Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design With Nature 1st Edition by Douglas Farr – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 047177751X 978-0471777519
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 047177751X
ISBN 13: 978-0471777519
Author: Douglas Farr
Written by the chair of the LEED-Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) initiative, Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design with Nature is both an urgent call to action and a comprehensive introduction to “sustainable urbanism”–the emerging and growing design reform movement that combines the creation and enhancement of walkable and diverse places with the need to build high-performance infrastructure and buildings.
Providing a historic perspective on the standards and regulations that got us to where we are today in terms of urban lifestyle and attempts at reform, Douglas Farr makes a powerful case for sustainable urbanism, showing where we went wrong, and where we need to go. He then explains how to implement sustainable urbanism through leadership and communication in cities, communities, and neighborhoods. Essays written by Farr and others delve into such issues as:
- Increasing sustainability through density.
- Integrating transportation and land use.
- Creating sustainable neighborhoods, including housing, car-free areas, locally-owned stores, walkable neighborhoods, and universal accessibility.
- The health and environmental benefits of linking humans to nature, including walk-to open spaces, neighborhood stormwater systems and waste treatment, and food production.
- High performance buildings and district energy systems.
Enriching the argument are in-depth case studies in sustainable urbanism, from BedZED in London, England and Newington in Sydney, Australia, to New Railroad Square in Santa Rosa, California and Dongtan, Shanghai, China. An epilogue looks to the future of sustainable urbanism over the next 200 years.
At once solidly researched and passionately argued, Sustainable Urbanism is the ideal guidebook for urban designers, planners, and architects who are eager to make a positive impact on our–and our descendants’–buildings, cities, and lives.
Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design With Nature 1st Table of contents:
Part One The Case for Sustainable Urbanism
Chapter 1: The Built Environment: Where We Are Today
The American Lifestyle on the Wrong Course
Pioneering Reforms: Setting the Stage for Sustainable Urbanism
Chapter 2: Sustainable Urbanism: Where We Need to Go
Sustainable Urbanism: The Grand Unification
The Three Steps of Sustainable Urbanism
Part Two Implementing Sustainable Urbanism
Chapter 3: Leadership and Communications
Leadership Talking Points for Sustainable Urbanism
The Power of Paired Choices
Implementation Agendas for Leaders
Chapter 4: The Process and Tools for Implementing Sustainable Urbanism
RFQ for Sustainable Urbanist Professionals
Benchmarking Municipal Sustainability: The Santa Monica Sustainable City Plan
Documenting Community Preference in Form and Sustainability: Image Preference Survey (IPS)
Conducting a Charrette
Shaping Sustainable Neighborhoods with the Toledo Smart Neighborhood Analysis Protocol (SNAP)
A Sustainable Urbanist Neighborhood Plan: Toledo SNAP
Regulating Plan and Form-Based Code
Incorporating Sustainability through Codes, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs)
RFP for a Sustainable Urbanist Developer
Part Three Emerging Thresholds of Sustainable Urbanism
Chapter 5: Increasing Sustainability Through Density
Explaining Density
Illustrating Density
The Transect of the Everyday
Water and the Density Debate
Transit Supportive Densities
Chapter 6: Sustainable Corridors
The Sustainable Corridor
The Integration of Transportation, Land Use, and Technology
Biodiversity Corridors
Chapter 7: Sustainable Neighborhoods
Neighborhood Diagrams
Neighborhood Definition
Neighborhood Completeness
Neighborhood Housing
Car-Free Housing
Neighborhood Retail
Economic Benefits of Locally Owned Stores
Third Places
Healthy Neighborhoods
Walkable Streets and Networks
Complete Streets
Universal Basic Home Access
Managing Travel Demand
Car Sharing
Chapter 8: Biophilia
Open Space
Public Darkness
Stormwater Systems
Food Production
Outdoor Wastewater Treatment
Indoor Wastewater Treatment
Chapter 9: High-Performance Buildings and Infrastructure
The Impact of Planning on Building Energy Usage
2030 °Challenge
High-Performance Infrastructure
Large District Energy Systems
The 2030 Community Challenge: Economic Growth with Sustainable Urbanism
Part Four Case Studies in Sustainable Urbanism
Chapter 10: Lessons Learned from Sustainable Urbanism
BedZED: London, England
Glenwood Park: Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Holiday Neighborhood: Boulder, Colorado, United States
Christie Walk: Adelaide, Australia
Newington: Sydney, Australia
High Point: Seattle, Washington, United States Built
Upton: Northampton, England
Kronsberg: Hannover, Germany
Loreto Bay: Baja California Sur, Mexico
Civano: Tucson, Arizona, United States
Poundbury: Dorchester, England
Chapter 11: State of the Art in Unbuilt Sustainable Urbanism
Dockside Green: Victoria, Canada
Lloyd Crossing: Portland, Oregon, United States
Z-Squared: London, England
New Railroad Square: Santa Rosa, California, United States
Uptown Normal: Normal, Illinois, United States
Dongtan: Shanghai, China
Galisteo Basin Preserve: Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
Pulelehua: Maui, Hawaii, United States
Coyote Valley: San Jose, California, United States
Scales of Intervention
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