Marketing Research 1st edition by Joseph F. Hair Jr. , Bryan Lukas Associate Professor – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1743078765 , 978-1743078761
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1743078765
ISBN 13: 978-1743078761
Author: Joseph F. Hair Jr. , Bryan Lukas Associate Professor
Marketing Research provides a contemporary and managerially relevant discussion of the key principles in the dynamic field of marketing research. The authors take an application-oriented approach, providing students with the tools and skills necessary to solve business challenges and exploit business opportunities. It strikes the right balance between quantitative and qualitative data discussions encouraging an understanding of best practice in data collection and analysis, supported by strong theoretical discussion and relevant case studies. The fourth edition has a new industry voice with insights from Ken Roberts, founder and president of Forethought Research. Ken’s industry cases, Food for Thought, tie theory to real world business practice using experiences from clients in ANZ, Asia and the US. This fourth edition has been revised and updated with streamlined chapters, increased coverage of social media, and all new end of chapter material. Students and instructors have access to a thorough digital package offering quizzes, exercises, and SSPS data sets.
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Joseph Hair,Bryan Lukas Associate Professor,Marketing Research
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