Western Civilization A Brief History Volume II 11th Edition by Marvin Perry – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:1305091477, 978-1305091474
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Product details:
ISBN 10: 1305091477
ISBN 13: 978-1305091474
Author: Marvin Perry
WESTERN CIVILIZATION: A BRIEF HISTORY, Eleventh Edition, offers a concise introduction to political, cultural, and intellectual history. Easy to read and updated with recent scholarship, the Eleventh Edition retains many popular features, including comparative timelines, full-color art essays, and primary source boxes in each chapter. New technology resources (available separately), including MindTap―featuring the interactive MindTap Reader eBook and a variety of web apps―make learning about history more engaging.
Table of contents:
Introduction: The Foundations of Western Civilization
Part 3. The Rise of Modernity: From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment 1350–1789
Chapter 8. Transition to the Modern Age: Renaissance and Reformation
Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance
The Renaissance Outlook
A Revolution in Political Thought
Renaissance Art
The Spread of the Renaissance
Erasmian Humanism
French and English Humanism
The Renaissance and the Modern Age
Background to the Reformation: The Medieval Church in Crisis
The Lutheran Revolt
The Break with Catholicism
The Appeal and Spread of Lutheranism
The Spread of the Reformation
The Radical Reformation
The Catholic Response
The Reformation and the Modern Age
Chapter 9. Political and Economic Transformation: National States, Overseas Expansion, Commercial Revolution
Toward the Modern State
Hapsburg Spain
Ferdinand and Isabella
The Reign of Charles V, King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor
Philip II
The End of the Spanish Hapsburgs
The Growth of French Power
Religion and the French State
The Consolidation of French Monarchical Power
The Growth of Limited Monarchy and Constitutionalism in England
The Tudor Achievement
The English Revolution, 1640–1660 and 1688–1689
The Holy Roman Empire: The Failure to Unify Germany
European Expansion
Forces Behind the Expansion
The Portuguese Empire
The Spanish Empire
Black Slavery and the Slave Trade
The Price Revolution
The Expansion of Agriculture
The Expansion of Trade and Industry
Innovations in Business
Different Patterns of Commercial Development
The Fostering of Mercantile Capitalism
Toward a Global Economy
Chapter 10. Intellectual Transformation: The Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment
The Medieval View of the Universe
A New View of Nature
Nicolaus Copernicus: The Dethronement of the Earth
Galileo: Uniformity of Nature and Experimental Physics
Attack on Authority
Johannes Kepler: Laws of Planetary Motion
The Newtonian Synthesis
Prophets of Modern Science
Francis Bacon: The Inductive Method
René Descartes: The Deductive Method
The Meaning of the Scientific Revolution
The Age of Enlightenment: Affirmation of Reason and Freedom
Christianity Assailed: The Search for a Natural Religion
Political Thought
Seventeenth-Century Antecedents: Hobbes and Locke
Social and Economic Thought
Epistemology, Psychology, and Education
Freedom of Conscience and Thought
Laissez-Faire Economics
The Idea of Progress
Conflicts and Politics
Warfare and Revolution
Enlightened Despotism
The Enlightenment and the Modern Mentality
Part 4. The Modern West: Progress and Breakdown 1789–1914
Chapter 11. The Era of the French Revolution: Affirmation of Liberty and Equality
The Old Regime
The First Estate
The Second Estate
The Third Estate
Inefficient Administration and Financial Disorder
The Roles of the Enlightenment and the American Revolution
A Bourgeois Revolution?
The Moderate Stage, 1789–1791
Formation of the National Assembly
Storming of the Bastille
The Great Fear
October Days
Reforms of the National Assembly
The Radical Stage, 1792–1794
The Sans-Culottes
Foreign Invasion
The Jacobins
The Nation in Arms
The Republic of Virtue and the Reign of Terror
The Fall of Robespierre
Napoleon and France: Return to Autocratic Rule
An Enlightened Despot
Legal, Educational, and Financial Policies
Napoleon and Europe: Diffusion of Revolutionary Institutions
The Fall of Napoleon
Failure to Subdue England
The Spanish Ulcer
Disaster in Russia
The German War of Liberation
Final Defeat
The Meaning of the French Revolution
Chapter 12. The Industrial Revolution: The Transformation of Society
Britain First
Changes in Technology
Society Transformed
Changes in Social Structure
Working-Class Life
The Rise of Reform in Britain
Responses to Industrialization
Early Socialism
Industrialism in Perspective
Chapter 13. Thought and Culture in the Early Nineteenth Century
Romanticism: A New Cultural Orientation
Exalting Imagination and Feelings
Nature, God, History
The Impact of the Romantic Movement
German Idealism
The Challenge Posed by Hume’s Empiricism
Immanuel Kant
G. W. F. Hegel
Conservatism: The Value of Tradition
Hostility to the French Revolution
The Quest for Social Stability
Liberalism: The Value of the Individual
The Sources of Liberalism
Individual Liberty
Liberalism and Democracy
Nationalism: The Sacredness of the Nation
The Emergence of Modern Nationalism
Nationalism and Liberalism
Chapter 14. Surge of Liberalism and Nationalism: Revolution, Counterrevolution, and Unification
The Congress of Vienna
Statesmen and Issues
