Thermodynamics of Information Processing in Small Systems 1st edition by Takahiro Sagawa – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 4431541675, 978-4431541677
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ISBN 10: 4431541675
ISBN 13: 978-4431541677
Author: Takahiro Sagawa
This thesis presents a general theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics for information processing. Ever since Maxwell’s demon was proposed in the nineteenth century, the relationship between thermodynamics and information has attracted much attention because it concerns the foundation of the second law of thermodynamics. From the modern point of view, Maxwell’s demon is formulated as an information processing device that performs measurement and feedback at the level of thermal fluctuations. By unifying information theory, measurement theory, and the recently developed theory of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, the author has constructed a theory of “information thermodynamics,” in which information contents and thermodynamic variables are treated on an equal footing. In particular, the maximum work that can be extracted by the demon and the minimum work that is needed for measurement and information erasure by the demon has been determined. Additionally, generalizations of nonequilibrium relations such as a Jarzynski equality for classical stochastic systems in the presence of feedback control have been derived. One of the generalized equalities has recently been verified experimentally by using sub-micron colloidal particles. The results obtained serve as fundamental principles for information processing in small thermodynamic systems, and are applicable to nanomachines and nanodevices.
Thermodynamics of Information Processing in Small Systems 1st Table of cont
Introduction to Thermodynamics and Information Theory
- Overview of the relationship between thermodynamics and information theory
- Basic concepts in thermodynamics: Entropy, energy, and work
- Introduction to information theory: Entropy in information, Shannon entropy
Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics
- Classical statistical mechanics: Ensembles and partition functions
- Boltzmann’s entropy and the connection to thermodynamic quantities
- The microscopic view of systems: States, probabilities, and distributions
Information in Physical Systems
- The concept of information in a physical context
- Quantifying information in systems and processes
- The role of measurement in information processing
Fluctuations and Small Systems
- Thermodynamic fluctuations in small systems
- The role of noise in small-scale systems and information processing
- Stochastic thermodynamics: Fluctuation theorems and their implications
The Landauer Principle and the Cost of Computation
- The relationship between computation, entropy, and energy dissipation
- Landauer’s principle: Minimum energy cost of information erasure
- Reversible and irreversible computing processes
Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Information Processing
- Thermodynamics of systems out of equilibrium
- Nonequilibrium steady states and their relevance to information processing
- The role of feedback in nonequilibrium systems
Maxwell’s Demon and Information as a Physical Quantity
- Discussion of Maxwell’s demon in light of modern thermodynamics
- The concept of information as a form of energy
- The role of information in reducing entropy in a system
Quantum Thermodynamics and Information
- Introduction to quantum information theory
- Quantum entanglement, coherence, and their thermodynamic implications
- Quantum versions of the Landauer principle and related results
Applications of Thermodynamics of Information Processing
- Biological systems as examples of small-scale information processors
- Molecular machines and the role of information in cellular processes
- Information processing in nanosystems and quantum computing
Challenges and Future Directions
- Open questions in the thermodynamics of information
- Potential directions for future research in small systems and information processing
- Technological implications: From quantum computing to energy-efficient computation
- Summary of key ideas
- Reflection on the implications for the future of thermodynamics and information science
- A list of references, papers, and further reading related to the thermodynamics of information.
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Takahiro Sagawa,Information Processing,Small Systems
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