Interventional Pain Management A Practical Approach 2nd editon by Baheti, Dwarkadas, Bakshi, Sanjay – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9352501667, 978-9352501663
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 9352501667
ISBN 13: 978-9352501663
Author: M.D. Baheti, Dwarkadas K, M.D. Bakshi, Sanjay
Interventional Pain A Practical Approach is the second edition of this comprehensive guide, which includes the latest advances in anaesthesia and brand new content, edited by international experts in anaesthesiology from the US, UK and India. Enhanced by nearly 400 images and illustrations and an accompanying DVD, this is an essential resource for anaesthesiologists.
Interventional Pain Management A Practical Approach 2nd Table of contents:
Section1-Basic-Interventional Pain Management
1. Understanding the Basics of Radiological Imaging-Makarand M Kulkarni
2. Radiological Anatomy of Spine-Amit Bharath, Harun Gupta
3. Understanding of Radiological Spinal Imaging for Pain Physicians-Sarath
Bethapudi, Harun Gupta
4. Role of Electrodiagnosis in the Management of Pain-Khushnuma Mansukhani
5. Pharmacotherapy of Drugs used in Interventional Pain Treatment ProceduresRaghbir Singh P Gehdoo
6. Radiofrequency Lesioning in Pain Management: Principles and Clinical
Applications-Kailash Kothari
Section-2 Documents and Protocol Protocols
7. Informed Consent Form for Interventional Pain Treatment ProceduresDwarkadas K Baheti
8. Role of Investigations in Interventional Pain Treatment ProceduresDwarkadas K Baheti
9. Protocol for Interventional Pain Treatment Procedures: A Suggested FormatDwarkadas K Baheti
10. Evaluation of the Chronic Pain Patient-Evan C Grant, Julia M Webb, Pratik J
Gandhi, Jacob R Peacock, Alex Moroz
11. Stimulation Guided Pain Mapping-Sanjeeva GuptaS
Section 3- Head and Neck
12. Trigeminal Nerve Block-Manohar L Sharma
13. Maxillary Nerve Block-Kristina Natan
14. Mandibular Nerve Block-Jitendra Jain
15. Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block-Jitendra Jain
16. Glossopharyngeal Nerve Block-George C Chang Chien, Jianguo Cheng
17. Stellate Ganglion Block-Preeti P Doshi
18. O ccipital Nerve Stimulation-Vijay B Bandikatla, Suresh Narayanan
Section 4-Chest and Thorax
19. Suprascapular Nerve Block-Vijay B Bandikatla, Sanjeeva Gupta
20. Intercostal Nerve Block-Gerard DeGregoris III
21. Intrapleural Block-Dwarkadas K Baheti
Section 5- Abdoman and Pelvison 5: Abdomen and Pelvis
22. Celiac Plexus Block-Subhash Jain
23. Splanchnic Nerve Block-GP Dureja, Gaurav Chanana, Megha Pruthi, Dhruv
24. Lumbar Sympathetic Block-Neel Mehta, Rajiv Shah, Sadiah Siddiqui
25. Superior Hypogastric Plexus Block-Subhash Jain
26. Ganglion Impar Block-George C Chang Chien, Harpreet Singh, Bruce M
Section6-Spine and Backsn 6: Spine and Back
27. Cervical Epidural Block: Interlaminar Approach-Rishi Khanna, James Taylor
28. Cervical Transforaminal Epidural Block-Shoji Ishigami, Steve M Aydin
29. Cervical Medial Branch Blocks and Radiofrequency Neurotomy-Shruti G
Kapoor, Samir N Shah
30. Cervical Medial Branch Block-Sanjeeva Gupta, Sanjay Varmaxix
