Marine Insurance Clauses 5th Edition by Geoffrey Hudson, Tim Madge, Keith Sturges – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1317984471, 9781317984474
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1317984471
ISBN 13: 9781317984474
Author: Geoffrey Hudson; Tim Madge; Keith Sturges
The new edition of Marine Insurance Clauses reflects numerous changes and additions to the policy clauses, and particularly the new style of the organisation entitled the International Underwriting Association of London in 2002. The new edition will bring you up to date with the present complex and sometimes confusing variations in policy conditions. Part of the Maritime and Transport Law Library.
Marine Insurance Clauses 5th Table of contents:
Part I Introduction to the Fifth Edition
1 Whatever Happened to the Quiet Revolution?
2 The Formal Policy Documents
“This insurance shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts . . .”
Companies Marine Policy
Companies Slip Policy (Direct)
3 Construction of the Policy Forms
Part II Marine Cargo Forms
1 Historical Perspective: Cargo Insurance from Lloyd’s Form to the Present Day
The extent of cover provided
Restrictions upon the losses paid for
Restricted conditions on the forms of 1.1.63: The Institute Cargo Clauses (WA) and the Institute Cargo Clauses (FPA)
The Average Clause (in the WA form)/The FPA Clause (in the FPA form)
The development of “All Risks” cover
2 Institute Cargo Clauses (A)—The “All Risks” form (1/1/09)
Risks Covered
“All risks”
“Loss of or damage to”
“The subject-matter insured”
General Average
General average
Salvage charges
“Both to Blame Collision Clause”
“Attributable to wilful misconduct of the Assured”
“The Assured or their employees”
Transit Clause
Commencement of the transit
Continuation of the transit
Termination of the transit
Termination of Contract of Carriage
Change of Voyage
Insurable Interest
Forwarding Charges
The origin of the Forwarding Charges Clause
Constructive Total Loss
Increased Value
Benefit of Insurance
Minimising Losses
Duty of Assured
“The duty of the Assured and their employees and agents”
“For the purpose of averting or minimising such loss”
“Rights against carriers, bailees and other third parties”
Avoidance of Delay
Law and Practice
3 Institute Cargo Clauses (B) and (C)—The restricted perils forms (1/1/09)
Risks Covered
“Reasonably attributable to”
General Average
“Both to Blame Collision Clause”
Transit Clause
Termination of Contract of Carriage
Change of Voyage
Insurable Interest
Forwarding Charges
Constructive Total Loss
Increased Value
Benefit of Insurance
Minimising Losses
Duty of Assured
Avoidance of Delay
Law and Practice
Comparison in the Cover Afforded by the Institute Cargo Clauses (B) and the Institute Cargo Clauses (C)
4 Institute Clauses for Particular Commodities
A. Institute Frozen Food Clauses (A) (Excluding Frozen Meat) (1/1/86)
Clause 1—Risks Clause
Clause 2—General Average Clause
Clause 3—”Both to Blame Collision” Clause
Clause 4—General Exclusion Clause
Clause 5—Unseaworthiness and Unfitness Exclusion Clause
Clause 6—War Exclusion Clause
Clause 8—Transit Clause
Clause 9—Termination of Contract of Carriage Clause
Clauses 10 to 19
B. Institute Frozen Foods Clauses (C) (Excluding Frozen Meat) (1/1/86)
Clause 1—The Risks Clause
Clause 4—General Exclusions Clause
4.4 “Loss damage or expense caused by inherent vice or nature of the subject-matter insured”
4.7 “Deliberate damage to or deliberate destruction of the subject-matter insured or any part thereof by the wrongful act of any person or persons”
Clause 8—Transit Clause
Clause 9—Termination of Contract of Carriage Clause
Clauses 2, 3, 5-7, 10-19, Note and Special Note
C. Frozen Food Extension Clauses (1/1/86) (For use only with the Institute Frozen Food Clauses (A) 1/1/86)
D. Institute Coal Clauses (1/10/82)
Clause 1—Risks Clause
Clause 2—General Average Clause
Clause 3—”Both to Blame Collision” Clause
Clause 4—General Exclusions Clause
Clause 5—Unseaworthiness and Unfitness Exclusion Clause
Clauses 6 and 7
Clause 8—Transit Clause
Clause 9—Termination of Contract of Affreightment Clause
Clauses 10 to 19 and Note
E. Institute Bulk Oil Clauses (1/2/83)
Clause 1—Risks Clause
Clause 2—General Average Clause
Clause 3—”Both to Blame Collision” Clause
Clause 4—General Exclusions Clause
Clauses 5, 6 and 7
Clause 8—Transit Clause
Clause 9—Termination of Contract of Carriage Clause
Clauses 10 to 14 and 16 to 20 and Note
Clause 15—Adjustment Clause
F. Institute Commodity Trades Clauses (A)(B)(C) (5/9/83) Agreed with the Federation of Commodity Associations for the insurance of shipments of Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, Fats and Oils not in bulk, Hides, Skins and Leather, Metals, Oil Seeds, Sugar (Raw or Refined), and Tea.
