Instant download Kubernetes in action Marko Luksa pdf, docx, kindle format all chapters after payment. 1617293725, 9781617293726
Product details:
ISBN 10: 1617293725
ISBN 13: 9781617293726
Author: Marko Luksa
Table of contents:
Part 1. Overview
Chapter 1. Introducing Kubernetes
1.1. Understanding the need for a system like Kubernetes
1.1.1. Moving from monolithic apps to microservices
1.1.2. Providing a consistent environment to applications
1.1.3. Moving to continuous delivery: DevOps and NoOps
1.2. Introducing container technologies
1.2.1. Understanding what containers are
1.2.2. Introducing the Docker container platform
1.2.3. Introducing rkt—an alternative to Docker
1.3. Introducing Kubernetes
1.3.1. Understanding its origins
1.3.2. Looking at Kubernetes from the top of a mountain
1.3.3. Understanding the architecture of a Kubernetes cluster
1.3.4. Running an application in Kubernetes
1.3.5. Understanding the benefits of using Kubernetes
1.4. Summary
Chapter 2. First steps with Docker and Kubernetes
2.1. Creating, running, and sharing a container image
2.1.1. Installing Docker and running a Hello World container
2.1.2. Creating a trivial Node.js app
2.1.3. Creating a Dockerfile for the image
2.1.4. Building the container image
2.1.5. Running the container image
2.1.6. Exploring the inside of a running container
2.1.7. Stopping and removing a container
2.1.8. Pushing the image to an image registry
2.2. Setting up a Kubernetes cluster
2.2.1. Running a local single-node Kubernetes cluster with Minikube
2.2.2. Using a hosted Kubernetes cluster with Google Kubernetes Engine
2.2.3. Setting up an alias and command-line completion for kubectl
2.3. Running your first app on Kubernetes
2.3.1. Deploying your Node.js app
2.3.2. Accessing your web application
2.3.3. The logical parts of your system
2.3.4. Horizontally scaling the application
2.3.5. Examining what nodes your app is running on
2.3.6. Introducing the Kubernetes dashboard
2.4. Summary
Part 2. Core concepts
Chapter 3. Pods: running containers in Kubernetes
3.1. Introducing pods
3.1.1. Understanding why we need pods
3.1.2. Understanding pods
3.1.3. Organizing containers across pods properly
3.2. Creating pods from YAML or JSON descriptors
3.2.1. Examining a YAML descriptor of an existing pod
3.2.2. Creating a simple YAML descriptor for a pod
3.2.3. Using kubectl create to create the pod
3.2.4. Viewing application logs
3.2.5. Sending requests to the pod
3.3. Organizing pods with labels
3.3.1. Introducing labels
3.3.2. Specifying labels when creating a pod
3.3.3. Modifying labels of existing pods
3.4. Listing subsets of pods through label selectors
3.4.1. Listing pods using a label selector
3.4.2. Using multiple conditions in a label selector
3.5. Using labels and selectors to constrain pod scheduling
3.5.1. Using labels for categorizing worker nodes
3.5.2. Scheduling pods to specific nodes
3.5.3. Scheduling to one specific node
3.6. Annotating pods
3.6.1. Looking up an object’s annotations
3.6.2. Adding and modifying annotations
3.7. Using namespaces to group resources
3.7.1. Understanding the need for namespaces
3.7.2. Discovering other namespaces and their pods
3.7.3. Creating a namespace
3.7.4. Managing objects in other namespaces
3.7.5. Understanding the isolation provided by namespaces
3.8. Stopping and removing pods
3.8.1. Deleting a pod by name
3.8.2. Deleting pods using label selectors
3.8.3. Deleting pods by deleting the whole namespace
3.8.4. Deleting all pods in a namespace, while keeping the namespace
3.8.5. Deleting (almost) all resources in a namespace
3.9. Summary
Chapter 4. Replication and other controllers: deploying managed pods
4.1. Keeping pods healthy
4.1.1. Introducing liveness probes
4.1.2. Creating an HTTP-based liveness probe
4.1.3. Seeing a liveness probe in action
4.1.4. Configuring additional properties of the liveness probe
4.1.5. Creating effective liveness probes
4.2. Introducing ReplicationControllers
4.2.1. The operation of a ReplicationController
4.2.2. Creating a ReplicationController
4.2.3. Seeing the ReplicationController in action
4.2.4. Moving pods in and out of the scope of a ReplicationController
4.2.5. Changing the pod template
4.2.6. Horizontally scaling pods
4.2.7. Deleting a ReplicationController
4.3. Using ReplicaSets instead of ReplicationControllers