31. Lumbar and Caudal Epidural Blocks-Sanjay Bakshi, Gerard W Abrahamsen
32. Lumbar Facet Joint, Medial Branch, and Radiofrequency Procedures-Annu H
Navani, Irina Melnik, Richard Derby, Jeong-Eun Lee
33. Lumbar Plexus Block-Mohammed Piracha, Kingsuk Ganguly, Neel Mehta
34. Thoracic Paravertebral Block-Lisa V Doan
35. Sacroiliac Joint Radiofrequency Denervation-Sanjeeva Gupta
36. Coccygeal Nerve Block-Yashwant L Nankar
37. O bturator Nerve Block-Beatriz Nistal-Nuño, Arthur Atchabahian
38. Piriformis Muscle Injection Instead of Piriformis Muscle and Tendon BlockYashwant L Nankar
39. Popliteal Block of the Sciatic Nerve-Yashwant L Nankar
40. Ilioinguinal Nerve Block-Beamy S Sharma, Arthur Atchabahian
41. Genicular Nerve Block and Radiofrequency Procedure for Persistent Knee
Pain-Hans J Latta, Jacek A Sobocinski, Sanjeeva Gupta
Section 7- Advanced Pain ManagementS
42. Percutaneous Adhesiolysis for Failed Back Surgery Syndrome and Other
Applications-Laxmaiah Manchikanti, Gabor B Racz
43. Epiduroscopy for Patients with Lumbosacral Radicular Pain-Sanjeeva Gupta,
Jonathan Richardson, Jan Willem Kallewaard
44. Spinal Cord Stimulation-Sanjay Bakshi, Gerard W Abrahamsen
45. Diskography-Eric Lee, Corey Hunter, Sudhir Diwan
46. Intradiskal Electrothermal Therapy-Anil K Sharma
47. Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty-Kevin H Trinh, Steve M Aydin
48. Nucleoplasty-Kyriacos Kyriakides
49. O zone Nucleolysis-Gautam Das
50. Percutaneous Transforaminal Endoscopic Lumbar Diskectomy-Girish Datar
51. Intrathecal Implantable Devices-Samyadev Datta
52. Subarachnoid or Intrathecal Neurolysis-Kritika M Doshi
53. Percutaneous Cervical Cordotomy for Cancer Pain-Manohar L Sharma
54. Radiofrequency Ablation of Spinal Metastasis-Samyadev Datta
Section 8- Ultra Sound Guided Procedures
55. Ultrasound versus Fluoroscopic Guidance in Interventional Pain Management
427 Omobonike O Olowosuko, Steve M Aydin
56. Introduction to Ultrasound-guided Blocks-Vijay B Bandikatla, Suresh
Narayanan, Shyam Balasubramanian
57. Ultras5ound-guided Greater Occipital and Third Occipital Nerve Block-Vijay B
Bandikatla, Suresh Narayanan, Shyam Balasubramanian
58. Cervical Medial Branch Block-Vijay B Bandikatla, Suresh Narayanan, Shyam
59. Ultrasound-guided Shoulder Injections-Thomas P Lione, Steve M Aydin
60. Ultrasound-guided Thoracic Interventions: Paravertebral Blocks-Vijay B
Bandikatla, Suresh Narayanan, Shyam Balasubramanian
61. Ultrasound-guided Lumbar Medial Branch Block-Shyam Balasubramanian,
Vijay B Bandikatla, Suresh Narayanan
62. Ultrasound-guided Sacroiliac Joint Injection-Suresh Narayanan, Vijay B
Bandikatla, Shyam Balasubramanian
63. Ultrasound-guided Hip Injections-Madouna G Hanna, Edward Papa, Steve M
64. Ultrasound-guided Knee Injections-Edward Papa, Steve M Aydin66
Section 9-Alternate Therapies
65.Intramuscular Stimulation or Dry Needling-Sushama R Phanse
66. Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Trigger Point Injections-Vince Z Si, Mona
Mirchandani, Kevin K Bernard, Emilia Ravski, Dellene E Troy,
Christopher V Boudakian, Nayeema Chowdhury, Jason D Freeman
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