Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Success A Course Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking 1st edition by Catherine Melfi Curtis MSN RN-BC, Audra Baker Fegley MSN APRN-BC , Carol Norton Tuzo MSN RN-BC- Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0803618794 978-0803618794
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0803618794
ISBN 13:978-0803618794
Author: Catherine Melfi Curtis MSN RN-BC, Audra Baker Fegley MSN APRN-BC , Carol Norton Tuzo MSN RN-BC
AJN Book of the Year 2009 Assure your mastery of psychiatric mental health nursing knowledge while honing your critical thinking and test-taking skills. Over 900 multiple-choice and alternate format questions, organized by specific mental health disorders, make a difficult subject more manageable. Rationales for both correct and incorrect answers as well as test-taking tips explain how to apply critical thinking to the question types―great preparation for classroom exams and the NCLEX®. “The Success books have been an absolute lifeline for me. My “Success” proves it! It doesn’t matter if you get the question right or wrong because you get so much out of the rationale- and then you can apply that information to your next exam, clinical rotation, or the NCLEX” – Corrie Cyre, Hillsborough Community College Southshore Student Nurses Association President Click Here for a Special Mail-In Rebate Offer
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Catherine Melfi Curtis MSN,Audra Baker Fegley MSN APRN,Carol Norton Tuzo,Psychiatric Mental
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