Teaching Science Through Inquiry Based Instruction 13th Edition by Terry Contant , Joel Bass , Anne Tweed , Arthur Carin- Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 0134515471 978-0134515472
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 0134515471
ISBN 13: 978-0134515472
Author: Terry Contant , Joel Bass , Anne Tweed , Arthur Carin
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For an undergraduate level course in science education
Teaching Science Through Inquiry-Based Instruction provides theory and practical advice for elementary and middle school teachers to help their students learn science. Written at a time of substantive change in science education, this book deals both with what’s currently happening and what’s expected in science classes in elementary and middle schools. Readers explore the nature of science, its importance in today’s world, trends in science education, and national science standards.
The Thirteenth Edition is expanded to include information about the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Performance Expectations for all elementary grade-level activities as well as the National Science Education Standards (NSES). Additionally, the book strives to present manageable ways to successfully bring inquiry into the science classroom by relating A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas and the 5E Instructional Model. Each chapter ends with suggested discussion questions and professional practice activities to encourage reflection and extend learning. New NGSS-aligned classroom activities provide examples of instruction that interweave the three dimensions of science. The Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with embedded videos, assessment quizzes, and an activity library.
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Teaching Science Through Inquiry Based Instruction 13th Table of contents:
Chapter 1 Science and Science Education
What Is Science?
Science Education in Elementary and Middle Schools
Science Education
Scientific Literacy
National Concerns
Language Literacy and Mathematics Competency
K–8 Science Education in the Present and Future
Children are natural investigators
Focus on Core Ideas and Practices
Learning progressions
Science and engineering require both knowledge and Practice
Connection to learners’ interests and experiences
Equity for all students
Scientific and Engineering Practices
Crosscutting Concepts
Disciplinary Core Ideas
Getting Started with Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning
What is Science?
Science Education in Elementary and Middle Schools
K–8 Science Education in the Present and Future
Getting Started with Inquiry-based Instruction
Chapter 2 Getting Ready for Inquiry Instruction
Identify Learning Goals Aligned to Standards
Getting Ready for Inquiry-based Instructional Planning
Using Resources to Develop Content Storylines
Aspects of “Doing” Science and Engineering
Science Process Skills
Abilities Necessary to Do Scientific Inquiry
Engineering Design Connects to Scientific Inquiry
Science and Engineering Practices
Science Investigations for Elementary and Middle School Students
Mystery Powders
Identifying Learning Goals Aligned to Standards
Getting Ready for Inquiry-based Instructional Planning
Using Resources to Develop Content Storylines
Aspects of “Doing” Science and Engineering
Science Investigations for Elementary and Middle School Students
Chapter 3 Creating a Positive Classroom Environment
Characteristics of a Positive Learning Environment
Designing the Learning Environment
Planning for Classroom Safety
Managing Student Behavior
Characteristics of a Positive Learning Environment
Designing the Learning Environment
Planning for Classroom Safety
Managing Student Behavior
Chapter 4 Learning Science with Understanding
Knowing vs. Understanding
Constructing Science Learning
Instructional Strategies for Deeper Understanding of Science Concepts
Alternative Conceptions about Science
Reflection Questions:
Knowing vs. Understanding
Constructing Science Learning
Instructional Strategies for Deeper Understanding of Science Concepts
Alternative Conceptions about Science
Chapter 5 Engaging in Inquiry-Based Instruction and Using the 5E Model
Inquiry-Based Instruction
Research on Inquiry-Based Instruction
Essential Features of Classroom Inquiry
Levels of Inquiry
Instructional Models and How to Select One
The 5E Model of Science Instruction
How Each Phase of the 5E Model of Science Instruction Supports Science Learning
Inquiry-Based Instruction
Research on Inquiry-Based Instruction
Essential Features of Classroom Inquiry
Levels of Inquiry
Instructional Models, and How to Select One
The 5E Model of Science Instruction
How Each Phase of the 5E Model of Science Instruction Supports Science Learning
Chapter 6 Effective Questioning
The Role of Teacher Questions
Different Kinds of Questions
Productive Questions
Essential Questions
Closed vs. Open-Ended Questions
Subject-Centered vs. Person-Centered Questions
Equitable vs. Inequitable Questions
Questions Aligned with Learning Targets
Questioning Aligned to the 5E Inquiry Model
Classroom Organization:
Instructional Sequence:
Ask the class:
Ask the class:
Engage: Using Questioning to Initiate Inquiry
Explore: Using Questioning to Guide Discussions of Observations
Explain: Using Questioning to Guide Discussions of Explanations
Elaborate: Questioning to Guide Discussions of Applications to New Situations
Managing Classroom Discourse
Accepting Student Responses
Extending Student Responses
Probing Student Responses
Implementing Science Talk in the Classroom
The Role of Teacher Questions
Different Kinds of Questions
Questioning Aligned to the 5E Inquiry Model
Managing Classroom Discourse
Implementing Science Talk in the Classroom
Chapter 7 Assessing Science Learning
Assessment in the Science Classroom
Formative Assessment Processes
Summative Assessments
Performance Assessments
Assessing Multiple Learning Targets through Performance Assessments
Model Building.
