Involved Fathering and Men Adult Development 1st Edition by Rob Palkovitz – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:9781135658922, 1135658927
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:1135658927
• ISBN 13:9781135658922
• Author:Rob Palkovitz
Involved Fathering and Men’s Adult Development
Provisional Balances
Involved Fathering and Men Adult Development 1st Table of contents:
I: Foundations for Understanding Fathering and Development
1 The Effects of Parenting on Adult Development: What the Theories and Data Tell Us
A Review of Pertinent Professional Literature
Parenting and Adult Development: A Selected Review
The Need for Conceptual Advancements
Possible Relations Between Parental Investment and Adult Development
Toward a Prescription for Further Conceptualization and Research
2 A Research Plan: Forty Fathers, Their Situations, and What They Can Tell Us
Rationale and Developmental History of the Design of this Study
Limitations of the Study
3 Men’s Construction of the Fathering Role: Balancing the Demands of What It Means to Be a Dad Today
Changing Roles of Fathers
Culture/Conduct Distinctions
What Today’s Dads Have to Say About Fathering Roles
The Toughest Parts of Being a Dad
Assuming the Father Role is a Learning Process
Toward an Understanding of Good Fathering
A Composite Statement of Good Fathering
Patterns of Reported Involvement
Provisional Balances in Fathering Roles
4 Fathering and the Life Course
Major Themes
Personality and Life-Course Considerations
Confidence that it was Fathering that Brought Change
II: The Self Domain
5 Navigating the Emotional Currents of Fathering
The Feelings of Fathering
The Uniqueness of Fathers’ Feelings
Emotional Currents and Emotional Currency: The Give and Take of Expressivity
Balance Issues
6 Faith of Our Fathers: The Relationships Between Involved Fathering and Men’s Faith, Morals, and Values
Sociohistorical Considerations
Life-Course Considerations
Formal Faith Communities and Men’s Religiosity
Developmental Pulls of Fathering and Professional Providers
Spiritual Prescriptions for Fathers
Fathers and Faith Communities in Friction
Faith as a Gendered Venture
Faith and Generativity
Implications for Religious Institutions and Local Congregations
Balance Issues in Faith, Morals, and Values
7 Fathering and Perceived Changes in Health
Diet, Exercise, and Longevity
Abuse of Illicit Drugs
Dietary Changes
Changes in Exercise
Increases in Health Risks
Access to Health Care
Balance Issues in Fathers’ Health
III: The Social Domain
8 Being a Father and Being a Husband: The Effects of Fathering on Intimate Relationships
Overview of Pervasive Themes
The Effects of Fathering on Time Together
Perceptions of Closeness to Partners
Fatherhood and Commitment to Marriage
Parenting and Spousal Conflict
Issues of Intimacy and Generativity
Fathering and Sexuality
Balance Issues and the Provisions Made
9 Fathers in Families: The Effects of Engaged Fatherhood on Relationships With Relatives
Some Fathers Feel Closer to Parents
Closer to Siblings, Family in General
Responsible Adult Status Granted
Fathering Facilitates Understanding, Valuing, Appreciation of Relatives
Some Fathers Become More Critical
Modeling Fathers
Reworking Fathers
Becoming More Self-Critical
Relative Balances
10 The Social World of Fathers: Friends and Community Involvement
Experiences of Diminished Social Life
Enhanced Social Life
Practical Factors
Longevity of Friendships
Community Involvement
Factors Facilitating Social Development of Fathers
Balance Issues
IV: The Work Domain
11 Provisional Balances: The Effects of Fathering on Work and Career Development
Shifts in Priorities
Role Overload and Balancing Act Complexities
The Role of “Micropolicies” in Provisional Balances
Macro Issues
Personal Cost-Benefits Analyses
V: Summary, Evaluations, and Applications
12 Cost–Benefits Analyses
Benefits of Involved Fathering
The Costs of Involved Fathering
There Are No “Real” Costs
Cost–Benefits Analyses
13 Provisional Balances Revisited
Implications for Future Research
Appendix 1: Interview Schedule
Interview Guide: The Effects of Parenting on Men’s Development
Appendix 2: Biographical Sketches of Study Participants
Early Timing Fathers
On Time Fathers
Late Timing Fathers
Author Index
Subject Index
Participant Quote Index
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