The Settlement
Revolutions, 1820–1829
Revolutions, 1830–1832
The Revolutions of 1848: France
The February Revolution
The June Days: Revolution of the Oppressed
The Revolutions of 1848: Germany, Austria, and Italy
The German States: Liberalism Discredited
Austria: Hapsburg Dominance
Italy: Continued Fragmentation
The Revolutions of 1848: An Assessment
The Unification of Italy
Mazzini: The Soul of the Risorgimento
Cavour and Victory over Austria
Garibaldi and Victory in the South
Italian Unification Completed
The Unification of Germany
Prussia, Agent of Unification
Bismarck and the Road to Unity
Nationality Problems in the Hapsburg Empire
Chapter 15. Thought and Culture in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: Realism, Positivism, Darwinism, and Social Criticism
Realism and Naturalism
Natural Selection
Darwinism and Christianity
Social Darwinism
Religion in a Secular Age
A Science of History
Class Conflict
The Destruction of Capitalism
Critics of Marx
Liberalism in Transition
John Stuart Mill
Thomas Hill Green
Feminism: Extending the Principle of Equality
Chapter 16. Europe in the Late Nineteenth Century: Modernization, Nationalism, Imperialism
The Advance of Industry
Accelerated Urbanization
The Rise of Socialist Parties
Great Britain: Reform and Unrest
Social Reform
Feminist Agitation
The Irish Question
France: A Troubled Nation
Germany: The Power State
Italy: Unfulfilled Expectations
Russia: Tsarist Autocracy
The Rise of Racial Nationalism
Volkish Thought
Anti-Semitism: The Power and Danger of Mythical Thinking
The Emergence of the New Imperialism
Control and Resistance
European Domination of Asia
The Scramble for Africa
The Berlin Conference
The British in Africa
Other European Countries in Africa
The Legacy of Imperialism
Chapter 17. Modern Consciousness: New Views of Nature, Human Nature, and the Arts
Freud: A New View of Human Nature
Social Thought: Confronting the Irrational and the Complexities of Modern Society
The Modernist Movement
Breaking with Conventional Modes of Esthetics
Modern Art
Modern Physics
The Enlightenment Tradition in Disarray
Part 5. Western Civilization in Crisis: World Wars and Totalitarianism 1914–1945
Chapter 18. World War I: The West in Despair
Aggravated Nationalist Tensions in Austria-Hungary
The German System of Alliances
The New German Empire
Bismarck’s Goals
The Triple Entente
Fear of Germany
German Reactions
The Drift Toward War
The Bosnian Crisis
Balkan Wars
Assassination of Francis Ferdinand
Germany Encourages Austria
The Question of Responsibility
War as Celebration
Stalemate in the West
Other Fronts
The Collapse of the Central Powers
American Entry
Germany’s Last Offensive
The Peace Conference
Wilson’s Hope for a New World
Problems of Peacemaking
The Settlement
Assessment and Problems
The Russian Revolution of 1917
The Problems of the Provisional Government
Lenin and the Rise of Bolshevism
Lenin’s Opportunity
The Bolsheviks Survive
The War and European Consciousness
Art as History: The Renaissance to the Present
Chapter 19. An Era of Totalitarianism
The Nature of Totalitarianism
Communist Russia
War Communism and the New Economic Policy
One-Party Dictatorship
The Stalin Revolution
Modernizing Russia: Industrialization and Collectivization
Total Control
The Nature and Appeal of Fascism
The Rise of Fascism in Italy
Postwar Unrest
Mussolini’s Seizure of Power
The Fascist State in Italy
The New German Republic
Threats from Left and Right
Economic Crisis
Fundamental Weaknesses of the Weimar Republic
The Rise of Hitler
The Nazi Party
Hitler’s Worldview
Hitler Gains Power
Nazi Germany
The Leader-State
Shaping the “New Man”
Mass Support
Liberalism and Authoritarianism in Other Lands
The Spread of Authoritarianism
The Western Democracies
Intellectuals and Artists in Troubled Times
Postwar Pessimism
Literature and Art: Innovation, Disillusionment, and Social Commentary
Communism: “The God That Failed”
Reaffirming the Christian Worldview
Reaffirming the Ideals of Reason and Freedom
The Modern Predicament
Chapter 20. World War II: Western Civilization in the Balance
The Road to War
British and French Foreign Policies
Breakdown of Peace
The Nazi Blitzkrieg
The Conquest of Poland
The Fall of France
The Battle of Britain
The Invasion of Russia
The New Order
Exploitation and Terror
The Holocaust
The Turn of the Tide
The Japanese Offensive
Defeat of the Axis Powers
The Legacy of World War II
Part 6. The Contemporary World
Chapter 21. Europe After World War II: Recovery and Realignment, 1945–1989
The Cold War
Cold War Mobilization
An Early Confrontation: The Korean War
The Vietnam War
Building a New Europe: Unity and Recovery
Great Britain and France
Italy and Germany
The Soviet Bloc
Stalin’s Last Years
Changes in Eastern Europe
The Gorbachev Years
The End of the Cold War
The Collapse of Communism
The Death of an Ideal?
Chapter 22. The Troubled Present
The Post-Cold War World
Post-Communist Russia and the Former Soviet Republics
Central and Eastern Europe after 1989
The European Union
New and Old Problems: Muslim Immigration and the Resurgence of Anti-Semitism
Muslim Immigration
Resurgence of Anti-Semitism
Culture Clash, Terrorism, and War
Our Global Age: Promise and Problems
Reaffirming the Core Ideals of the Western Tradition
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Marvin Perry,Western Civilization,History,Volume II
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