Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Design and Device Modeling 1st Edition by Jianjun Gao – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0470827343 978-0470827345
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0470827343
ISBN 13: 978-0470827345
Author: Jianjun Gao
In Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Design and Device Modeling, Professor Jianjun Gao introduces the fundamentals and modeling techniques of optoelectronic devices used in high-speed optical transmission systems. Gao covers electronic circuit elements such as FET, HBT, MOSFET, as well as design techniques for advanced optical transmitter and receiver front-end circuits. The book includes an overview of optical communication systems and computer-aided optoelectronic IC design before going over the basic concept of laser diodes. This is followed by modeling and parameter extraction techniques of lasers and photodiodes. Gao covers high-speed electronic semiconductor devices, optical transmitter design, and optical receiver design in the final three chapters.
- Addresses a gap within the rapidly growing area of transmitter and receiver modeling in OEICs
- Explains diode physics before device modeling, helping readers understand their equivalent circuit models
- Provides comprehensive explanations for E/O and O/E conversions done with laser and photodiodes
- Covers an extensive range of devices for high-speed applications
- Accessible for students new to microwaves
- Presentation slides available for instructor use
This book is primarily aimed at practicing engineers, researchers, and post-graduates in the areas of RF, microwaves, IC design, photonics and lasers, and solid state devices. The book is also a strong supplement for senior undergraduates taking courses in RF and microwaves.
Lecture materials for instructors available at
Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Design and Device Modeling 1st Table of contents:
Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Design and Device Modeling
About the Author
1.1 Optical Communication System.
1.2 Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Computer-Aided Design
1.3 Organization of This Book
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Basic Concept
2.2.1 Atom Energy.
2.2.2 Emission and Absorption
2.2.3 Population Inversion.
2.3.1 Homojunction and Heterojunction
2.3.2 Index Guiding and Gain Guiding
2.3.3 Fabry–Perot Cavity Lasers.
2.3.4 Quantum-Well Lasers
2.3.5 Distributed Feedback Lasers
2.3.6 Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers.
2.4 Laser Characteristics
2.4.1 Single-Mode Rate Equations.
2.4.2 Multimode Rate Equations.
2.4.3 Small-Signal Intensity Modulation
2.4.4 Small-Signal Frequency Modulation.
2.4.5 Large-Signal Transit Response
2.4.6 Second Harmonic Distortion
2.4.7 Relative Intensity Noise
2.4.8 Measurement Technique
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Standard Double Heterojunction Semiconductor Lasers
3.2.1 Large-Signal Model.
3.2.2 Small-Signal Model
3.2.3 Noise Model.
3.3.1 One-Level Equivalent Circuit Model.
3.3.2 Two-Level Equivalent Circuit Model.
3.3.3 Three-Level Equivalent Circuit Model
3.4.1 Direct-Extraction Method
3.4.2 Semi-Analytical Method
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 Physical Principles
4.3 Figures of Merit
4.3.1 Responsivity.
4.3.2 Quantum Efficiency.
4.3.4 Dark Current.
4.3.5 Rise Time and Bandwidth
4.4 Microwave Modeling Techniques
4.4.1 PIN PD
4.4.2 APD
5.1 Overview of Microwave Transistors.
5.2 FET Modeling Technique
5.2.1 FET Small-Signal Modeling
5.2.2 FET Large-Signal Modeling..
5.2.3 FET Noise Modeling
5.3 GaAs/InP HBT Modeling Technique.
5.3.1 GaAs/InP HBT Nonlinear Model.
5.3.2 GaAs/InP HBT Linear Model.
5.3.3 GaAs/InP HBT Noise Model.
5.3.4 Parameter Extraction Methods
5.4 SiGe HBT Modeling Technique.
5.5 MOSFET Modeling Technique.
5.5.1 MOSFET Small-Signal Model.
5.5.3 Parameter Extraction Methods..
6.1 Basic Concepts
6.1.1 NRZ and RZ Data.
6.1.2 Optical Modulation.
6.1.3 Optical External Modulator.
6.2 Optoelectronic Integration Technology.
6.2.1 Monolithic Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits
6.2.2 Hybrid Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits
6.3 Laser Driver Circuit Design.
6.4 Modulator Driver Circuit Design.
6.4.1 FET-Based Driver Circuit.
6.4.2 Bipolar Transistor-Based Driver Integrated Circuit.
6.4.3 MOSFET-Based Driver Integrated Circuit
6.5 Distributed Driver Circuit Design.
6.6 Passive Peaking Techniques.
6.6.1 Capacitive Peaking Techniques
6.6.2 Inductive Peaking Techniques
7 Optical Receiver Front-End Integrated Circuit Design.
7.1.1 Signal-to-Noise Ratio
7.1.2 Bit Error Ratio
7.1.3 Sensitivity
7.1.4 Eye Diagram
7.1.5 Signal Bandwidth
7.1.6 Dynamic Range
7.2 Front-End Circuit Design.
7.2.1 Hybrid and Monolithic OEIC.
7.2.2 High-Impedance Front-End
7.2.3 Transimpedance Front-End.
7.3 Transimpedance Gain and Equivalent Input Noise Current
7.3.1 S Parameters of a Two-Port Network.
7.3.2 Noise Figure of a Two-Port Network.
7.3.3 Transimpedance Gain
7.3.4 Equivalent Input Noise Current.
7.3.5 Simulation and Measurement of Transimpedance Gain and Equivalent Input Noise Current.
7.4.1 BJT-Based Circuit Design.
7.4.2 HBT-Based Circuit Design
7.4.3 FET-Based Circuit Design.
7.4.4 MOSFET-Based Circuit Design.
7.4.5 Distributed Circuit Design
7.5.1 Inductive Peaking Techniques
7.5.2 Capacitive Peaking Techniques
7.6 Matching Techniques
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