Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers 2rd edition by John, Chris, Michael – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 013805715X, 9780138057152
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 013805715X
ISBN 13: 9780138057152
Author: John R. Taylor, Chris D. Zafinatos, Michael A. Dubson
Refreshingly contemporary, this beginning-level introduction to modern physics covers all the important topics of relativity, quantum mechanics, systems with two or more atoms, and subatomic physics—but does so in a manner that won’t overwhelm readers who are new to the subject. Explanations of concepts are exceptionally readable (often enlivened with humor), and an abundance of high-quality worked examples and practice problems give readers the hands-on practice necessary to master applications. The Space and Time of Relativity. Relativistic Mechanics. Atoms. Quantization of Light. Quantization of Atomic Energy Levels. Matter Waves. The Schrödinger Equation in One Dimension. The Three-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation. Electron Spin. Multielectron Atoms; the Pauli Principle and the Periodic Table. Atomic Transitions and Radiation. Molecules. Solids—Theory. Solids—Applications. Statistical Mechanics. The Structure of Atomic Nuclei. Radioactivity and Nuclear Reactions. Elementary Particles. For anyone needing an introduction to, or refresher of, modern physics.
Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers 2rd table of contents:
PART 1 Relativity
CHAPTER 1 The Space and Time of Relativity
CHAPTER 2 Relanyntic Mechanics
PART 2 Quantum Mechanics
CHAPTER 3 Atomsty
CHAPTER 4 Quantization of Light
CHAPTER 5 Quantization of Atomic Energy Levels
CHAPTER 6 Matter Waves
CHAPTER 7 The Schrodinger Equation in One Demension
CHAPTER 8 The Three-Dimensional Schrodinger Equation
CHAPTER 9 Electron Spin
CHAPTER 10 Multielectron Atoms the Paul Principle and Periodic Table
CHAPTER 11 Atomic Transitions and Radarion
PART 3 Systems with Two or More Atoms
CHAPTER 12 Molecules
CHAPTER 13 Solids-Theory
CHAPTER 14 Solids-Application
CHAPTER 15 Scrtistical Mechanics
PART 4 Subatomic Physics
CHAPTER 16 The Structure of Atomic Nuctel
CHAPTER 17 Radioactrity and Nuclear Reactions
CHAPTER 18 Elementary Particles
Physical Constants
Useful Mathematical Relations
Alphabetical Lists of the Elements
Atomic and Nuclear Data
Suggestions for Further Reading
Picture Credits and References…
Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems
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