Marketing Management 5th Edition by Dawn Iacobucc – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1337271128 978-1337271127
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ISBN 10: 1337271128
ISBN 13: 978-1337271127
Author: Dawn Iacobucc
Now you can master the core concepts in marketing management that you need as a undergraduate marketing major, first-year MBA or EMBA student with the detailed material in Iacobucci’s MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 5E. You are able to immediately apply the key concepts you learn to cases, group work, or simulations that are assigned in your course. MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 5E reflects the dynamic environment facing today’s marketers. Engaging explanations, timely cases and memorable examples help you understand how an increasingly competitive global marketplace and current changes in technology affect the marketing decisions that today’s managers must make every day.
Marketing Management 5th Table of contents:
Part 1. Marketing Strategy
Chapter 1. Why is Marketing Management Important?
1-1. Defining Marketing
1-2. Marketing is an Exchange Relationship
1-2a. Marketing is Everywhere
1-3. Why is Marketing Management Important?
1-3a. Marketing and Customer Satisfaction is Everyone’s Responsibility
1-4. The “Marketing Framework”: 5Cs, STP, and the 4Ps
1-4a. Book Layout
1-4b. Learning from the Marketing Framework
1-4c. The Flow in Each Chapter: What? Why? How?
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. How to Design an Attractive Wearable
Chapter 2. Customer Behavior
2-1. Three Phases of the Purchase Process
2-2. Different Kinds of Purchases
2-3. The Marketing Science of Customer Behavior
2-3a. Sensation and Perception
2-3b. Learning, Memory, and Emotions
2-3c. Motivation
2-3d. Attitudes and Decision Making
2-3e. How Do Cultural Differences Affect Consumers’ Behavior?
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. Insight into Consumer Decision Making for 3-D TV
Chapter 3. Segmentation
3-1. Why Segment?
3-2. What are Market Segments?
3-3. What Information Serves as Bases for Segmentation?
3-3a. Demographic
3-3b. Geographic
3-3c. Psychological
3-3d. Behavioral
3-3e. B2B
3-3f. Concept in Action: Segmentation Variables
3-4. How do Marketers Segment the Market?
3-4a. How to Evaluate the Segmentation Scheme
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. Health Care Tourism
Chapter 4. Targeting
4-1. What is Targeting and Why Do Marketers Do It?
4-2. How Do We Choose a Segment to Target?
4-2a. Profitability and Strategic Fit
4-2b. Competitive Comparisons
4-3. Sizing Markets
4-3a. Concept in Action: How Much of My Consultative Advice Can I Sell?
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. GoodBite
Chapter 5. Positioning
5-1. What is Positioning and Why is it Probably the Most Important Aspect of Marketing?
5-1a. Positioning via Perceptual Maps
5-1b. The Positioning Matrix
5-2. Writing a Positioning Statement
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. Positioning Fast Food
Part 2. Product Positioning
Chapter 6. Products: Goods and Services
6-1. What do we Mean by Product?
6-1a. The Product in the Marketing Exchange
6-2. How are Goods Different From Services?
6-2a. Intangibility
6-2b. Search, Experience, Credence
6-2c. Perishability
6-2d. Variability
6-2e. To Infinity and Beyond Goods and Services
6-3. What is the Firm’s Core Market Offering?
6-3a. Dynamic Strategies
6-3b. Product Lines: Breadth and Depth
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. Volta Financial
Chapter 7. Brands
7-1. What is a Brand?
7-1a. Brand Name
7-1b. Logos and Color
7-2. Why Brand?
7-3. What are Brand Associations?
7-3a. Brand Personalities
7-3b. Brand Communities
7-4. What are Branding Strategies?
7-4a. Umbrella Brands vs. House of Brands
7-4b. Brand-Extensions and Co-Branding
7-4c. How are Brands Best Rolled Out Globally?
7-4d. Store Brands
7-5. How is Brand Equity Determined?
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. 6MD
Chapter 8. New Products and Innovation
8-1. Why are New Products Important?
8-2. How Does Marketing Develop New Products for Their Customers?
8-2a. Philosophies of Product Development
8-2b. Marketing
8-2c. Idea Creation and Market Potential
8-2d. Concept Testing and Design & Development
8-2e. Beta-Testing
8-2f. Launch
8-3. What is the Product Life Cycle?
8-3a. Diffusion of Innovation
8-4. How do New Products and Brand Extensions Fit in Marketing Strategy?
8-4a. Strategic Thinking about Growth
8-5. What Trends Should I Watch?
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. Wild Foods
Part 3. Positioning via Price, Place, and Promotion
Chapter 9. Pricing
9-1. Why is Pricing so Important?