Student Demonstrations.
Student Presentation Projects.
Science Fair Projects.
Fitting Assessment Methods to Learning Goals
The Role of Large-Scale Assessments
Using Released Items to Help Students Prepare for State Tests
Assessment in the Classroom
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessments
Performance Assessments
The Role of Large-Scale Assessments
Chapter 8 Using Technology Tools and Resources for Science Learning
General Educational Technology in the Science Classroom
Specific Digital Technologies for Science Education
Gathering Scientific Information
Using Caution Online.
Data Collection and Analysis
Digital Microscopes.
Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
Creating and Using Models of Scientific Phenomena
Desktop Manufacturing.
Social Media
General Educational Technology in the Science Classroom
Specific Digital Technologies for Science Education
Social Media
Chapter 9 Connecting Science with Other Subjects
Integrating Science and Mathematics
Science Education as a Component of STEM Education
Integrating Science and Social Studies
Integrating Science and English Language Arts
Integrating Science and Mathematics
Science Education as a Component of STEM Education
Integrating Science and Social Studies
Integrating Science and English Language Arts
Chapter 10 Making Science Accessible for All Learners
Equity, Diversity, and Achievement Gaps in Science Education
Helping Students from Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Backgrounds Learn Science
Teaching Science in an Inclusive Classroom
Helping Students Identified with Disabilities Learn Science
Science for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities
Activities-Based Science.
Intensive Scaffolding.
Teach Learning Strategies.
Science for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Science for Students with Emotional Disturbance
Science for Students with Visual Impairments
Science for Students with Hearing Impairments
Science for Students with Mobility or Motor Impairments
Supporting Science Learning for Students Identified as Gifted and Talented
Equity, Diversity, and Achievement Gaps in Science Education
Helping Students from Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Backgrounds Learn Science
Teaching Science in an Inclusive Classroom
Helping Students Identified with Disabilities Learn Science
Supporting Science Learning for Students Identified as Gifted and Talented
Activities for Teaching Science through Inquiry-Based Instruction
Section I Teaching Inquiry-Based Science Activities
Section II Physical Sciences
About Physical Sciences
Activity 1: Which materials do magnets attract?
Grade: 2, Physical Sciences
Activity 2: How can electrical conductors be identified?
Grade: 5, Physical Sciences
Activity 3: How can their properties help you identify mineral samples?
Grade: 5, Physical Sciences
Activity 4: How do the tiny particles that make up pure substances move in different states of matter?
Grades: 6–8, Physical Sciences
Activity 5: How does heating or cooling affect air in a container?
Grade: 2, Physical Sciences
Activity 6: What are the distinguishing properties of common white powders?
Grade: 5, Physical Sciences
Activity 7: How do salt crystals form?
Grades: 6–8, Physical Sciences
Activity 8: How do you balance an equal-arm balance?
Grade: 3, Physical Sciences
Activity 9: Can magnets interact with objects through different materials?
Grade: 3, Physical Sciences
Activity 10: What happens when two ring magnets interact?
Grade: 3, Physical Sciences
Activity 11: How do the ends of bar magnets interact with each other?
Grade: 3, Physical Sciences
Activity 12: What evidence reveals the presence of magnetic fields?
Grades: 6–8, Physical Sciences
Activity 13: What is an electromagnet, and how can you make one?
Grades: 6–8, Physical Sciences
Activity 14: What factors affect the rate of swing of a pendulum?
Grade: 3, Physical Sciences
Activity 15: What energy changes occur in a swinging pendulum system?
Grades: 6–8, Physical Sciences
Exploration Guide for the Pendulum Lab*
In the green box:
Answer Key for the Exploration Guide for the Pendulum Lab
Activity 16: What makes things get hotter?
Grade: 4, Physical Sciences
Activity 17: How can you construct a circuit in which a bulb lights?
Grade: 4, Physical Sciences
Activity 18: What happens when there is more than one bulb or battery in a circuit?
Grade: 4, Physical Sciences
Activity 19: What affects the final temperature of a water mixture?
Grades: 6–8, Physical Sciences
Activity 20: How does the length of a vibrating stick affect the sound produced?
Grade: 1, Physical Sciences
Activity 21: How is sound produced by a banjo?
Grade: 1, Physical Sciences
Activity 22: How do transparent, translucent, and opaque materials differ?
Grade: 1, Physical Sciences
Activity 23: How can shadows be changed?
