Instant download Introduction to Children with Language Disorders 4th Edition by Vicki A. Reed An pdf, docx, kindle format all chapters after payment.
Product details:
- ISBN 10: 0132998777
- ISBN 13: 9780132998772
- Author: Vicki A. Reed
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. An excellent overview of the characteristics of language disorders in children paired with information on assessments and interventions. The fourth edition of An Introduction to Children with Language Disorders provides readers with an in-depth and comprehensive overview that is unsurpassed in comparable texts. In three parts, this guide to child communication disorders presents the characteristics of common language disorders seen in children, discusses assessments for these disorders, and presents the most current information on language disorder intervention. In addition, this popular text covers topics often left out by similar books, such as special populations of children with language disorders, gifted children, children with other learning disabilities, children with cleft palates, bilingual children, and children with visual impairments.
Table contents:
PART ONE: Aspects of Normal Language and Communication
PART TWO: Children with Language Disorders
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