4.3.1. Comparing a ReplicaSet to a ReplicationController
4.3.2. Defining a ReplicaSet
4.3.3. Creating and examining a ReplicaSet
4.3.4. Using the ReplicaSet’s more expressive label selectors
4.3.5. Wrapping up ReplicaSets
4.4. Running exactly one pod on each node with DaemonSets
4.4.1. Using a DaemonSet to run a pod on every node
4.4.2. Using a DaemonSet to run pods only on certain nodes
4.5. Running pods that perform a single completable task
4.5.1. Introducing the Job resource
4.5.2. Defining a Job resource
4.5.3. Seeing a Job run a pod
4.5.4. Running multiple pod instances in a Job
4.5.5. Limiting the time allowed for a Job pod to complete
4.6. Scheduling Jobs to run periodically or once in the future
4.6.1. Creating a CronJob
4.6.2. Understanding how scheduled jobs are run
4.7. Summary
Chapter 5. Services: enabling clients to discover and talk to pods
5.1. Introducing services
Explaining services with an example
5.1.1. Creating services
5.1.2. Discovering services
5.2. Connecting to services living outside the cluster
5.2.1. Introducing service endpoints
5.2.2. Manually configuring service endpoints
5.2.3. Creating an alias for an external service
5.3. Exposing services to external clients
5.3.1. Using a NodePort service
5.3.2. Exposing a service through an external load balancer
5.3.3. Understanding the peculiarities of external connections
5.4. Exposing services externally through an Ingress resource
Understanding why Ingresses are needed
Understanding that an Ingress controller is required
5.4.1. Creating an Ingress resource
5.4.2. Accessing the service through the Ingress
5.4.3. Exposing multiple services through the same Ingress
5.4.4. Configuring Ingress to handle TLS traffic
5.5. Signaling when a pod is ready to accept connections
5.5.1. Introducing readiness probes
5.5.2. Adding a readiness probe to a pod
5.5.3. Understanding what real-world readiness probes should do
5.6. Using a headless service for discovering individual pods
5.6.1. Creating a headless service
5.6.2. Discovering pods through DNS
5.6.3. Discovering all pods—even those that aren’t ready
5.7. Troubleshooting services
5.8. Summary
Chapter 6. Volumes: attaching disk storage to containers
6.1. Introducing volumes
6.1.1. Explaining volumes in an example
6.1.2. Introducing available volume types
6.2. Using volumes to share data between containers
6.2.1. Using an emptyDir volume
6.2.2. Using a Git repository as the starting point for a volume
6.3. Accessing files on the worker node’s filesystem
6.3.1. Introducing the hostPath volume
6.3.2. Examining system pods that use hostPath volumes
6.4. Using persistent storage
6.4.1. Using a GCE Persistent Disk in a pod volume
6.4.2. Using other types of volumes with underlying persistent storage
6.5. Decoupling pods from the underlying storage technology
6.5.1. Introducing PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims
6.5.2. Creating a PersistentVolume
6.5.3. Claiming a PersistentVolume by creating a PersistentVolumeClaim
6.5.4. Using a PersistentVolumeClaim in a pod
6.5.5. Understanding the benefits of using PersistentVolumes and claims
6.5.6. Recycling PersistentVolumes
6.6. Dynamic provisioning of PersistentVolumes
6.6.1. Defining the available storage types through StorageClass resources
6.6.2. Requesting the storage class in a PersistentVolumeClaim
6.6.3. Dynamic provisioning without specifying a storage class
6.7. Summary
Chapter 7. ConfigMaps and Secrets: configuring applications
7.1. Configuring containerized applications
7.2. Passing command-line arguments to containers
7.2.1. Defining the command and arguments in Docker
7.2.2. Overriding the command and arguments in Kubernetes
7.3. Setting environment variables for a container
Making the interval in your fortune image configurable through an- n environment variable
7.3.1. Specifying environment variables in a container definition
7.3.2. Referring to other environment variables in a variable’s value
7.3.3. Understanding the drawback of hardcoding environment variables
7.4. Decoupling configuration with a ConfigMap
7.4.1. Introducing ConfigMaps
7.4.2. Creating a ConfigMap
7.4.3. Passing a ConfigMap entry to a container as an environment variable
7.4.4. Passing all entries of a ConfigMap as environment variables at once