Grade: 1, Physical Sciences
Activity 24: How does light reflect from a mirror?
Grade: 1, Physical Sciences
Activity 25: What happens when light passes from one transparent material to another?
Grades: 6-8, Physical Sciences
Activity 26: How can a pinhole viewer provide evidence about how light travels?
Grades: 6–8, Physical Sciences
Activity 27: What is white light?
Grades: 6–8, Physical Sciences
Activity 28: What are digital images made of, and how are they produced, transmitted, and displayed?
Grade: 4, Physical Sciences
Activity 29: Why are most modern communication technologies digital?
Grades: 6–8, Physical Sciences
Section III Life Sciences
Activity 30: What are seeds and where are they found?
Grade: 1, Life Sciences
Activity 31: How do plants get the water they need to function and to grow?
Grade: 5, Life Sciences
Activity 32: How do we inhale and exhale and why is this process important?
Grades: 6–8, Life Sciences
Activity 33: What role do seeds play in a plant life cycle?
Grade: 3, Life Sciences
Activity 34: What are the stages in an insect life cycle?
Grade: 3, Life Sciences
Activity 35: Do plants need light to grow and stay healthy?
Grade: 2, Life Sciences
Activity 36: Is the air we breathe in the same as the air we breathe out?
Grades: 6–8, Life Sciences
Activity 37: How do sensory receptors respond to stimuli?
Grades: 6–8, Life Sciences
Activity 38: How do disruptions to an ecosystem affect its populations?
Grades: 6–8, Life Sciences
Activity 39: How do the social interactions and group behavior of ants and honeybees help to maintain their colonies?
Grade: 3, Life Sciences
Activity 40: In what ways do young animals resemble their parents?
Grade: 1, Life Sciences
Activity 41: How can mutations result in variation of traits?
Grades: 6–8, Life Sciences
Activity 42: How can fossils help us learn about life and environments long ago?
Grade: 3, Life Sciences
Activity 43: How does the environment influence populations of organisms over multiple generations?
Grades: 6–8, Life Sciences
Activity 44: How many different kinds of living things are in the habitats around our school?
Grade: 3, Life Sciences
Section IV Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 45: How does the position of the sun in the sky change throughout the day?
Grade: 1, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 46: How can we describe the positions of objects in the sky?
Grades: 6–8, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 47: How do shadows caused by the sun change during the day?
Grade: 5, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 48: How does the appearance of the moon’s shape change over time?
Grades: 6–8, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 49: How spread out are the planets in our solar system?
Grades: 6–8, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 50: What is core sampling, and how can we use it to infer patterns in rock layers in the Earth’s crust?
Grade: 4, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 51: How does the geologic time scale display scientists’ understanding of the history of Earth?
Grades: 6–8, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 52: How can living things produce forces that can change Earth’s surface?
Grade: 4, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 53: Which parts of Earth experience the most earthquakes?
Grade: 4, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 54: How have Earth’s plates moved over time?
Grades: 6–8, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 55: What part of Earth’s surface is covered by oceans?
Grade: 5, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 56: What is condensation? How does it occur?
Grades: 6–8, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 57: What are stalactites and stalagmites, and how are they formed?
Grades: 6–8, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 58: How does temperature vary from place to place and over time?
Grade: 3, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 59: How do organisms use and/or change the land, water, or air around them?
Grade: K, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 60: How do people use natural resources?
Grade: K, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 61: Where are mineral resources and fossil fuels found on our planet and why?
Grades: 6–8, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 62: What types of severe weather happen in our area?
Grade: K, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 63: How can maps of the distribution of natural hazards help scientists predict future occurrences?
Grades: 6–8, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 64: What is in our trash? How could we reduce the waste we create?
Grade: K, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 65: What are some effects of water pollution?
Grade: 5, Earth and Space Sciences
Activity 66: What will happen if Earth’s mean temperature continues to rise?
Grades: 6–8, Earth and Space Sciences
Section V Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science
Activity 67: How can we protect our eyes from the sun?
Grades: K–2, Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science
Activity 68: How can we use technology to keep our plants watered?
Grades: K–2, Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science
Activity 69: How can you improve your telephone?
Grades: K–2, Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science
Activity 70: How could you do product testing to determine which snow shovel is best?
Grades: 3–5, Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science
Activity 71: How can you make the best boat using a variety of materials?
Grades: 3–5, Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science
Activity 72: Which structures are most likely to withstand an earthquake?
Grades: 3–5, Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science
Activity 73: How can you design a healthy aquarium environment?
Grades: 3–5, Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science
Activity 74: How can you keep your soup hot?
Grades: 6–8, Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science
Activity 75: How can you design a “better” roller coaster?
Grades: 6–8, Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science
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Terry Contant,Joel Bass,Anne Tweed,Arthur Carin,Teaching Science,Inquiry Based
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