Clause 4.6—“Insolvency Clause”
Clause 5—Unseaworthiness and Unfitness Exclusion Clause
G. Institute Jute Clauses (1/1/84)
Clause 1—Risks Clause
Clause 2—General Average Clause
Clause 3—”Both to Blame Collision” Clause
Clause 4—General Exclusions Clause
Clause 5—Unseaworthiness and Unfitness Exclusion Clause
Clause 6 and 7—War and Strikes Exclusion Clauses
Clause 8—Transit clause
Clause 9—Termination of Contract of Carriage Clause
Clauses 10 to 19 inclusive and Note
H. Institute Natural Rubber Clauses (Excluding Liquid Latex) (1/1/84)
Clause 1—Risks Clause
Clause 2—General Average Clause
Clause 3—”Both to Blame Collision” Clause
Clause 4—General Exclusions Clause
Clause 5—Unseaworthiness and Unfitness Exclusion Clause
Clause 6 and 7—War and Strikes Exclusion Clauses
Clause 8—Transit Clause
Clauses 8.4, 9 and 10 and 11 to 14
Clause 15—Arbitration Clause
Clauses 16 to 20 and Note
I. Institute FOSFA Trades Clauses (1/7/85) Agreed with the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations
1. Institute FOSFA Supplementary Clauses (1) (for use in conjunction with Institute FOSFA Trades Clause (B))
“Breakdown or collapse of proper stow”
2. Institute FOSFA Supplementary Clauses (2) (for use in conjunction with Institute FOSFA Trades Clause (C))
3. Institute FOSFA Supplementary Clauses (3): Ship Navigation & Management (for use in conjunction with Institute FOSFA Trades Clauses (B) & (C))
4. Institute FOSFA Supplementary Clauses (4): Grade Clause (for use in conjunction with Institute FOSFA Trades Clauses)
J. Institute Frozen Meat Clauses (1/1/86)
Clause 1—Risks Covered
Clauses 2 and 3—General Average and “Both to Blame Collision” Clauses
Clause 4—Exclusions
Clause 5—Unseaworthiness and Unfitness Exclusion Clause
Clause 6 and 7—War and Strikes Exclusion Clauses
Clause 8—Transit Clause
Clause 9—Termination of Contract of Affreightment Clause
Clause 10 to 13
Clause 14—Adjustment Clause
Clause 15 to 20, Note and Special Note
K. IMTA Frozen Meat Extension Clauses 1/1/86 (For use only with the Institute Frozen Meat Clauses (A) 1/1/86)
L. Institute Timber Trade Federation Clauses (Agreed with the Timber Trade Federation) (1/4/86)
Clause 1—Risks Clause
Clause 2—General Average Clause
Clause 3—”Both to Blame Collision” Clause
Clause 4—General Exclusions Clause
Clause 5—Unseaworthiness and Unfitness Exclusion Clause
Clauses 6 and 7—War and Strikes Exclusion Clauses
Clause 8—Transit Clause
5 Occasional and Additional Clauses
A. Institute Malicious Damage Clause (1/8/82)
B. Institute Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery Clause (For use only with Institute Clauses) (1/12/82)
“Theft or pilferage”
“Non-delivery of an entire package”
C. (i) Institute Replacement Clause (1/1/09)
C. (ii) Institute Replacement Clause—Proportional Value (1/1/09)
C. (iii) Institute Replacement Clause—Obsolete Parts Endorsement (1/1/09)
Part III Marine Hull Forms
1 Historical Perspective
Insurance for merchant adventurers and container operators
2 Institute Time Clauses, Hulls and International Hull Clauses
Introduction to the Clauses of 1/10/83 and 1/11/95
The Clauses of 1/10/83
The Clauses of 1/11/95
Changes since 1983 in international maritime law
The decline in standards of ship operation and management
The “Claims Cut-Off” provision
Reaction to the Clauses of 1/11/95
The International Hull Clauses
Principal Insuring Conditions (English Law and Practice)
Part 1—Principal Insuring Conditions (International Hull Clauses)
