Knowledge Structures in Close Relationships 1st editon by Garth Fletcher – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1317781120, 9781317781127
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ISBN 10: 1317781120
ISBN 13: 9781317781127
Author: Garth J.O. Fletcher
Thirty-three of the top scholars in this fast moving domain present a picture of work at the cusp in social psychology — work that deals with cognition and affect in close relationships. The present volume contains a wealth of research findings and influential theoretical accounts that spring as much from indigenous work in the close relationship field as from purebred social cognition. The chapters introduce theories and research programs concerned with the role of individual and couple differences in close relationship knowledge structures. They deal with the role of emotion and affect in close relationships. And they discuss the function of cognition and knowledge structures in relation to the developmental course of close relationships. Each section is accompanied by a critical review written by an expert in the field. This volume is a must for any close relationship scholar interested in the latest research and theorizing about close relationships that adopt a social psychological perspective. It will also be of interest to scholars and students working in clinical psychology, social cognition, communication, individual differences, and family studies.
Knowledge Structures in Close Relationships 1st Table of contents:
I Knowledge Structures and Individual/Couple Differences
1 Close Relationship Lay Theories: Their Structure and Function
Lay Theories in Close Relationships: A Conceptual Infrastructure
The Functions of Lay Relationship Theories
The Structure of Lay Relationship Theories
How Does This Account Accord With Other Relationship Theories Dealing With Knowledge Structures?
The Content and Measurement of Lay Relationship Theories
The Role of Affect
Relationship Lay Theories and On-Line Processing: Controlled Versus Automatic Processing
The Role of Relationship Theories or Knowledge Structures
Controlled Versus Automatic Processing
Close Relationship Lay Theories and behavior
Are Relationships All in the Mind?
The Links Between Knowledge Structures and Relationship behavior
2 Attachment Styles and Internal Working Models of Self and Relationship Partners
Brief Overview of Attachment Theory
Individual Differences
Bowlby’s Adoption of the Working Models Construct
Communication and Attachment
Attachment Research Considered from a Working-Models Perspective
The Content and Structure of Working Models
What are Working Models?
Attachment Representational Networks
Which Model Will Be Activated and Used?
Attachment and Emotion Regulation: Working Models in Action
Wishes, Concerns
Notable Events or Changes in Events
Emotion-Specific Action Tendencies
Actions, Feelings, and Labels
Coping, Affect Regulation
Research Strategies for Studying Internal Working Models
Concluding Comments
3 An Interdependence Analysis of Accommodation Processes
Couple Interaction Processes and the Exit-Voice-Loyalty-Neglect Typology
The Given Matrix, the Effective Matrix, and Transformation of Motivation
Given Matrix Interaction Preferences
Transformation of Motivation and Effective Matrix Interaction Preferences
Empirical Demonstrations of Transformation of Motivation
Why is the Distinction Between the Given Versus Effective Matrix a Useful One?
Distal Determinants of Transformation Tendencies: Individual Dispositions, Relationship Macromotives, and Social Norms
Interpersonal Dispositions
Relationship-Specific Macromotives
Social Norms
Proximal Determinants of Transformation Tendencies: Emotional Reactions and Cognitive Interpretations
Cognitive Interpretations
Emotional Reactions
Empirical Demonstrations of the Role of Cognitions and Emotions in Directing Interaction
Directions for Future Work
Summary and Conclusions
4 The Construction of Relationship Realities
The Dialectic: Hope and Doubt
Masking Doubts and Constructing Convictions
Crystallizing Hopes: The Construction of Positive Illusions
Constructing Perceptions: The Projection of Self and Ideals
Projected Illusions and Satisfaction
Fending off Doubts: Storytelling And Construal
Maintaining Convictions: Fending Off Doubts
Challenging Convictions: A Threat Induction Paradigm
Storytelling and the Construction of Illusions
The Transmission of Illusions
Confidence or Catastrophe?
5 Sociosexuality and Relationship Initiation: An Ethological Perspective of Nonverbal Behavior
Nonverbal Behavior and Relationship Initiation: An Overview
The Dispositional Strategy and Sociosexuality
The Frequency and Meaning of Nonverbal Behaviors Displayed in a Relationship Initiation Context
Objective Nonverbal Cues and Subjective Nonverbal Impressions: An Ethological Perspective
Affective Reactions Elicited by Nonverbal Behaviors
Nonverbal Behavior and Affective Reactions: An Ethological Perspective
General Conclusions
6 Gender and Thought in Relationships
Researching Sex and Gender Differences
Thinking about Relationships
Correlates of Relationship Cognition with Well-Being and Relationship Satisfaction
Gender and the Self
Gender and Behavior in Close Relationships
Summary and Implications for Future Research
What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Need to Know About Relationship Knowledge Structures
II Knowledge Structures and Emotions
7 Emotion Knowledge Structures in Close Relationships
The Nature and Function of Emotion: Current Models
Evolutionary Accounts of Emotion
Cognitive Accounts of Emotion
Emotion Prototypes and Knowledge Structures
Emotion Knowledge Structures in Marriage
Emotion Scripts: Recalled Accounts
Core Relational Themes
Emotion Scripts: Hypothetical Accounts
Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior in Marital Interaction
Bradbury and Fincham’s Contextual Model
Emotion Knowledge Structures and Information Processing
The Role of Mood in Close Relationship Interaction
Positive and Negative Moods
Moods and Emotions: Fuzzy Boundaries
8 Prototype and Script Analyses of Laypeople’s Knowledge of Anger
Types and Features of Anger: The Prototype Approach
Types of Anger
Features of Anger
Script Approaches
Women’s and Men’s Anger Scripts
Integration of Prototype and Interpersonal Script Approaches
The Relation Between Anger Scripts and Anger Prototypes: A Preliminary Analysis
9 Some Thoughts and Findings on Self-Presentation of Emotions in Relationships
Ingratiation: How do Others’ Emotional Expressions Influence our Liking for Them? Will we Strategically Present Emotion For Ingratiation Purposes?
