Methodological and Ontological Principles of Observation and Analysis 1st editon by Francois Cooren, Fabienne Malbois – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0367584174, 9780367584177
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0367584174
ISBN 13: 9780367584177
Author: Francois Cooren, Fabienne Malbois
In our daily experiences, we feel, perceive, designate, invoke or comment on a plurality of beings: people, artifacts, technologies, institutions, projects, animals, divinities, emotions, cultures, ideologies or opinions that are part of our world. While these beings are all part of our world, they present various forms of existence. Echoing recent developments in existential anthropology, Communication as Constitutive of Organization (CCO) research, and Actor Network Theory, here scholars from a variety of disciplines discuss how they study the types of beings that have been at the core of their respective research. Reflecting on the specific mode of existence, presence and action of the being they follow, they reveal the methodological innovations they deploy in order to analyze excerpts of field notes, filmed interactions, conversations, pictures, newspapers, narratives, etc.
Methodological and Ontological Principles of Observation and Analysis 1st Table of contents:
1 Following and Analyzing a Human Being: On the Continuity and Singularity of an Individual
2 Following and Analyzing a Project: On the Intricacies of Shadowing a Messy Being
3 Following and Analyzing Public Opinion: Invention and Circulation of an Authority Figure
4 Following and Analyzing an Artifact: Culture-through-Things
5 Following and Analyzing a Divinity: God Speaks in Public, or Charismatic Prophecy from Intimacy to Politics
6 Following and Analyzing an Identity: The Case of the Public Specular Appearances of Chelsea (Bradley) Manning
7 Being Followed by an Organization: A Hauntological Perspective on Organizational Ethnography
8 Following and Analyzing an Idea: What Does It Mean To Do So for a Communication Researcher?
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