7.4.5. Passing a ConfigMap entry as a command-line argument
7.4.6. Using a configMap volume to expose ConfigMap entries as files
7.4.7. Updating an app’s config without having to restart the app
7.5. Using Secrets to pass sensitive data to containers
7.5.1. Introducing Secrets
7.5.2. Introducing the default token Secret
7.5.3. Creating a Secret
7.5.4. Comparing ConfigMaps and Secrets
7.5.5. Using the Secret in a pod
7.5.6. Understanding image pull Secrets
7.6. Summary
Chapter 8. Accessing pod metadata and other resources from applications
8.1. Passing metadata through the Downward API
8.1.1. Understanding the available metadata
8.1.2. Exposing metadata through environment variables
8.1.3. Passing metadata through files in a downwardAPI volume
8.2. Talking to the Kubernetes API server
8.2.1. Exploring the Kubernetes REST API
8.2.2. Talking to the API server from within a pod
8.2.3. Simplifying API server communication with ambassador containers
8.2.4. Using client libraries to talk to the API server
8.3. Summary
Chapter 9. Deployments: updating applications declaratively
9.1. Updating applications running in pods
9.1.1. Deleting old pods and replacing them with new ones
9.1.2. Spinning up new pods and then deleting the old ones
9.2. Performing an automatic rolling update with a ReplicationController
9.2.1. Running the initial version of the app
9.2.2. Performing a rolling update with kubectl
9.2.3. Understanding why kubectl rolling-update is now obsolete
9.3. Using Deployments for updating apps declaratively
9.3.1. Creating a Deployment
9.3.2. Updating a Deployment
9.3.3. Rolling back a deployment
9.3.4. Controlling the rate of the rollout
9.3.5. Pausing the rollout process
9.3.6. Blocking rollouts of bad versions
9.4. Summary
Chapter 10. StatefulSets: deploying replicated stateful applications
10.1. Replicating stateful pods
10.1.1. Running multiple replicas with separate storage for each
10.1.2. Providing a stable identity for each pod
10.2. Understanding StatefulSets
10.2.1. Comparing StatefulSets with ReplicaSets
10.2.2. Providing a stable network identity
10.2.3. Providing stable dedicated storage to each stateful instance
10.2.4. Understanding StatefulSet guarantees
10.3. Using a StatefulSet
10.3.1. Creating the app and container image
10.3.2. Deploying the app through a StatefulSet
10.3.3. Playing with your pods
10.4. Discovering peers in a StatefulSet
Introducing SRV records
10.4.1. Implementing peer discovery through DNS
10.4.2. Updating a StatefulSet
10.4.3. Trying out your clustered data store
10.5. Understanding how StatefulSets deal with node failures
10.5.1. Simulating a node’s disconnection from the network
10.5.2. Deleting the pod manually
10.6. Summary
Part 3. Beyond the basics
Chapter 11. Understanding Kubernetes internals
11.1. Understanding the architecture
Components of the Control Plane
Components running on the worker nodes
Add-on components
11.1.1. The distributed nature of Kubernetes components
11.1.2. How Kubernetes uses etcd
11.1.3. What the API server does
11.1.4. Understanding how the API server notifies clients of resource changes
11.1.5. Understanding the Scheduler
11.1.6. Introducing the controllers running in the Controller Manager
11.1.7. What the Kubelet does
11.1.8. The role of the Kubernetes Service Proxy
11.1.9. Introducing Kubernetes add-ons
11.1.10. Bringing it all together
11.2. How controllers cooperate
11.2.1. Understanding which components are involved
11.2.2. The chain of events
11.2.3. Observing cluster events
11.3. Understanding what a running pod is
11.4. Inter-pod networking
11.4.1. What the network must be like
11.4.2. Diving deeper into how networking works
11.4.3. Introducing the Container Network Interface
11.5. How services are implemented
11.5.1. Introducing the kube-proxy
11.5.2. How kube-proxy uses iptables
11.6. Running highly available clusters
11.6.1. Making your apps highly available
11.6.2. Making Kubernetes Control Plane components highly available
11.7. Summary
Chapter 12. Securing the Kubernetes API server
12.1. Understanding authentication
12.1.1. Users and groups
12.1.2. Introducing ServiceAccounts
12.1.3. Creating ServiceAccounts
12.1.4. Assigning a ServiceAccount to a pod
12.2. Securing the cluster with role-based access control
12.2.1. Introducing the RBAC authorization plugin
12.2.2. Introducing RBAC resources
