document covering at least two different modes of transport
Article 20 Bill of lading
Article 21 Non-negotiable sea waybill
Article 22 Charter party bill of lading
Article 23 Air transport document
Article 24 Road, rail or inland waterway transport documents
Article 25 Courier receipt, post receipt or certificate of posting
Article 26 “On deck”, “shipper’s load and count”, “said by shipper to contain” and charges additional to freight
Article 27 Clean transport document
Article 28 Insurance document and coverage
Article 29 Extension of expiry date or last day for presentation
Article 30 Tolerance in credit amount, quantity and unit prices
Article 31 Partial drawings or shipments
Article 32 Instalment drawings or shipments
Article 33 Hours of presentation
Article 34 Disclaimer on effectiveness of documents
Article 35 Disclaimer on transmission and translation
Article 36 Force majeure
Article 37 Disclaimer for acts of an instructed party
Article 38 Transferable credits
Article 39 Assignment of proceeds
Supplement to the uniform customs and practice for documentary credits for electronic presentation
Article e1 scope of the eUCP
Article e 2 relationship of the eUCP to the UCP
Article e3 definitions
Article e4 format
Article e 5 presentation
Article e6 examination
Article e7 notice of refusal
Article e8 originals and copies
Article e9 date of issuance
Article e10 transport
Article e11 corruption of an electronic record after presentation
Article e12 additional disclaimer of liability for presentation of electronic records under eUCP
Appendix 2 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea
Appendix 3 The Hague-Visby Rules – The Hague Rules as Amended by the Brussels Protocol 1968
The Hague-Visby Rules – The Hague Rules as Amended by the Brussels Protocol 1968
Article I
Article II
Article III
Article IV
Article IV bis
Article V
Article VI
Article VII
Article VIII
Article IX
Article X
Appendix 4 Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992
1992 Chapter 50
Appendix 5 Insurance Act 2015
2015 Chapter 4
Part 1: Insurance contracts: main definitions
1 Insurance contracts: main definitions
Part 2: The duty of fair presentation
2 Application and interpretation
3 The duty of fair presentation
4 Knowledge of insured
5 Knowledge of insurer
6 Knowledge: general
7 Supplementary
8 Remedies for breach
Part 3: Warranties and other terms
9 Warranties and representations
10 Breach of warranty
11 Terms not relevant to the actual loss
Part 4: Fraudulent claims
12 Remedies for fraudulent claims
13 Remedies for fraudulent claims: group insurance
Part 5: Good faith and contracting out
Good faith
Contracting out
Part 6: Amendment of the Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010
19 Power to change meaning of “relevant person” for purposes of 2010 Act
20 Other amendments
Part 7: General
21 Provision consequential on Part 2
22 Application etc of Parts 2 to 5
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Baris Soyer,Andrew Tettenborn,International Trade,Carriage of Goods
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