Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers 4th editon by Michael Mamlouk, John Zaniewski- Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0134322894, 9780134322896
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ISBN 10: 0134322894
ISBN 13: 9780134322896
Author: Michael S. Mamlouk; John P. Zaniewski
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Civil and Construction Engineering Materials: Properties, Uses, and Evaluations Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers helps readers understand and select the materials involved in supporting the infrastructure needs of society–from buildings, to water and treatment distribution systems, to dams, highways, and airport pavements. By gaining a deep understanding of material behavior and the material selection process, readers can begin to understand how to create and maintain civil and construction engineering systems crucial to society. The primary focus of the updates presented in this fourth edition was on the sustainability of materials used in civil and construction engineering. The information on sustainability was updated and expanded to include the most recent information. In addition, sections were added describing the sustainability considerations of each material. The problem set for each chapter was updated and increased to provide some fresh exercises. References were updated and increased in all chapters to provide students with additional reading on current issues related to different materials.
Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers 4th Table of contents:
Chapter 1 Materials Engineering Concepts
1.1 Economic Factors
1.2 Mechanical Properties
1.2.1 Loading Conditions
1.2.2 Stress–Strain Relations
1.2.3 Elastic Behavior
1.2.4 Elastoplastic Behavior
1.2.5 Viscoelastic Behavior
Time-Dependent Response
Rheological Models
1.2.6 Temperature and Time Effects
1.2.7 Work and Energy
1.2.8 Failure and Safety
1.3 Nonmechanical Properties
1.3.1 Density and Unit Weight
1.3.2 Thermal Expansion
1.3.3 Surface Characteristics
Corrosion and Degradation
Abrasion and Wear Resistance
Surface Texture
1.4 Production and Construction
1.5 Aesthetic Characteristics
1.6 Sustainable Design
1.7 Material Variability
1.7.1 Sampling
1.7.2 Normal Distribution
1.7.3 Control Charts
1.7.4 Experimental Error
1.8 Laboratory Measuring Devices
1.8.1 Dial Gauge
1.8.2 Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)
1.8.3 Strain Gauge
1.8.4 Noncontact Deformation Measurement Technique
1.8.5 Proving Ring
1.8.6 Load Cell
Questions and Problems
1.9 References
Chapter 2 Nature of Materials
2.1 Basic Materials Concepts
2.1.1 Electron Configuration
2.1.2 Bonding
Primary Bonds
Secondary Bonds
2.1.3 Material Classification by Bond Type
2.2 Metallic Materials
2.2.1 Lattice Structure
2.2.2 Lattice Defects
2.2.3 Grain Structure
2.2.4 Alloys
2.2.5 Phase Diagrams
Soluble Materials
Insoluble Materials
Partially Soluble Materials
Eutectoid Reaction
2.2.6 Combined Effects
2.3 Inorganic Solids
2.4 Organic Solids
2.4.1 Polymer Development, Structure, and Cross-Linking
2.4.2 Melting and Glass Transition Temperature
2.4.3 Mechanical Properties
Questions and Problems
2.5 References
Chapter 3 Steel
3.1 Steel Production
3.2 Iron–Carbon Phase Diagram
3.3 Heat Treatment of Steel
3.3.1 Annealing
3.3.2 Normalizing
3.3.3 Hardening
3.3.4 Tempering
3.3.5 Example of Heat Treatment
3.4 Steel Alloys
3.5 Structural Steel
3.5.1 Structural Steel Grades
3.5.2 Sectional Shapes
3.5.3 Specialty Steels in Structural Applications
3.6 Cold-Formed Steel
3.6.1 Cold-Formed Steel Grades
3.6.2 Cold-Formed Steel Shapes
3.6.3 Special Design Considerations for Cold-Formed Steel
3.7 Fastening Products
3.8 Reinforcing Steel
3.8.1 Conventional Reinforcing
3.8.2 Steel for Prestressed Concrete
3.9 Mechanical Testing of Steel
3.9.1 Tension Test
3.9.2 Torsion Test
3.9.3 Charpy V Notch Impact Test
3.9.4 Bend Test
3.9.5 Hardness Test
3.9.6 Ultrasonic Testing
3.10 Welding
3.11 Steel Corrosion
3.11.1 Methods for Corrosion Resistance
3.12 Steel Sustainability
3.12.1 LEED Considerations
3.12.2 Other Sustainability Considerations
Questions and Problems
3.13 References
Chapter 4 Aluminum
4.1 Aluminum Production
4.2 Aluminum Metallurgy
4.2.1 Alloy Designation System
4.2.2 Temper Treatments
