The Space between Us Social Geography and Politics 1st edition by Ryan Enos – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9781108420648, 1108420648
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ISBN 10:1108420648
ISBN 13: 9781108420648
Author: Ryan D. Enos
The Space between Us
Social Geography and Politics
The Space between Us Social Geography and Politics 1st Table of contents:
1. The Red Line
When Groups Occupy the Same Place
What If the South Side Weren’t Black?
The Argument and Focus of This Book
Psychological, Social, and Political Distance
Interactions, Social-geographic Impact, and Contact
The Little Beach at Lake Yosemite
Some Terminology
Exploring Space
A Word on Contributions
2. The Demagogue of Space
The Power of Social Geography
A Brief Discussion of Causality
The Broad Power of Social Geography and the Liberal Dilemma
Why Does Social Geography Have These Effects?
Contact Theory and Social Geography
Contact and the Curvilinear Nature of Outgroup Size
3. The Demagogue’s Mechanism: Groups, Space, and the Mind
Categorization, Natural Selection, and Heuristics
Categorizing People
Variation in the Salience of Categories
Category Salience and Group-based Bias
Space in the Human Mind
Spatial Cognition and Outgroups
Using Space to Judge Groups
Size and Proximity
Interactive Nature of Size, Proximity, and Segregation
Implications of Social Geographic Impact
The Impact of Social Geography, Rationality, and Political Decisions
Social Geography and Voting Behavior
How Does Contact Affect Bias? Perception versus Experience
The Continued Relevance of Context
4. Laboratories: Assigning Space
Maps in Our Heads
Measuring Comparative Fit
Experiments on Segregation
The Study of Context and the Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference
Creating a Neighborhood
Changes in Behavior
5. Boston: Trains, Immigrants, and the Arizona Question
The “Trains” Experiment
What Happens when Two “Immigrants” Visit a Train Platform?
The Arizona Question
Why Do I Call It the Arizona Question?
Explanations for Attitudes in Arizona
Complexities of the Social World and the Ideal Experiment
Assigning Context, Not People
Repeat Contact
What Is the Effect of Repeat Contact?
What Did We Learn about the Arizona Question?
Will Boston – and the Rest of the United States – Become Like Arizona?
Postscript 2016
6. Chicago: Projects and a Shock to Social Geography
Assigning Place on a Large Scale
Social Geography and the Racial Politics of Chicago
What Happened When the Projects Were Demolished?
Holding Contact Constant
The Effect of Distance, Size, and Segregation
The Effects of Race and Class
Methodological and Theoretical Advances of This Study
Chicago and the Power and Persistence of Social Geography
What Was Left?
7. Jerusalem: Walls and the Problem of Cooperation
The Cooperative Challenge of Public Goods
The Israeli Context
Jerusalem as a Public Good
Taking the Lab into the Field
Allocating Public Goods
Sharing Neighborhoods and a Nation
Identifying the Effect of Social Geography without an Experiment
Lessons for Researchers
Lessons for Public Policy
8. Crenshaw Boulevard, Los Angeles: Contact and Exit
Dynamics of Segregation
Dynamics of Segregation among Low-Status Groups
Los Angeles
Differing Responses to Demographic Change
Low-status Groups and Group-based Bias in Los Angeles
Crenshaw: Exit or Voice
Maps in Their Heads and on Paper
Defending the Neighborhood
Public Goods
Animating Politics: Exit of Voice?
Proximity and Voting in Perpetually Transitioning Neighborhoods
Proximity and Group-based Voting among Latinos
Priming Social-geographic Impact
Contact in a Perpetually Transitioning Neighborhood
Neighborhood Change and Long-term Diversity
9. Phoenix: The Arc of Intergroup Interactions and the Political Future
What We Have Learned
The Arc of Intergroup Interactions: Phoenix and Tucson
Immigration and the Future of Social Geography
The Valley of the Sun: Intergroup Interactions in the Future of Urban Space
Conclusion: The Power and Permanence of Space
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