“1.2 This insurance is subject to English law and practice 1.3 This insurance is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English High Court of Justice, except as may be expressly provided herein to the contrary”
3 Institute Time Clauses, Hulls
Clause 1—Navigation
Clause 2—Continuation
“In good safety”
Clause 3—Breach of warranty
Clause 4—Classification
Clause 5—Termination
13.1.2 “No change, suspension, discontinuance, withdrawal or expiry of the vessel’s class”
Clause 6—Perils
Consequences of the abolition of the traditional wording in Lloyd’s SG form
1 Incidence of loss under the policies
“This insurance covers loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured”
2. The loss of the ejusdem generis wording
Proximate cause
“Caused by”
6.1.1 “Perils of the seas rivers lakes or other navigable waters”
6.1.2 “Fire, explosion”
6.1.3 “Violent theft by persons from outside the vessel”
“6.1.4 Jettison”
“6.1.5 Piracy”
Violent Theft, Piracy and Barratry Exclusion—for use with The Institute Time Clauses Hulls 1/11/95
6.1.6 “Contact with land conveyance, dock or harbour equipment or installation”
6.1.7 “Earthquake volcanic eruption or lightning”
6.1.8 “Accidents in loading discharging or shifting cargo or fuel”
6.2.1 “Bursting of boilers breakage of shafts or any latent defect in machinery or hull”
“Bursting of boilers or breakage of shafts”
“Any latent defect in the machinery or hull”
Latent defect compared with bad design
6.2.2 “Negligence of Master Officers Crew or Pilots”
6.3 “Masters Officers Crew or Pilots shall not be considered Owners within the meaning of this Clause 6 should they hold shares in the vessel.”
6.2.3 “Negligence of repairers or charterers provided such repairers or charterers are not an Assured hereunder”
6.2.4 “Barratry of Master, Officers or Crew”
6.2.5 “Contact with aircraft, helicopters or similar objects, or objects falling therefrom”
The Clause 6.2 Proviso
Unseaworthiness as a defence on time policies
“With the privity of the assured”
“Any loss attributable to unseaworthiness”
The ISM Code in relation to the Proviso
Clause 7—Pollution Hazard
Clause 8-3/4ths Collision Liability
Clause 9—Sistership
Clause 10—General Average and Salvage
The 1995 limitations on general average allowances
Clause 11—Duty of Assured (Sue and Labour)
“In case of any loss or misfortune”
“It is the duty of the Assured and their servants and agents to take such measures as may be reasonable”
“For the purpose of averting or minimising a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance”
“Subject to the provisions below and to Clause 12”
“The Underwriters will contribute to charges properly and reasonably incurred”
“General average, salvage charges (except as provided for in Clause 11.5) special compensation and expenses as referred to in Clause 10.5 and collision defence or attack costs are not recoverable under this Clause 11”
Clause 12—Deductible
Clause 13—Notice of Claim and Tenders
Clause 14—New for Old
Clause 15—Bottom Treatment
Clause 16—Wages and Maintenance
“Other than in general average”
“The Underwriters shall not be liable for wages and maintenance of the Master, Officers and Crew or any member thereof”
“Except when incurred solely for the necessary removal of the vessel from one port to another for repair of damage covered by the Underwriters”
“Or for trial trips for such repairs”
“And then only for such wages and maintenance as are incurred whilst the vessel is under way”
Clause 17—Agency Commission
Clause 18—Unrepaired Damage
(a) What was the reasonable cost of repairs?
(b) What was the reasonable depreciation?
