Instant download Practical Law of Architecture Engineering 3th Brian M. Samuels pdf, docx, kindle format all chapters after payment. ISBN(s): 0133575233, 9780133575231
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0133575233
- ISBN-13 : 9780133575231
- Author: Brian
Practical Law of Architecture, Engineering, and Geoscience, 3Ce: The choice of professional engineers across Canada!
Practical Law presents the most up-to-date concepts and changes in the legal field, while presenting new case studies and new coverage of topics such as Quebec law, international law, the relationship between ethics and the law, breach of confidentiality, and safety and professional liability issues related to the Criminal Code of Canada.
The new third Canadian edition of Practical Law prepares students for their professional exams. The text contains the content necessary to ensure that engineers are prepared for their professional examinations and offers online practice tests to reinforce learning. It is appropriate for one-semester ethics or law classes taught in engineering, architecture, geoscience, and construction departments.
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