Supplication: How do Others’ Expression of Emotion Influence Perceptions of Neediness? Will We Strategically Present Emotions for Supplication Purposes?
Intimidation: How Do Others’ Emotions Influence Whether we are Afraid of Them? Will We Strategically Present Emotions for Intimidation Purposes?
Self-Promotion: How Might We Alter Our Expressions of Emotions to Appear to be “Good” People? Might We Strategically Present Emotions for this Purpose?
Some General Comments about Self-Presentation of Emotion
Have We Covered All Varieties of Strategic Self-Presentations of Emotion That Exist for Social Purposes?
Expressing Versus Feeling Emotions
Some Implications of Strategic Self-Presentation of Emotion
Trust in Other’s Expressions of Emotion
Attending to the Other and Decreases in the Comfort of Social Interactions
Strategic Self-Presentation of Emotion and the Relation Between Similarity and Attraction
The Role of Emotion Scripts and Transient Moods in Relationships: Structural and Functional Perspectives
III Knowledge Structures and Relationship Development
10 Changes in Knowledge of Personal Relationships
Brief Review of Literature on Relationship Schema Change
Models of Schema Change
Schema Change Processes
Descriptions of the Data
Explanatory Processes
What Prompts Explanation-Seeking?
Nature of the Data
Actively Gathering Data and Arriving at Explanations
Content of the Explanations
Implications for Models of Relationship Schema Change
Afterword: A Note on the Intuitive Scientist
Appendix: Brief Description of Cases
11 Self and Self-Expansion in Relationships
The Self in Close Relationships
Hypothesis 1. Cognition About Self Versus Other is on a Continuum From Self Through Close Others to Nonclose Others
Hypothesis 2. This Continuum is Produced by the Extent to Which Close Others Are “Included in the Self”
Self-Expansion in Developing Relationships
Hypothesis 3. Developing a Relationship Expands the Self by Including Other in the Self
Hypothesis 4. People are Motivated to Enter a Relationship by the Perceived Opportunity to Expand the Self
Hypothesis 5. Changes in Relationship Satisfaction Over Time are Linked to Changes in Experiences of, and Perceived Opportunities for, Self-Expansion in the Context of the Relationship
12 Rewriting Relationship Memories: The Effects of Courtship and Wedding Scripts
Memory Reconstruction in Relationships: Previous Perspectives
Relationship Memories are Malleable
Previous Research on Memory Reconstruction in Relationships
Mechanisms of Memory Reconstruction: Ross’ Views
Memory Reconstruction in Relationships: A Relationship-Scripts Perspective
Cultural Scripts
Subcultural Scripts
Individual Scripts
The Effects of Scripts on Relationships
Assessing Scripts Using Direct Measures
Assessing Scripts Using Indirect Assessments
An Empirical Investigation of Scripts and Relationship Memories
Cultural Scripts and Hypotheses
Ideal Scripts Inferred From Previous Research
Typical Scripts Inferred From Modal Responses in the Current Study
Subcultural Scripts and Hypotheses
Ideal Scripts Inferred From Previous Research
Typical Scripts Inferred From Modal Responses in the Current Research
Individuals’ Relationship Scripts
Assessment of Individuals9 Relationship Scripts
Conclusions And Future Directions
13 The Pursuit of Knowledge in Close Relationships: An Informational Goals Analysis
A Typology of Relationship-Relevant Informational Goals
Obstacles to Uncertainty Reduction
The Diagnosttcity Bias
Other Manifestations of the Diagnosticity Bias
The Inherent-Reflected Distinction and the Diagnosticity Bias
Analyzing Minutiae
Detecting and Constructing Nonoccurrences
Beyond Partners’ Behavior: Diagnosticity Bias in Self-Inferences and in Inferences Outside the Relationship
Vigilance and Volatility
The Diagnosticity Bias as Reduced Skepticism
Behavioral Efforts to Acquire Information
People’s Informational Goals Change as Their Relationships Mature
The Self-Other Dichotomy in the Context of Close Relationships
Chronic Vigilance: The Role of Uncertainty
Shifting Circumstances
Theories of Change
Coordinating Informational Goals
Wanting not to Know?
Is Love Blind?
Knowledge Structures in Developing Relationships: Progress and Pitfalls
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