Learning Processing A Beginner’s Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics 1st Edition by Daniel Shiffman – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:0123736021, 978-0123736024
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0123736021
ISBN 13: 978-0123736024
Author: Daniel Shiffman
The free, open-source Processing programming language environment was created at MIT for people who want to develop images, animation, and sound. Based on the ubiquitous Java, it provides an alternative to daunting languages and expensive proprietary software.
This book gives graphic designers, artists and illustrators of all stripes a jump start to working with processing by providing detailed information on the basic principles of programming with the language, followed by careful, step-by-step explanations of select advanced techniques.
The author teaches computer graphics at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, and his book has been developed with a supportive learning experience at its core. From algorithms and data mining to rendering and debugging, it teaches object-oriented programming from the ground up within the fascinating context of interactive visual media.
Previously announced as “Pixels, Patterns, and Processing”
A guided journey from the very basics of computer programming through to creating custom interactive 3D graphics
Step-by-step examples, approachable language, exercises, and LOTS of sample code support the reader’s learning curve
Includes lessons on how to program live video, animated images and interactive sound
Table of contents:
Lesson 1: The Beginning
Chapter 1. Pixels
1.1 Graph Paper
1.2 Simple Shapes
1.3 Grayscale Color
1.4 RGB Color
1.5 Color Transparency
1.6 Custom Color Ranges
Chapter 2. Processing
2.1 Processing to the Rescue
2.2 How do I get Processing?
2.3 The Processing Application
2.4 The Sketchbook
2.5 Coding in Processing
2.6 Errors
2.7 The Processing Reference
2.8 The “Play” Button
2.9 Your First Sketch
2.10 Publishing Your Program
Chapter 3. Interaction
3.1 Go with the flow.
3.2 Our Good Friends, setup( ) and draw( )
3.3 Variation with the Mouse
3.4 Mouse Clicks and Key Presses
Lesson 2: Everything You Need to Know
Chapter 4. Variables
4.1 What is a variable?
4.2 Variable declaration and initialization
4.3 Using a variable
4.4 Many variables
4.5 System variables
4.6 Random: Variety is the spice of life.
4.7 Variable zoog
Chapter 5. Conditionals
5.1 Boolean Expressions
5.2 Conditionals: If, Else, Else If
5.3 Conditionals in a Sketch
5.4 Logical Operators
5.5 Multiple Rollovers
5.6 Boolean Variables
5.7 A Bouncing Ball
5.8 Physics 101
Chapter 6. Loops
6.1 What is iteration? I mean, what is iteration? Seriously, what is iteration?
6.2 “WHILE” Loop, the Only Loop You Really Need
6.3 “Exit” Conditions
6.4 “FOR” Loop
6.5 Local vs. Global Variables (AKA “Variable Scope”)
6.6 Loop Inside the Main Loop
6.7 Zoog grows arms.
Lesson 3: Organization
Chapter 7. Functions
7.1 Break it down
7.2 “User Defined” Functions
7.3 Defining a Function
7.4 Simple modularity
7.5 Arguments
7.6 Passing a copy
7.7 Return type
7.8 Zoog reorganization
Chapter 8. Objects
8.1 I’m down with OOP.
8.2 Using an Object
8.3 Writing the Cookie Cutter
8.4 Using an Object: The Details
8.5 Putting it Together with a Tab
8.6 Constructor Arguments
8.7 Objects are data types too!
8.8 Object-Oriented Zoog
Lesson 4: More of the Same
Chapter 9. Arrays
9.1 Arrays, why do we care?
9.2 What is an array?
9.3 Declaring and Creating an Array
9.4 Initializing an Array
9.5 Array Operations
9.6 Simple Array Example: The Snake
9.7 Arrays of Objects
9.8 Interactive Objects
9.9 Processing’s Array Functions
9.10 One Thousand and One Zoogs
Lesson 5: Putting It All Together