4.3 Aluminum Testing and Properties
4.4 Welding and Fastening
4.5 Corrosion
4.6 Aluminum Sustainability
4.6.1 LEED Considerations
4.6.2 Other Sustainability Considerations
Questions and Problems
4.7 References
Chapter 5 Aggregates
5.1 Aggregate Sources
5.2 Geological Classification
5.3 Evaluation of Aggregate Sources
5.4 Aggregate Uses
5.5 Aggregate Properties
5.5.1 Particle Shape and Surface Texture
Particle Shape of Coarse Aggregates
Texture of Coarse Aggregates
Particle Shape and Texture of Fine Aggregates
5.5.2 Soundness and Durability
5.5.3 Toughness, Hardness, and Abrasion Resistance
5.5.4 Absorption
5.5.5 Specific Gravity
5.5.6 Bulk Unit Weight and Voids in Aggregate
5.5.7 Strength and Modulus
5.5.8 Gradation
Sieve Analysis
Maximum Density Gradation
Other Types of Gradation
Gradation Specifications
Fineness Modulus
Blending Aggregates to Meet Specifications
Properties of Blended Aggregates
5.5.9 Cleanness and Deleterious Materials
5.5.10 Alkali–Aggregate Reactivity
5.5.11 Affinity for Asphalt
5.6 Handling Aggregates
5.6.1 Sampling Aggregates
5.7 Aggregates Sustainability
5.7.1 LEED Considerations
5.7.2 Other Sustainability Considerations
Questions and Problems
5.8 References
Chapter 6 Portland Cement, Mixing Water, and Admixtures
6.1 Portland Cement Production
6.2 Chemical Composition of Portland Cement
6.3 Fineness of Portland Cement
6.4 Specific Gravity of Portland Cement
6.5 Hydration of Portland Cement
6.5.1 Structure Development in Cement Paste
6.5.2 Evaluation of Hydration Progress
6.6 Voids in Hydrated Cement
6.7 Properties of Hydrated Cement
6.7.1 Setting
6.7.2 Soundness
6.7.3 Compressive Strength of Mortar
6.8 Water–Cement Ratio
6.9 Types of Portland Cement
6.9.1 Standard Portland Cement Types
6.9.2 Other Cement Types
6.10 Mixing Water
6.10.1 Acceptable Criteria
6.10.2 Disposal and Reuse of Concrete Wash Water
6.11 Admixtures for Concrete
6.11.1 Air Entrainers
6.11.2 Water Reducers
Water Reducers Mechanism
6.11.3 Retarders
6.11.4 Hydration-Control Admixtures
6.11.5 Accelerators
6.11.6 Specialty Admixtures
6.12 Supplementary Cementitious Materials
Fly Ash
Slag Cement
Silica Fume
Natural Pozzolans
6.13 Cement Sustainability
6.13.1 LEED Considerations
6.13.2 Other Sustainability Considerations
Questions and Problems
6.14 References
Chapter 7 Portland Cement Concrete
7.1 Proportioning of Concrete Mixes
7.1.1 Basic Steps for Weight and Absolute Volume Methods
Design Environment
Available Materials
7.1.2 Mixing Concrete for Small Jobs
7.2 Mixing, Placing, and Handling Fresh Concrete
7.2.1 Ready-Mixed Concrete
7.2.2 Mobile Batcher Mixed Concrete
7.2.3 Depositing Concrete
7.2.4 Pumped Concrete
7.2.5 Vibration of Concrete
7.2.6 Pitfalls and Precautions for Mixing Water
7.2.7 Measuring Air Content in Fresh Concrete
7.2.8 Spreading and Finishing Concrete
7.3 Curing Concrete
7.3.1 Ponding or Immersion
7.3.2 Spraying or Fogging
7.3.3 Wet Coverings
7.3.4 Impervious Papers or Plastic Sheets
7.3.5 Membrane-Forming Compounds
7.3.6 Forms Left in Place
7.3.7 Steam Curing
7.3.8 Insulating Blankets or Covers
7.3.9 Electrical, Hot Oil, and Infrared Curing
7.3.10 Curing Period
7.4 Properties of Hardened Concrete
7.4.1 Early Volume Change
7.4.2 Creep Properties
7.4.3 Permeability
7.4.4 Stress–Strain Relationship
7.5 Testing of Hardened Concrete
7.5.1 Compressive Strength Test
7.5.2 Split-Tension Test
7.5.3 Flexure Strength Test
7.5.4 Rebound Hammer Test
7.5.5 Penetration Resistance Test
7.5.6 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test
7.5.7 Maturity Test
7.6 Alternatives to Conventional Concrete
7.6.1 Self-Consolidating Concrete
7.6.2 Flowable Fill
7.6.3 Shotcrete
7.6.4 Lightweight Concrete
7.6.5 Heavyweight Concrete
7.6.6 High-Strength Concrete
7.6.7 Shrinkage-Compensating Concrete
7.6.8 Polymers and Concrete
7.6.9 Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
7.6.10 Roller-Compacted Concrete
7.6.11 High-Performance Concrete
7.6.12 Pervious Concrete
7.7 Concrete Sustainability
7.7.1 LEED Considerations
7.7.2 Other Sustainability Considerations
Questions and Problems
7.8 References
Chapter 8 Masonry
8.1 Masonry Units
8.1.1 Concrete Masonry Units
8.1.2 Clay Bricks
8.2 Mortar
8.3 Grout
8.4 Plaster
8.5 Masonry Sustainability
8.5.1 LEED Considerations
8.5.2 Other Sustainability Considerations
