Organizational Traps Leadership Culture Organizational Design 1st Edition by Chris Argyris – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:0199639647 978-0199639649
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ISBN 10: 0199639647
ISBN 13: 978-0199639649
Author:Chris Argyris
Anyone who has spent time in an organization knows that dysfunctional behavior abounds. Conflict is frequently avoided or pushed underground rather than dealt with openly. At the same time, the same arguments often burst out again and again, almost verbatim. Turf battles continue for extended periods without resolution. People nod their heads in agreement in meetings, and then rush out of the room to voice complaints to sympathetic ears in private. Worst of all, when people are asked if things will ever change, they throw up their hands in despair. They feel like victims trapped in an asylum.
And people often are trapped. But they are not trapped by some oppressive regime or organizational structure that has been imposed on them. They are not victims. In fact, people themselves are responsible for making the status quo so resistant to change. We are trapped by our own behavior.
Researchers and practitioners have often reflected on these things, but there is a puzzle. On the one hand, there is substantial agreement that these traps are counterproductive to effective performance. On the other hand, there is almost no focus on how organizational traps can be prevented or reduced.
This book argues that whatever theory is used to describe and understand such organizational traps should be used to design and implement interventions that reduce and prevent them. Argyris is one of the world’s leading management scholars whose work has consistently shed light on organizational problems. This book is essential reading for MBAs, managers, and consultants.
Organizational Traps Leadership Culture Organizational Design 1st Table of contents:
Part I. Why We Act Against Our Own Stated Interests
1. How We Deal with Difficult Situations
The Department of State and Secretary Rusk
Traps are Universal
Intel Corporation
Effects of Unilateral Leadership
The Perniciousness of Traps
2. Actions that Trap us
The Left–Hand–Right–Hand Case Method
Directions for Completing the Left-Hand–Right-Hand Case
A Preliminary View of the Cases
Case 1: Submerging the Primary Issue
Case 2: Closed to Learning
Case 3: Competing Models
Case 4: Easing In
Case 5: The CIO and the IT Group
Case 6: Advanced MBAs
3. Causes of Traps
A Theory of Action
How We Create Traps
How Model I Theory-in-Use and Defensive Reasoning Lead to Traps
Part II. How Conventional Approaches Bypass Traps—and What to Do About it
4. Leadership and Traps
The Quantitative Approach
Leadership: A Historiometric Approach
Leadership: Qualitative Approaches
Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader
Narcissistic Leaders and Other Personality Types
Appreciative Inquiry
Competing Commitments
Inadequacies of Current Management Research
5. Culture, Leadership, and Traps (co-author Ian Smith)
Productive and Counterproductive Cultures
The Andy Case
The Royal/Dutch Shell Case
Reflecting on Cultures and Traps
6. Strengthening New Approaches
Seeking Help from Outside Consultants
The Collaborative Community
Structural Approaches
The Ambidextrous Organization
Human Potential
Conclusion: Traps and the Human Predicament
The Attempt to Find New Ways Forward
Helping Moon Shots to Succeed
The Human Predicament
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