Clause 19—Constructive Total Loss
Clause 20—Freight Waiver
Clause 21—Assignment
Clause 22—Disbursements Warranty
Clause 23—Returns for Lay-Up and Cancellation
Clauses 24, 25, 26—War, Strikes and Malicious Acts Exclusions
Clause 27—Radioactive Contamination Exclusion
4 International Hull Clauses 01/11/03
Part 1—Principal Insuring Conditions
Part 2—Additional Clauses (01/11/03)
Part 3—Claims Provisions (01/11/03)
5 American Institute Hull Clauses
6 Institute Time Clauses, Hulls—Restricted Conditions
A. Institute Time Clauses, Hulls—Restricted Perils 1/11/95
B. Institute Time Clauses, Hulls—Total Loss, General Average and 3/4ths Collision Liability (including Salvage, Salvage Charges and Sue and Labour) 1/11/95
Clause 5—Termination
Clause 6—Perils
Clause 7—Pollution Hazard
Clause 10—General Average and Salvage
Clause 12—Deductible
Clause 13—Notice of Claim
Clause 14—New for Old
Clauses omitted
C. Institute Time Clauses, Hulls—Total Loss Only (including Salvage, Salvage Charges and Sue and Labour) 1/11/95
Clause 1—Navigation
Clause 5—Termination
Clause 6—Perils
Clause 7—Pollution Hazard
Clause 8—Salvage
Clause 10—Sistership
Clause 11—Notice of Claim
Clauses omitted
7 Institute Voyage Clauses, Hulls
Institute Voyage Clauses, Hulls 1/11/95
Clause 1—Navigation
Clause 2—Change of voyage
Clauses 3 to 24 inclusive
Institute Voyage Clauses, Hulls—Total Loss, General Average and 3/4ths Collision Liability (Including Salvage, Salvage Charges and Sue and Labour) 1/11/95
Clauses 4 and 5—Perils and Pollution Hazard
Clause 8—General Average and Salvage
Clauses 10, 11 and 12—Deductible, Notice of Claim and New for Old
Clauses omitted
8 Institute Time Clauses, Hulls—Port Risks
Institute Time Clauses Hulls—Port Risks 20/7/87
Protection and indemnity risks
9 Institute Fishing Vessel Clauses
Institute Fishing Vessel Clauses 20/7/87
“Crew necessarily retained”
10 Institute Yacht Clauses
Institute Yacht Clauses 1/11/85
“By reason of interest in the insured vessel”
Part IV Additional Insurances for Shipowners
1 Historical Perspective
2 Excess Liabilities
3 Disbursements and Increased Value Clauses
A. Institute Time Clauses, Hulls: Excess Liabilities, 1/11/95
B. Institute Time Clauses, Hulls: Disbursements and Increased Value (Total Loss only, including Excess Liabilities), 1/11/95
Clauses 1-5 Navigation; Continuation; Breach of Warranty; Classification and Termination
Clauses 6 and 7—Perils and Pollution Hazard
Clause 8—Notice of Claim
Clauses 9 and 10—Constructive and Compromised Total Losses
Clause 11—Assignment
Clause 12—Returns for Lay-up and Cancellation
Clauses 13-16—Exclusions
C. International Hull Disbursements and Increased Value Clauses, 1/11/03 (Total Loss only and Excess Collision Liabilities)
Clauses 7-18 inclusive
4 Extended Conditions
A. Institute Additional Perils Clauses, Hulls 1/11/95 (For use only with the Institute Time Clauses, Hulls 1/11/95)
B. Institute General Average—Pollution Expenditure Clause, Hulls 1/11/95
C. Extensions to the subject-matter insured
5 Additional Deductibles for Machinery Damage
Institute Machinery Damage Additional Deductible Clause (For use only with the Institute Time Clauses, Hulls 1/11/95)
Institute Machinery Damage Additional Deductible Clause (For use only with the Institute Voyage Clauses, Hulls 1/11/95)
Additional Deductible Adaptation Clause
6 Freight Insurance
A. Institute Time Clauses, Freight 1/11/95
The Clause 9.2 provisos
Clauses 18-21 Exclusions
B. Institute Voyage Clauses, Freight 1/11/95
Clause 3—Change of Voyage
C. Institute General Average—Pollution Expenditure Clause, Freight 1/1/96
7 Protection and Indemnity Risks
Institute Protection and Indemnity Clauses, Hulls—Time 20/7/87
“The Underwriters agree to indemnify the Assured for any sum or sums paid by the Assured”
“To any other person or persons”
“. . . by reason of the Assured becoming legally liable, as owner of the Vessel”
“. . . For any claim, demand, damages and/or expenses”
Institute Protection and Indemnity Clause Amendment 1/11/96
Part V Insurances for Various Interests
1 Introduction
2 The Insurance of Shipbuilders’ Risks