Questions and Problems
8.6 References
Chapter 9 Asphalt Binders and Asphalt Mixtures
9.1 Types of Asphalt Cement Products
9.2 Uses of Asphalt
9.3 Temperature Susceptibility of Asphalt
9.4 Chemical Properties of Asphalt
9.5 Superpave and Performance Grade Binders
9.6 Characterization of Asphalt Cement
9.6.1 Performance Grade Characterization Approach
9.6.2 Performance Grade Binder Characterization
Rolling Thin-Film Oven
Pressure-Aging Vessel
Flash Point
Rotational Viscometer Test
Dynamic Shear Rheometer Test
Bending Beam Rheometer Test
Direct Tension Test
9.6.3 Traditional Asphalt Characterization Tests
Absolute and Kinematic Viscosity Tests
9.7 Classification of Asphalt
9.7.1 Asphalt Binders
Performance Grade Specifications and Selection
Other Asphalt Binder Grading Methods
9.7.2 Asphalt Cutbacks
9.7.3 Asphalt Emulsions
9.8 Asphalt Concrete
9.9 Asphalt Concrete Mix Design
9.9.1 Specimen Preparation in the Laboratory
Compacted Samples
Uncompacted Samples
9.9.2 Density and Voids Analysis
9.9.3 Superpave Mix Design
Aggregate Selection
Binder Selection
Design Aggregate Structure
Design Binder Content
Moisture Sensitivity Evaluation
9.9.4 Superpave Refinement
9.9.5 Marshall Method of Mix Design
9.9.6 Evaluation of Moisture Susceptibility
9.10 Characterization of Asphalt Concrete
9.10.1 Indirect Tensile Strength
9.10.2 Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester
Dynamic Modulus Test
Triaxial Static Creep Test
Triaxial Repeated Load Permanent Deformation Test
9.11 Hot-Mix Asphalt Concrete Production and Construction
9.11.1 Production of Raw Materials
9.11.2 Manufacturing Asphalt Concrete
9.11.3 Field Operations
Quality Control During Construction
9.12 Recycling of Asphalt Concrete
9.12.1 RAP Evaluation
9.12.2 RAP Mix Design
9.12.3 RAP Production and Construction
9.13 Additives
9.13.1 Fillers
9.13.2 Extenders
9.13.3 Polymer Modified Asphalt
9.13.4 Antistripping Agents
9.13.5 Others
9.14 Warm Mix
9.15 Asphalt Sustainability
9.15.1 LEED Considerations
9.15.2 Other Sustainability Considerations
Questions and Problems
9.16 References
Chapter 10 Wood
10.1 Structure of Wood
10.1.1 Growth Rings
10.1.2 Anisotropic Nature of Wood
10.2 Chemical Composition
10.3 Moisture Content
10.4 Wood Production
10.4.1 Cutting Techniques
10.4.2 Seasoning
10.5 Lumber Grades
10.5.1 Hardwood Grades
10.5.2 Softwood Grades
10.6 Defects in Lumber
10.7 Physical Properties
10.7.1 Specific Gravity and Density
10.7.2 Thermal Properties
Thermal Conductivity
Specific Heat
Thermal Diffusivity
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
10.7.3 Electrical Properties
10.8 Mechanical Properties
10.8.1 Modulus of Elasticity
10.8.2 Strength Properties
10.8.3 Load Duration
10.8.4 Damping Capacity
10.9 Testing to Determine Mechanical Properties
10.9.1 Flexure Test of Structural Members (ASTM D198)
10.9.2 Flexure Test of Small, Clear Specimen (ASTM D143)
10.10 Design Considerations
10.11 Organisms that Degrade Wood
10.11.1 Fungi
10.11.2 Insects
10.11.3 Marine Organisms
10.11.4 Bacteria
10.12 Wood Preservation
10.12.1 Petroleum-Based Solutions
10.12.2 Waterborne Preservatives
10.12.3 Application Techniques
10.12.4 Construction Precautions
10.13 Engineered Wood Products
10.13.1 Structural Panels/Sheets
10.13.2 Structural Shapes
Laminated Veneer Lumber
Parallel and Oriented Strand Lumber
Glued–Laminated Timbers
10.13.3 Composite Structural Members
10.14 Wood Sustainability
10.14.1 LEED Considerations
10.14.2 Other Sustainability Considerations
Questions and Problems
10.15 References
Chapter 11 Composites
11.1 Microscopic Composites
11.1.1 Fiber-Reinforced Composites
11.1.2 Particle-Reinforced Composites
11.1.3 Matrix Phase
11.1.4 Fabrication
11.1.5 Civil Engineering Applications
11.2 Macroscopic Composites
11.2.1 Plain Portland Cement Concrete
11.2.2 Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete
11.2.3 Asphalt Concrete
11.2.4 Engineered Wood
11.3 Properties of Composites
11.3.1 Ductility and Strength of Composite
11.3.2 Modulus of Elasticity of Composite
Loading Perpendicular to Fibers
Randomly Oriented Fiber Composites
Particle-Reinforced Composites
11.4 Composites Sustainability
11.4.1 LEED Considerations
11.4.2 Other Sustainability Considerations
Questions and Problems
11.5 References
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