Chapter 10. Algorithms
10.1 Where have we been? Where are we going?
10.2 Algorithm: Dance to the beat of your own drum.
10.3 From Idea to Parts
10.4 Part 1: The Catcher
10.5 Part 2: Intersection
10.6 Part 3: The Timer
10.7 Part 4: Raindrops
10.8 Integration: Puttin’ on the Ritz
10.9 Getting Ready for Act II
Chapter 11. Debugging
11.1 Tip 1: Take a break.
11.2 Tip 2: Get another human being involved.
11.3 Tip 3: Simplify
11.4 Tip 4: println( ) is your friend.
Chapter 12. Libraries
12.1 Libraries
12.2 Built-in Libraries
12.3 Contributed Libraries
Lesson 6: The World Revolves Around You
Chapter 13. Mathematics
13.1 Mathematics and Programming
13.2 Modulus
13.3 Random Numbers
13.4 Probability Review
13.5 Event Probability in Code
13.6 Perlin Noise
13.7 Angles
13.8 Trigonometry
13.9 Oscillation
13.10 Recursion
13.11 Two-Dimensional Arrays
Chapter 14. Translation and Rotation (in 3D!)
14.1 The Z-Axis
14.2 P3D vs. OPENGL
14.3 Vertex Shapes
14.4 Custom 3D Shapes
14.5 Simple Rotation
14.6 Rotation Around Different Axes
14.7 Scale
14.8 The Matrix: Pushing and Popping
14.9 A Processing Solar System
Lesson 7: Pixels Under a Microscope
Chapter 15. Images
15.1 Getting Started with Images
15.2 Animation with an Image
15.3 My Very First Image Processing Filter
15.4 An Array of Images
15.5 Pixels, Pixels, and More Pixels
15.6 Intro to Image Processing
15.7 Our Second Image Processing Filter, Making Our Own Tint( )
15.8 Writing to Another PImage Object’s Pixels
15.9 Level II: Pixel Group Processing
15.10 Creative Visualization
Chapter 16. Video
16.1 Before Processing
16.2 Live Video 101
16.3 Recorded Video
16.4 Software Mirrors
16.5 Video as Sensor, Computer Vision
16.6 Background Removal
16.7 Motion Detection
16.8 Computer Vision Libraries
16.9 The Sandbox
Lesson 8: The Outside World
Chapter 17. Text
17.1 Where do Strings come from?
17.2 What is a String?
17.3 Displaying Text
17.4 Text Animation
17.5 Text Mosaic
17.6 Rotating Text
17.7 Display text character by character.
Chapter 18. Data Input
18.1 Manipulating Strings
18.2 Splitting and Joining
18.3 Reading and Writing Text Files
18.4 Text Parsing
18.5 Text Analysis
18.6 Asynchronous Requests
18.7 Beginner XML
18.8 Using the Processing XML Library
18.9 The Yahoo API
18.10 Sandbox
Chapter 19. Data Streams
19.1 Synchronous vs. Asynchronous
19.2 Creating a Server
19.3 Creating a Client
19.4 Broadcasting
19.5 Multi-user communication, part 1: the server
19.6 Multi-user communication, part 2: the client
19.7 Multi-user communication, part 3: all together now
19.8 Serial communication
19.9 Serial communication with handshaking
19.10 Serial communication with strings
Lesson 9: Making Noise
Chapter 20. Sound
20.1 Really Simple Sound
20.2 Getting Started with Sonia and Minim
20.3 Basic Sound Playback
20.4 A Bit Fancier Sound Playback
20.5 Live input
20.6 Sound Thresholding
Chapter 21. Exporting
21.1 Web applets
21.2 Stand-alone applications
21.3 High-resolution PDFs
21.4 Images/saveframe()
21.5 Moviemaker
Lesson 10: Beyond Processing
Chapter 22. Advanced Object-Oriented Programming
22.1 Encapsulation
22.2 Inheritance
22.3 An inheritance example: shapes
22.4 Polymorphism
22.5 Overloading
Chapter 23. Java
23.1 Revealing the wizard
23.2 If we did not have Processing, what would our code look like?
23.3 Exploring the java API
23.4 Other useful java classes: Arraylist
23.5 Other useful java classes: rectangle
23.6 Exception (error) handling
23.7 Java outside of Processing
Appendix: Common Errors
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learning processing A Beginner’s Guide
Daniel Shiffman,Beginner’s Guide,Programming Images,Animation,Interaction Morgan Kaufmann Series
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