12.2.3. Using Roles and RoleBindings
12.2.4. Using ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings
12.2.5. Understanding default ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings
12.2.6. Granting authorization permissions wisely
12.3. Summary
Chapter 13. Securing cluster nodes and the network
13.1. Using the host node’s namespaces in a pod
13.1.1. Using the node’s network namespace in a pod
13.1.2. Binding to a host port without using the host’s network namespace
13.1.3. Using the node’s PID and IPC namespaces
13.2. Configuring the container’s security context
Understanding what’s configurable in the security context
Running a pod without specifying a security context
13.2.1. Running a container as a specific user
13.2.2. Preventing a container from running as root
13.2.3. Running pods in privileged mode
13.2.4. Adding individual kernel capabilities to a container
13.2.5. Dropping capabilities from a container
13.2.6. Preventing processes from writing to the container’s filesystem
13.2.7. Sharing volumes when containers run as different users
13.3. Restricting the use of security-related features in pods
13.3.1. Introducing the PodSecurityPolicy resource
13.3.2. Understanding runAsUser, fsGroup, and supplementalGroups policies
13.3.3. Configuring allowed, default, and disallowed capabilities
13.3.4. Constraining the types of volumes pods can use
13.3.5. Assigning different PodSecurityPolicies to different users and groups
13.4. Isolating the pod network
13.4.1. Enabling network isolation in a namespace
13.4.2. Allowing only some pods in the namespace to connect to a server pod
13.4.3. Isolating the network between Kubernetes namespaces
13.4.4. Isolating using CIDR notation
13.4.5. Limiting the outbound traffic of a set of pods
13.5. Summary
Chapter 14. Managing pods’ computational resources
14.1. Requesting resources for a pod’s containers
14.1.1. Creating pods with resource requests
14.1.2. Understanding how resource requests affect scheduling
14.1.3. Understanding how CPU requests affect CPU time sharing
14.1.4. Defining and requesting custom resources
14.2. Limiting resources available to a container
14.2.1. Setting a hard limit for the amount of resources a container can use
14.2.2. Exceeding the limits
14.2.3. Understanding how apps in containers see limits
14.3. Understanding pod QoS classes
14.3.1. Defining the QoS class for a pod
14.3.2. Understanding which process gets killed when memory is low
14.4. Setting default requests and limits for pods per namespace
14.4.1. Introducing the LimitRange resource
14.4.2. Creating a LimitRange object
14.4.3. Enforcing the limits
14.4.4. Applying default resource requests and limits
14.5. Limiting the total resources available in a namespace
14.5.1. Introducing the ResourceQuota object
14.5.2. Specifying a quota for persistent storage
14.5.3. Limiting the number of objects that can be created
14.5.4. Specifying quotas for specific pod states and/or QoS classes
14.6. Monitoring pod resource usage
14.6.1. Collecting and retrieving actual resource usages
14.6.2. Storing and analyzing historical resource consumption statistics
14.7. Summary
Chapter 15. Automatic scaling of pods and cluster nodes
15.1. Horizontal pod autoscaling
15.1.1. Understanding the autoscaling process
15.1.2. Scaling based on CPU utilization
15.1.3. Scaling based on memory consumption
15.1.4. Scaling based on other and custom metrics
15.1.5. Determining which metrics are appropriate for autoscaling
15.1.6. Scaling down to zero replicas
15.2. Vertical pod autoscaling
15.2.1. Automatically configuring resource requests
15.2.2. Modifying resource requests while a pod is running
15.3. Horizontal scaling of cluster nodes
15.3.1. Introducing the Cluster Autoscaler
15.3.2. Enabling the Cluster Autoscaler
15.3.3. Limiting service disruption during cluster scale-down
15.4. Summary
Chapter 16. Advanced scheduling
16.1. Using taints and tolerations to repel pods from certain nodes
16.1.1. Introducing taints and tolerations
16.1.2. Adding custom taints to a node
16.1.3. Adding tolerations to pods
16.1.4. Understanding what taints and tolerations can be used for
16.2. Using node affinity to attract pods to certain nodes
Comparing node affinity to node selectors
Examining the default node labels
