Instant download Protozoa and Human Disease 1st Edition by Mark Wiser Wei Zhi pdf, docx, kindle format all chapters after payment.
Product details:
- ISBN 10: 1136738150
- ISBN 13: 9781136738159
- Author: Mark F Wiser
Protozoa and Human Disease is a textbook on medically important protozoa and the diseases they cause for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and professionals. It combines a taxonomic and medical approach and is therefore suitable for a parasitology, microbiology, medical, and public health readership. In addition to the basics such as morphological features, life cycles, and the clinical manifestations of the diseases, topics like the molecular and immunological basis of pathogenesis, metabolic pathways, specialized subcellular structures, ecology of disease transmission, antigenic variation, and molecular epidemiology are discussed for many of the protozoan pathogens. At the end of the book is an extensive glos
Table contents:
1. Introduction to Medical Protozoology
2. Overview of Intestinal Protozoa
3. Entamoeba and Amebiasis
4. Giardiasis
5. Trichomonas vaginalis and Other Trichomonads
6. Balantidium coli and Blastocystis hominis
7. Kinetoplastids
8. African Trypanosomiasis
9. Trypanosoma cruzi and Chagas’ Disease
10. Leishmaniasis
11. General Apicomplexan Biology
12. Cryptosporidium
13. Monoxenous Intestinal Coccidia
14. Toxoplasma gondii and Tissue Cyst Forming Coccidia
15. Malaria
16. Babesiosis
17. Free-Living Protozoa Affecting Human Health
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