Motivation Biological, Psychological and Environmental 4th Edition by Lambert Deckers – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0205239927, 9780205239924
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0205239927
ISBN 13: 9780205239924
Author: Lambert Deckers
Well-grounded in the history of the field, the fourth edition ofMotivation: Biological, Psychological, and Environmental combines classic studies with current research. The text provides an overarching organizational scheme of how motivation (the inducement of action, feelings, and thought) leads to behavior from physiological, psychological, and environmental sources. The material draws on topics that are familiar to students while maintaining a conversational tone to sustain student interest.
Motivation Biological, Psychological and Environmental 4th Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Motivation and Emotion
Chapter 2: The History of Motivation and Emotion
Chapter 3: Evolutionary Antecedents of Motivation
Chapter 4: Addictions and Addictive Behaviors
Chapter 5: Temperature, Thirst, Hunger, and Eating
Chapter 6: Behavior, Arousal, and Affective Valence
Chapter 7: Stress, Coping, and Health
Chapter 8: Drives and Psychological Needs
Chapter 9: Personality and Motivation
Chapter 10: Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
Chapter 11: Goal Motivation
Chapter 12: Economics of Motivation
Chapter 13: Emotions and Moods
Chapter 14: Emotions as Motives
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