Marketing Manipulation A Consumer Survival Manual 1st editon by Michael Kamins – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 978-9813234703
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ISBN 13: 978-9813234703
Author: Michael Kamins
Marketing Manipulation deals with the tactics and strategies used by marketers that prey on human cognitive, social and memory based biases ultimately influencing consumer behavior in their favor.Kamins focuses on examples from academic research where consumers have been found to be susceptible to bias and therefore have made less than optimal purchase decisions. Particularly, academic research in the area of Pricing, Product, Promotion, Sales and marketing research. Written in an accessible manner, this book puts the consumer (you!) in the center and aims to helps making all of us a better decision maker when confronted with a range of stimuli in a marketing environment.
Marketing Manipulation A Consumer Survival Manual 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1. The Impact of the Marketing Environment
Chapter 2. System I Processing
Chapter 3. Cognitive Biases and System II Processing
Chapter 4. Social Biases
Chapter 5. Memory Biases
Chapter 6. The Problem of Inertia
Chapter 7. Price and Its Influence Upon Choice
Chapter 8. Deceptive Products: Consumer Confusion, Secondary Meaning and Dilution
Chapter 9. Marketing Manipulation by the Drug Companies is Enough to Make You Sick!
Chapter 10. Selling Tactics That Have the Potential to Deceive
Chapter 11. Deceptive Advertising and Promotional Techniques
Chapter 12. Political Advertising and Deception
Chapter 13. Manipulative Marketing Research from Questionnaire Design to Results
Chapter 14. Winning Strategies for Online Purchases (eBay, Priceline and StubHub)
Chapter 15. Wrapping It All Up
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