Questions and Answers Evidence 4th Edition by Paul C Giannelli – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:978-1531009915
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ISBN 13: 978-1531009915
Author: Paul C. Giannelli
Questions and Answers: Evidence helps you develop a better, fuller understanding of the law of evidence that will carry you through your evidence class and on into practice. This indispensable supplement, part of our well-known Questions and Answers series, helps you apply concepts as you learn them so that you can prepare more effectively for class and gain a competitive edge on exams.
This study guide includes over 455 multiple-choice and short-answer questions, arranged topically for ease of use during the semester, plus an additional set of 98 “practice exam” questions. This edition includes questions on the latest Federal Rules of Evidence amendments and Supreme Court cases. For each multiple-choice question, there is a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains thoroughly why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question is designed to be answered in fifteen minutes or less and includes a thoughtful and comprehensive, yet brief, model answer.
Table of contents:
- Topic 1: Preserving Error; Appellate Review
- Topic 2: Objections to the Form of the Question
- Topic 3: Witness Competency
- Topic 4: Logical Relevance; Exclusion for Reasons of Prejudice or Other Dangers
- Topic 5: Preliminary Questions of Admissibility
- Topic 6: Classification of Evidence as Hearsay or Not Hearsay
- Topic 7: Exceptions to (and Exemptions from) the Hearsay Rule
- Topic 8: Evidence of Character, “Other Crimes, Wrongs, or Acts,” Habit, and Similar Events
- Topic 9: Evidence of Subsequent Remedial Measures, Compromise, Humanitarian Assistance, Criminal Pleas, and Liability Insurance
- Topic 10: Impeachment and Cross-Examination of Witnesses
- Topic 11: Authentication
- Topic 12: The Best Evidence Rule
- Topic 13: Judicial Notice
- Topic 14: Burdens of Proof and Presumptions
- Topic 15: Evidentiary Privileges
- Topic 16: Lay and Expert Opinion; Scientific Evidence
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