Marketing Research Asia Pacific Edition 4th editon by William Zikmund,Steve D’Alessandro , Hume Winzar ,Ben Lowe,Barry J. Babin – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:017036982X , 978-0170369824
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 017036982X
ISBN 13: 978-0170369824
Author: William Zikmund,Steve D’Alessandro , Hume Winzar ,Ben Lowe,Barry J. Babin
Marketing Research 4th Asia-Pacific edition continues to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to successfully undertake marketing research. Combining a solid theoretical foundation with a practical, step-by-step approach, the marketing research process is explored through a learning model that is constantly reinforced throughout the text. Using a raft of contemporary local and international examples, data sets and case studies to explain traditional marketing research methods, Marketing Research also examines new theories and techniques. To reflect emerging industry practices, each stage of research reporting is detailed, as well as a range of presentation methodologies. This edition of Marketing Research continues to integrate Qualtrics, a robust and easy-to-use online survey tool that provides students with a platform for designing, distributing and evaluating survey results, to strengthen its ‘learning by doing’ approach. For analysing data, the text covers both SPSS and EXCEL outputs. This text is indispensable for students studying marketing research in any business or marketing course.
Marketing Research Asia Pacific Edition 4th editon Table of contents:
Part 1: Introduction to the research process
1. The role of marketing research and the research process
Part 2: Defining the problem
2. Problem definition and the research process
Part 3: Planning the research design
3. Qualitative research
4. Secondary research with big data
5. Survey research
6. Observation
7. Experimental research and test marketing
8. Measurement
9. Questionnaire design
Part 4: Planning the sample
10. Sampling: Sample design and sample size
Part 5: Collecting the data
11. Editing and coding: Transforming raw data into information
Part 6: Analysing the data
12. Univariate statistical analysis: A recap of inferential statistics
13. Bivariate statistical analysis: Tests of differences
14. Bivariate statistical analysis: Tests of association
15. Multivariate statistical analysis
Part 7: Formulating conclusions and writing the final report
16. Communicating research results: Research report, oral presentation, and research follow-up
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William Zikmund,Steve D’Alessandro,Hume Winzar,Ben Lowe,Barry Babin,Marketing Research,Research 4th
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