Institute Clauses for Builders’ Risks 1/6/88
Builders’ yards
Subject of insurance
Institute Clauses for Builders’ Risks (This insurance is subject to English law and practice)
Clause 1—Insured Value
Clause 2—Transit
Clause 3—Delayed Delivery
Clause 4—Deviation or Change of Voyage
Clause 5—Perils
Clause 6—Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption Exclusion
Clause 7—Pollution Hazard
Clause 8—Faulty Design
Clause 9—Navigation
Clause 10—Deductible
Clauses 11 and 12—Unrepaired Damage and Constructive Total Loss
Clause 13—General Average and Salvage
Clause 14—Notice of Claim
Clause 15—Change of Interest
Clause 16—Assignment
Clauses 17 and 18—Collision Liability and Sistership
Clause 19—Protection and Indemnity
20 Duty of Assured Clause (Sue and Labour)
Clauses 21-24—Exclusions
3 Insurance on Containers
Institute Container Clauses, Time 1/1/87
Clause 1—Risks Clause
“All risks of loss of or damage to subject-matter insured”
Clause 2—General Average Clause
Clause 3—“Both to Blame Collision” Clause
Clause 4—Machinery Clause
5.3 “Mysterious disappearance, unexplained loss and loss discovered upon taking inventory”
5.6 “Loss damage or expense arising from insolvency or financial default”
4 Mortgagees’ Interest Insurance
The mortgagees’ options
Institute Mortgagees’ Interest Clauses, Hulls 1/3/97
A. Recital
Clause 1—Insuring Clause
Clause 2—Definitions
2.1 Insured Perils
2.2 Owners’ Policies and Club Entries
2.3 Net Loss
2.4 Mortgaged Vessel
Clause 3—Exclusions
Clause 4—Warranties
Clause 5—Change of Ownership or Control
Clause 6—Duty of Assured (Sue and Labour)
Clause 7—Claims
Clause 8—Subrogation
Clause 9—Effect of Under Insurance
Clause 10—Automatic Termination
International Hull Mortgagees’ Interest Clauses, 11/5/04
5 The Insurance of Average Disbursements
Adjustment under the York-Antwerp Rules
Separate securities for salvage and general average
Different bases for apportioning salvage and general average
Market practice
The Average Disbursements Clauses (A) and (B), 14/5/87
Clause 2.1
Proviso to Clause 2.1
Clause 2.2
Example Alpha
Clause 5.1
Clause 5.2
Example Beta
Under the (A) Clauses
Under the (B) Clauses
Effect of claim
Law and practice in countries outside the United Kingdom
Part VI War and Strikes Risks Forms
1 Historical Perspective
From men of war to the terrorists of today
2 Cargo Insurances
A. Institute War Clauses (Cargo) 1/1/09
Risks Covered
General Average
Exclusions which do not appear in the Institute Cargo Clauses
Transit Clause
Change of Voyage
Insurable Interest
Increased Value
Benefit of Insurance
Minimising Losses
Duty of Assured
Avoidance of Delay
Law and Practice
B. Institute Strikes Clauses (Cargo) 1/1/09
Risks Covered
General Average
Transit Clause
Termination of Contract of Carriage
Change of Voyage
Insurable Interest
Increased Value
Benefit of Insurance
Minimising Losses
Duty of Assured
Avoidance of Delay
Law and Practice
C. War and Strikes Forms for Particular Commodities
D. Institute Additional Expenses Clauses (Cargo—War Risks) 1/7/85
3 Hull Insurances
Institute War and Strikes Clauses, Hulls—Time 1/11/95
Clause 1—Perils
1.6 “Confiscation or expropriation”
Clause 2—Incorporation
Clause 3—Detainment
Clause 4—Notice of Claim and Tenders
Clause 5—Exclusions
Piracy and associated risks
Violent Theft, Piracy and Barratry Extension of 17 October 2005
Violent Theft, Piracy and Barratry Extension—for use with the Institute War & Strikes Clauses Hulls—Time 1/11/95
General Average
Clause 6—Termination
Summary of Recent Law Cases Regarding Piracy, Etc.
Masefield AG v Amlin Corporate Member Ltd35
Cosco Bulk Carrier Co Ltd v Team Up Owning Co Ltd (The Saldanha)52
Osmium Shipping Corporation v Cargill International SA (The Captain Stefanos)53
Taokas Navigation SA v Komrowski Bulk Shipping KG (The Paiwan Wisdom)54
American Institute Hull War and Strikes Clauses
4 Insurances on Freight
Institute War and Strikes Clauses, Freight—Time 1/11/95
Clause 1—Perils
“Arising from loss of or damage to the Vessel”
Clause 2—Incorporation
Clause 3—Detainment
Clause 4—Exclusions
Clause 5—Termination
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