9-2. Background: Supply and Demand
9-3. Low Prices
9-3a. Concept in Action: Break-Even for a Good
9-3b. Concept in Action: Break-Even for a Service
9-4. High Prices
9-4a. Using Scanner Data
9-4b. Using Survey Data
9-4c. Conjoint Analysis
9-5. Units or Revenue; Volume or Profits
9-6. Customers and the Psychology of Pricing
9-6a. Price Discrimination, a.k.a. Segmentation Pricing
9-6b. Quantity Discounts
9-6c. Yield or Demand Management
9-7. Non-Linear Pricing
9-8. Changes in Cha-Ching
9-8a. Pricing and the Product Life Cycle
9-8b. Price Fluctuations
9-8c. Coupons
9-8d. Competitive Strategy and Game Theory
9-8e. Auctions
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. Personal Brand Management
Chapter 10. Channels of Distribution
10-1. What are Distribution Channels, Supply Chain Logistics, and Why Do We Use Them?
10-2. How to Design Smart Distribution Systems: Intensive or Selective?
10-2a. Push and Pull
10-3. Power and Conflict in Channel Relationships
10-3a. Revenue Sharing
10-3b. Integration
10-3c. Retailing
10-3d. Franchising
10-3e. E-Commerce
10-3f. Catalog Sales
10-3g. Sales Force
10-3h. Integrated Marketing Channels
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. Starbucks Fair Trade Line
Chapter 11. Advertising Messages and Marketing Communications
11-1. What is Advertising?
11-2. Why is Advertising Important?
11-3. What Marketing Goals are Sought From Advertising Campaigns?
11-4. Designing Advertising Messages to Meet Marketing and Corporate Goals
11-4a. Cognitive Ads
11-4b. Emotional Ads
11-4c. Image Ads
11-4d. Endorsements
11-5. How is Advertising Evaluated?
11-5a. Aad and Abrand
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. Celeb-Relief
Chapter 12. Integrated Marketing Communications and Media Choices
12-1. What Media Decisions are Made in Advertising Promotional Campaigns?
12-1a. Reach and Frequency and GRPs
12-1b. Media Planning and Scheduling
12-2. Integrated Marketing Communications Across Media
12-2a. Media Comparisons
12-2b. Beyond Advertising
12-2c. Choice Between Advertising and a Sales Force
12-2d. The IMC Choices Depend on the Marketing Goals
12-3. How is the Effectiveness of Advertising Media Measured?
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. Where Should We Place Our Ad?
Chapter 13. Social Media
13-1. What are Social Media?
13-1a. Types of Social Media
13-1b. Word-of-mouth
13-2. What are Social Networks?
13-2a. Identifying Influentials
13-2b. Recommendation Systems
13-2c. Social Media ROI, KPIs, and Web Analytics
13-2d. Pre-purchase: Awareness
13-2e. Pre-purchase: Brand Consideration
13-2f. Purchase or Behavioral Engagement
13-2g. Post-purchase
13-2h. How to Proceed?
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. Google’s PageRank
Part 4. Positioning: Assessment Through the Customer Lens
Chapter 14. Customer Satisfaction and Customer Relationships
14-1. What are Customer Evaluations, and Why Do We Care?
14-2. How Do Consumers Evaluate Products?
14-2a. Sources of Expectations
14-2b. Expectation and Experience
14-3. How Do Marketers Measure Quality and Customer Satisfaction?
14-4. Loyalty and Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
14-4a. Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value (RFM)
14-4b. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. Happy Global Customers?
Chapter 15. Marketing Research Tools
15-1. Why is Marketing Research So Important?
15-2. Cluster Analysis for Segmentation
15-3. Perceptual Mapping for Positioning
15-3a. Attribute-Based
15-4. Focus Groups for Concept Testing
15-5. Conjoint for Testing Attributes
15-6. Scanner Data for Pricing and Coupon Experiments and Brand Switching
15-7. Surveys for Assessing Customer Satisfaction
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. How to Design an Attractive Wearable Redux
Part 5. Capstone
Chapter 16. Marketing Strategy
16-1. Types of Business and Marketing Goals
16-2. Marketing Strategy
16-2a. Ansoff’s Product-Market Growth Matrix
16-2b. The BCG Matrix
16-2c. The General Electric Model
16-2d. Porter and Strategies
16-2e. Treacy and Wiersema Strategies
16-3. How to “Do” Strategy
16-3a. SWOT’s S&W
16-3b. SWOT’s O&T
16-4. Key Marketing Metrics to Facilitate Marketing Strategy
Managerial Recap
Mini-Case. How to Watch Movies
Chapter 17. Marketing Plans
17-1. How Do We Put it all Together?
17-2. Situation Analysis: The 5Cs
17-3. STP
17-4. The 4Ps
17-5. Spending Time and Money
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