16.2.1. Specifying hard node affinity rules
16.2.2. Prioritizing nodes when scheduling a pod
16.3. Co-locating pods with pod affinity and anti-affinity
16.3.1. Using inter-pod affinity to deploy pods on the same node
16.3.2. Deploying pods in the same rack, availability zone, or geographic region
16.3.3. Expressing pod affinity preferences instead of hard requirements
16.3.4. Scheduling pods away from each other with pod anti-affinity
16.4. Summary
Chapter 17. Best practices for developing apps
17.1. Bringing everything together
17.2. Understanding the pod’s lifecycle
17.2.1. Applications must expect to be killed and relocated
17.2.2. Rescheduling of dead or partially dead pods
17.2.3. Starting pods in a specific order
17.2.4. Adding lifecycle hooks
17.2.5. Understanding pod shutdown
17.3. Ensuring all client requests are handled properly
17.3.1. Preventing broken client connections when a pod is starting up
17.3.2. Preventing broken connections during pod shut-down
17.4. Making your apps easy to run and manage in Kubernetes
17.4.1. Making manageable container images
17.4.2. Properly tagging your images and using imagePullPolicy wisely
17.4.3. Using multi-dimensional instead of single-dimensional labels
17.4.4. Describing each resource through annotations
17.4.5. Providing information on why the process terminated
17.4.6. Handling application logs
17.5. Best practices for development and testing
17.5.1. Running apps outside of Kubernetes during development
17.5.2. Using Minikube in development
17.5.3. Versioning and auto-deploying resource manifests
17.5.4. Introducing Ksonnet as an alternative to writing YAML/JSON manifests
17.5.5. Employing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
17.6. Summary
Chapter 18. Extending Kubernetes
18.1. Defining custom API objects
18.1.1. Introducing CustomResourceDefinitions
18.1.2. Automating custom resources with custom controllers
18.1.3. Validating custom objects
18.1.4. Providing a custom API server for your custom objects
18.2. Extending Kubernetes with the Kubernetes Service Catalog
18.2.1. Introducing the Service Catalog
18.2.2. Introducing the Service Catalog API server and Controller Manager
18.2.3. Introducing Service Brokers and the OpenServiceBroker API
18.2.4. Provisioning and using a service
18.2.5. Unbinding and deprovisioning
18.2.6. Understanding what the Service Catalog brings
18.3. Platforms built on top of Kubernetes
18.3.1. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
18.3.2. Deis Workflow and Helm
18.4. Summary
Appendix A. Using kubectl with multiple clusters
A.1. Switching between Minikube and Google Kubernetes Engine
Switching to Minikube
Switching to GKE
Going further
A.2. Using kubectl with multiple clusters or namespaces
A.2.1. Configuring the location of the kubeconfig file
A.2.2. Understanding the contents of the kubeconfig file
A.2.3. Listing, adding, and modifying kube config entries
A.2.4. Using kubectl with different clusters, users, and contexts
A.2.5. Switching between contexts
A.2.6. Listing contexts and clusters
A.2.7. Deleting contexts and clusters
Appendix B. Setting up a multi-node cluster with kubeadm
B.1. Setting up the OS and required packages
B.1.1. Creating the virtual machine
B.1.2. Configuring the network adapter for the VM
B.1.3. Installing the operating system
B.1.4. Installing Docker and Kubernetes
B.1.5. Cloning the VM
B.2. Configuring the master with kubeadm
Running kubeadm init to initialize the master
B.2.1. Understanding how kubeadm runs the components
B.3. Configuring worker nodes with kubeadm
B.3.1. Setting up the container network
B.4. Using the cluster from your local machine
Appendix C. Using other container runtimes
C.1. Replacing Docker with rkt
C.1.1. Configuring Kubernetes to use rkt
C.1.2. Trying out rkt with Minikube
C.2. Using other container runtimes through the CRI
C.2.1. Introducing the CRI-O Container Runtime
C.2.2. Running apps in virtual machines instead of containers
Appendix D. Cluster Federation
D.1. Introducing Kubernetes Cluster Federation
D.2. Understanding the architecture
D.3. Understanding federated API objects
D.3.1. Introducing federated versions of Kubernetes resources
D.3.2. Understanding what federated resources do
Kubernetes resources covered in the book
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