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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1305465385
ISBN 13: 9781305465381
Author: Sherri L. Jackson
Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach
RESEARCH METHODS AND STATISTICS: A CRITICAL THINKING APPROACH, 5th Edition, successfully illustrates the integration between statistics and research methods by demonstrating the ways to use statistics in analyzing data collected during research. Jackson’s combined text adopts an inviting narrative style that speaks directly to students and draws them into the material, helping them overcome the initial apprehension they may feel at having to learn both subject areas at once. Focusing on the logic of the process and the methodology aspect of research, Jackson incorporates a student-friendly critical-thinking approach and presents examples and exercises to which students can relate.
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Research Methods and Statistics A Critical Thinking Approach 5th Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Thinking like a Scientist
- Areas of Psychological Research
- Sources of Knowledge
- The Scientific (Critical Thinking) Approach and Psychology
- Basic and Applied Research
- Goals of Science
- Introduction to Research Methods
- Doing Science: Proof and Disproof
- The Research Process
- Summary and Study Guide
Chapter 2: Getting Started: Ideas, Resources, and Ethics
- Selecting a Research Problem
- Reviewing the Literature
- Reading Journal Articles
- Ethical Standards in Research:
- With Human Subjects
- With Children
- With Animals
- Summary and Study Guide
Chapter 3: Defining, Measuring, and Manipulating Variables
- Defining Variables
- Properties of Measurement
- Scales of Measurement
- Discrete vs. Continuous Variables
- Types of Measures
- Reliability and Validity
- The Relationship Between Reliability and Validity
- Summary and Study Guide
Chapter 4: Descriptive Methods
- Observational Methods
- Qualitative Methods
- Survey Methods
- Summary and Study Guide
Chapter 5: Data Organization and Descriptive Statistics
- Organizing Data
- Descriptive Statistics Overview
- Summary and Study Guide
- Statistical Software Resources
Chapter 6: Correlational Methods and Statistics
- Conducting Correlational Research
- Magnitude, Scatterplots, and Types of Relationships
- Misinterpreting Correlations
- Statistical Analysis of Correlations
- Advanced Correlational Techniques: Regression
- Summary and Study Guide
- Statistical Software Resources
Chapter 7: Probability and Hypothesis Testing
- Probability Theory
- Hypothesis Testing Overview
- Single-Sample Research and Inferential Statistics
- Summary and Study Guide
Chapter 8: Introduction to Inferential Statistics
- The z Test
- Confidence Intervals (z Distribution)
- The t Test and Its Applications
- Confidence Intervals (t Distribution)
- Statistical Significance and Correlation Coefficients
- Summary and Study Guide
- Statistical Software Resources
Chapter 9: Experimental Design and Analysis I: Between-Subjects Designs
- Two-Group Between-Subjects Designs
- Parametric Inferential Statistics for Two-Group Designs
- Summary and Study Guide
- Statistical Software Resources
Chapter 10: Experimental Design and Analysis II: Correlated-Groups Designs
- Correlated-Groups Designs
- Parametric Inferential Statistics for Two-Group Designs
- Summary and Study Guide
- Statistical Software Resources
Chapter 11: Experimental Design and Analysis III: Designs with More Than Two Levels of an Independent Variable
- Multiple-Level Independent Variable Designs
- Analyzing Multiple-Group Experiments with Parametric Statistics
- Summary and Study Guide
- Statistical Software Resources
Chapter 12: Experimental Design and Analysis IV: Complex Experimental Designs
- Using Designs with Multiple Independent Variables
- Statistical Analysis of Complex Experimental Designs
- Summary and Study Guide
- Statistical Software Resources
Chapter 13: Quasi-Experimental and Single-Case Designs
- Conducting Quasi-Experimental Research
- Types of Quasi-Experimental Designs
- Internal Validity and Confounds
- Statistical Analysis of Quasi-Experimental Designs
- Developmental Designs
- Conducting Single-Case Research
- Types of Single-Case Designs
- Summary and Study Guide
Chapter 14: Nonparametric Inferential Statistics
- The Chi-Square (X²) Goodness-of-Fit Test
- Chi-Square (X²) Test of Independence
- Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test
- Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test
- Kruskal-Wallis Test
- The Friedman Test
- Summary and Study Guide
- Statistical Software Resources
Chapter 15: APA Communication Guidelines
- Writing Clearly and Avoiding Grammatical Errors
- Reporting Numbers and Data
- Citing and Referencing
- Organizing the Paper
- APA Formatting Checklist
- Conference Presentations
- Summary and Study Guide
- Appendix A: Statistical Tables
- Appendix B: Computational Formulas for ANOVAs
- Appendix C: Answers to Odd-Numbered Chapter Exercises and All Review Exercises
- Appendix D: Getting Started with Excel, SPSS, and the TI-84 Calculator
- Appendix E: APA Sample Manuscript
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